View Full Version : help!

06-23-2013, 04:51 AM
Im generally a worrier and for years I have been back and forth the drs and ER room about pains usually it was a stitch feeling under my left breast. But april this year I had the worst experience of my life and I havent been myself since, I rushed into hospital because my heart was racing and I felt like I was gunna passout or something, my heart rate was 169. No problem was found I had ECG and loads of bloods that day and everything was fine they put it down to a panic/anxiety attack. Now Im scred of everything mainly health related things, I feel like im gunna have a heart attack or something serious. Bear in mind its 3 months since it happend, since then I have had around 12 ECG's about 3 chest xrays, and about 12 blood tests and everything comes back normal,

I havent been diagnosed with anxiety but drs said its the most likely cause, and another.dr also thinks I have gastric reflux, so I could possibly have both im on a 7 month waiting list for a 24 hour ECG which im annoyed about as it makes me.think the drs aint taking it seriously. Making me wait in fear for that long.

My newest fear is now having a blood clot! Who else fears this ? I just want my brain to stop controlling these fears and stop feeding whatever it is with these fears.

Im only 19, I want to live a little, but cant :(

06-23-2013, 05:19 AM
I go through heart worries as well after losing my Dad, have had all those tests as well and all come up clear. That itself is a pretty sure sign of anxiety.

If you had anything wrong, all those blood tests and ECGs would have caught it, and if they thought anything serious was at hand, you would not be put on a 7month waiting list for a simple test, they would have you set up with a cardiologist right away and have stress tests, echos etc performed within hours/days.

Fear is all it is, the more you feed it by fearing it, the bigger its going to grow, tell the fear to go f**k itself and start doing things you enjoy, it's HARD at first, but the more you starve that fear, the faster is dies.

Trust your docs, what you're going though is anxiety, your worst fears cannot happen.

06-23-2013, 05:23 AM
Hello there :) I'm Emma I've had anxiety panic attacks since I was 17 I'm now 38 so I have a lot of Experience with them on and off over the years,believe me over the years I've had them I think I have had every test done and with every panic and pain it would be the worst outcome,oh that pain in my head is a blood clot etc,but please believe me all that your Experiencing is all anxiety nothing more,it's taken me years an years to work out this,I've wasted so many years thinking I'm going to die and yet in still here lol believe me nothing is wrong with you,no one can die from a panic attack and you won't just die,I hope this makes you relax that in my Experience and Knowledge of anxiety over the years nothing has happened no matter how bad the panic attack :)

06-23-2013, 05:25 AM
I go through heart worries as well after losing my Dad, have had all those tests as well and all come up clear. That itself is a pretty sure sign of anxiety.

If you had anything wrong, all those blood tests and ECGs would have caught it, and if they thought anything serious was at hand, you would not be put on a 7month waiting list for a simple test, they would have you set up with a cardiologist right away and have stress tests, echos etc performed within hours/days.

Fear is all it is, the more you feed it by fearing it, the bigger its going to grow, tell the fear to go f**k itself and start doing things you enjoy, it's HARD at first, but the more you starve that fear, the faster is dies.

Trust your docs, what you're going though is anxiety, your worst fears cannot happen.

I know im 90% sure im fine deep down but constant aches and pains make it hard to forget or leave go of how im feeling. Im off on holidays in 2 weeks and im scared a little because I dont want anything going wrong while im over there :(

Thankyou for your advice.
What pains do you get ?

06-23-2013, 05:29 AM
I know im 90% sure im fine deep down but constant aches and pains make it hard to forget or leave go of how im feeling. Im off on holidays in 2 weeks and im scared a little because I dont want anything going wrong while im over there :(

Thankyou for your advice.
What pains do you get ?

I'm sure that once you go, you'll be fine. I find that if I worry about going somewhere, when I'm there I'm totally fine and I wonder why I worried so much. I deal with the usual chest pains, arm pains, left or right sided headache and tension headaches mostly, I've learned though that I have felt these for over a year now and I'm completely fine, so the fear over them is gradually decreasing.

06-23-2013, 05:32 AM
Hello there :) I'm Emma I've had anxiety panic attacks since I was 17 I'm now 38 so I have a lot of Experience with them on and off over the years,believe me over the years I've had them I think I have had every test done and with every panic and pain it would be the worst outcome,oh that pain in my head is a blood clot etc,but please believe me all that your Experiencing is all anxiety nothing more,it's taken me years an years to work out this,I've wasted so many years thinking I'm going to die and yet in still here lol believe me nothing is wrong with you,no one can die from a panic attack and you won't just die,I hope this makes you relax that in my Experience and Knowledge of anxiety over the years nothing has happened no matter how bad the panic attack :)

Hello Emma, this is very reassuring, I think I worry more about it because my great grandfather and my nan have had heart attacks so I feel like im more prone to them even though at my age dr say it.is very very unlikely, im a little overweight so the drs say I have no.other factors that would bring on a heart attack apart from.being a little overweight and even with just that its unlikely at my age, I know drs base everything on weight these days but im unfergoing blood tests as ive tried everything with the drs to try and lose weight, so they said something physically may be stopping me. So fingers crossed It can be sorted so I can loose weight and be more healthy so it will make me.feel better. I feel for u having to deal with it so long. Everyday im like am.i going to die today? But everyday I wake up so I thanks god for that blessing.

I hope one day anxiety will go away for all of us :( xx

06-23-2013, 05:47 AM
Hello Emma, this is very reassuring, I think I worry more about it because my great grandfather and my nan have had heart attacks so I feel like im more prone to them even though at my age dr say it.is very very unlikely, im a little overweight so the drs say I have no.other factors that would bring on a heart attack apart from.being a little overweight and even with just that its unlikely at my age, I know drs base everything on weight these days but im unfergoing blood tests as ive tried everything with the drs to try and lose weight, so they said something physically may be stopping me. So fingers crossed It can be sorted so I can loose weight and be more healthy so it will make me.feel better. I feel for u having to deal with it so long. Everyday im like am.i going to die today? But everyday I wake up so I thanks god for that blessing.

I hope one day anxiety will go away for all of us :( xx

Ok Firstly let me Explain that Technology and test these days can Pick up and detect any heart etc Problem,if your doctor thought in any way you had a Heart problem or what ever you will
Be sent for tests,I'm
Not skinny to but please be Reassured you will
Be fine,enjoy your life,enjoy being young as I know how much time I've wasted due to Anxiety and even tho I've had it for years it's not beat me and won't :)

06-23-2013, 05:59 AM
Ok Firstly let me Explain that Technology and test these days can Pick up and detect any heart etc Problem,if your doctor thought in any way you had a Heart problem or what ever you will
Be sent for tests,I'm
Not skinny to but please be Reassured you will
Be fine,enjoy your life,enjoy being young as I know how much time I've wasted due to Anxiety and even tho I've had it for years it's not beat me and won't :)

I know im tryung to reassure myself all the time from the tests, just the mind is a powerful thing as you would know :( thankyou for your kind words :) making me.feel.alot better xx

06-23-2013, 06:01 AM
I'm sure that once you go, you'll be fine. I find that if I worry about going somewhere, when I'm there I'm totally fine and I wonder why I worried so much. I deal with the usual chest pains, arm pains, left or right sided headache and tension headaches mostly, I've learned though that I have felt these for over a year now and I'm completely fine, so the fear over them is gradually decreasing.

Yes its my first holiday so im anlittle.bit cautious. But im sure when I get tuere I will be fine xx im still new to these recent pain but haveming them.for 3 months is reassuring for me too . If something was to.hppen it would happen.by now I suppose xx