View Full Version : Blood pressure question

06-22-2013, 11:10 PM
I just took my BP and its 98/68. Is that dangerous? Normal for me is 110/65. I do take BP meds, but not for high blood pressure, its to control the speed of my heart rate.

06-22-2013, 11:28 PM
Not dangerous, this would be considered "low normal". Nothing to worry about, especially if your norm is 110/65, since it's not a large drop.

06-22-2013, 11:32 PM
Not dangerous, this would be considered "low normal". Nothing to worry about, especially if your norm is 110/65, since it's not a large drop.

Thanks. I think I'm just nervous because I'm also having the feel like I could pass out symptom. But I'm also laying in bed getting ready to sleep. So I could just be tired I guess.

06-22-2013, 11:41 PM
Going through the same thing right now, just have to keep telling ourselves its anxiety and it cannot and will not hurt us.

06-24-2013, 11:26 AM
My doctor diagnosed me with chronic high blood pressure because every time I would be in to see her it would be elevated (130's over 90's). I tried to explain to her that I get horrible anxiety, and always have, at the doctor, dentist...anything like that...not to mention the fact that I'm experiencing other anxiety and physical symptoms that are making me more tense, and the fact that I'm extremely uncomfortable and un-trusting of this lady...but that when I check it normally it isn't high at all (117/65-ish). She told me, "High blood pressure is high blood pressure," and that when she goes to the doctor her blood pressure doesn't go up, so no, I was wrong, and have hypertension. O_o I just don't buy that your blood pressure doesn't fluctuate based on your level of anxiety in a certain situation!

06-25-2013, 10:38 AM
My doctor diagnosed me with chronic high blood pressure because every time I would be in to see her it would be elevated (130's over 90's). I tried to explain to her that I get horrible anxiety, and always have, at the doctor, dentist...anything like that...not to mention the fact that I'm experiencing other anxiety and physical symptoms that are making me more tense, and the fact that I'm extremely uncomfortable and un-trusting of this lady...but that when I check it normally it isn't high at all (117/65-ish). She told me, "High blood pressure is high blood pressure," and that when she goes to the doctor her blood pressure doesn't go up, so no, I was wrong, and have hypertension. O_o I just don't buy that your blood pressure doesn't fluctuate based on your level of anxiety in a certain situation!

That doc is full of BS. First off numbers of 130's over 90's are not considered chronic high bp. It could be considered pre hypertensive though, IF it is consistently around that reading. In your case, you said that it is normally in the normal range. Look up 'white coat syndrome'. I get that too, but when I track my bp at home, it is normal. There was a point when I TRULY had high BP...I'm talking like 186/ 110-120. I was placed on a bp med....and cut out a lot of salt and added more exercise. ...now I've been able to get off of the meds. Seriously, you have every right not to trust that doc....she plain doesn't know what she's talking about. If she was a good doc, and not just trying to most likely throw a bp med your way....she would ask you to track your bp everyday for the next two weeks then bring in your results.Thwy would also ask that yoy bring in your BP machine and use it when they do your bp check along with the crosscheck on their machine. Sorry for the typos, I'm on my phone.

06-25-2013, 10:47 AM
That doc is full of BS. First off numbers of 130's over 90's are not considered chronic high bp. It could be considered pre hypertensive though, IF it is consistently around that reading. In your case, you said that it is normally in the normal range. Look up 'white coat syndrome'. I get that too, but when I track my bp at home, it is normal. There was a point when I TRULY had high BP...I'm talking like 186/ 110-120. I was placed on a bp med....and cut out a lot of salt and added more exercise. ...now I've been able to get off of the meds. Seriously, you have every right not to trust that doc....she plain doesn't know what she's talking about. If she was a good doc, and not just trying to most likely throw a bp med your way....she would ask you to track your bp everyday for the next two weeks then bring in your results.Thwy would also ask that yoy bring in your BP machine and use it when they do your bp check along with the crosscheck on their machine. Sorry for the typos, I'm on my phone.

Oh, good! I'm glad I'm not insane! Seeing her was definitely contributing to some of the anxiety I was having at that point...you're going to a doctor, who is supposed to be a professional and know better than you do about what might be going on, or at least be committed to helping their patients try and figure out what is going on, whether it be physical or anxiety related, and I felt like I was talking to a wall. This is the same woman that told me she wished she could get depression and anxiety so she could lose weight (because I'd lost about 10 pounds in under a week). Needless to say, I was less than thrilled with her and decided to switch providers, which pissed her off...I also filed a complaint with the clinic because I thought she acted rather inappropriately, both with the comments she was making and with her attitude when I told her I was planning on switching to another doctor (...she said, "Well what are you seeing me for then?" and got huffy before she walked out without another word and told the nurse to cancel all further follow up appointments with her...) Now I'm waiting to see my new doctor on July 9...hoping that goes better!

06-25-2013, 11:42 AM
Oh, good! I'm glad I'm not insane! Seeing her was definitely contributing to some of the anxiety I was having at that point...you're going to a doctor, who is supposed to be a professional and know better than you do about what might be going on, or at least be committed to helping their patients try and figure out what is going on, whether it be physical or anxiety related, and I felt like I was talking to a wall. This is the same woman that told me she wished she could get depression and anxiety so she could lose weight (because I'd lost about 10 pounds in under a week). Needless to say, I was less than thrilled with her and decided to switch providers, which pissed her off...I also filed a complaint with the clinic because I thought she acted rather inappropriately, both with the comments she was making and with her attitude when I told her I was planning on switching to another doctor (...she said, "Well what are you seeing me for then?" and got huffy before she walked out without another word and told the nurse to cancel all further follow up appointments with her...) Now I'm waiting to see my new doctor on July 9...hoping that goes better!

Yeah, I think you made the right decision. Not every doc has the best 'bedside manner'. I can think of two doctors right now that had terrible bedside manner and one that was downright creepy. Here's a suggestion though. ...track your bp once a day until your appointment if you have a bp monitor. Also write down the time you take it each day. Take those results in witg you to your appt, it will really give tge doc all he or she needs to make an educated decision. Hope it goes better for you next time!!!!!