View Full Version : Hangover

06-22-2013, 11:32 AM
Hi all,

Had my first proper hangover in 10 years today. Started with headaches then dizziness. Then I was vomitting for 3 hours. Now i'm just experiencing the strangest body aches and pains. Understandably my throat is sore, but these aches and pains are utterly bizarre. I know it's just the hangover taking it's toll on my body but it's not doing my anxiety any favours. The pains come and go, so it's nothing serious, even though when I was vomitting I was getting chest pains and stomach pains. Obviously exerting myself, but I felt so paranoid and stupidly googled pains after vomitting and wound up finding life threatning conditions... bah, it didn't help.

Even though I've had no end of daily aches and pains from anxiety for over 2.5 years these aches are totally alien to me in terms of how they feel. Sometimes they feel quite constricting, almost like someone is strangling me round the throat or asgainst my stomach and chest. Really bizarre. But I suppose it makes sense. Having aches every single day from anxiety in all parts of my body, with all sorts of intensities and durations it stands to reason now i'm hungover and my body is recovering that it's having a field day in terms of aches and pains.

I'm drinking plenty of fluids. Haven't managed to eat much today so that's no doubt adding the the drawn out muscle fatigue. Any recommendations? My stomach is still feeling rather delicate so I don't want to go overboard.

I know an early night is on the cards. Only got 6 hours. Managed another hour or so during the day. Thankfully when I woke up after my nap the nasuea had disappeared.

Note to self, never drink again.


06-22-2013, 12:28 PM
Yeah I had to give up drinking years ago for that reason. It really would do a number on my body and anxiety. As far as what to do i'd say sleep it off. Try to at least drink some gatorade and maybe some gingerale. For food you could start off with saltine crackers. Both the crackers and gingerale are very easy on the stomach. The gatorade will help with electrolytes.