View Full Version : The mind is a powerful thing x

06-22-2013, 05:32 AM
Since my anxiety started when I was 17 I'm now (38) I think I have had every Disease and illness going lol yes I can now laugh at this because its not untill Recently I have now Realised that I don't have any kind of illness and that pain in my head is not a brain tumor or blood clot that's going to kill me,but it's the anxiety trying to make me believe that it is,I've had dizzy spells, Tremors, Pins and needles, Palpitations and the list goes on and on,I've had really bad anxiety attacks over the years where I have thought I'm going to pass out and yet no I have not no matter how real it felt at the time or how bad my panic attacks got,what I'm trying to say is yes I have had dark thoughts the last three weeks that have Flaming freaked me the hell out,BUT the silver Lining for me on this is I know they will go
And I also now know I will beat this because the Original fear I've had for so many year I no longer believe,it's a lie just like my thoughts,I thought I would post this as had given me such a Positive outlook for my future and I hope may help others in there Quest to self recovery
Thank you for taking your time to read this
Emma :)

Christopher H.
06-22-2013, 06:43 AM
Great to see that you are determined to overcome your anxiety and that you are very positive about it. I hope that this positive feeling hangs on with you all the way till the end and manages to overcome any negative bumps you may encounter. It feels good to know that there are people out there who are bettering themselves and it gives me hope about my current situation. Its also quite refreshing to see someone with a positive outlook on their situation. I unfortunately I'm more of a hard core pessimist myself. Anyways thanks for sharing your story miss and I know that you will beat this thing without a hitch. I wish you the best of luck!

06-22-2013, 07:06 AM
Great to see that you are determined to overcome your anxiety and that you are very positive about it. I hope that this positive feeling hangs on with you all the way till the end and manages to overcome any negative bumps you may encounter. It feels good to know that there are people out there who are bettering themselves and it gives me hope about my current situation. Its also quite refreshing to see someone with a positive outlook on their situation. I unfortunately I'm more of a hard core pessimist myself. Anyways thanks for sharing your story miss and I know that you will beat this thing without a hitch. I wish you the best of luck!

Thank you Christopher :) I thought I would post my feelings and thoughts at this time as like you said it's good to know not everything is dark and grey with anxiety :) happy thoughts and well wishes to you x

06-22-2013, 08:10 AM
Great advice Chris ! Giving advice makes you stronger I believe ,because you think about following your own advice! :)

EM1....You're right! The mind is a powerful thing and can mess up your body real bad as we all know. But think about it......If our minds are so powerful, we can use them to completely heal our bodies and not think so erratic and foolish!
I do know that most times we need meds to get us thinking normally again, until we can maintain that sensible thought process without the meds.....
The mind is powerful..... yes, lets use it to help us! :)

Take Care!

06-22-2013, 08:17 AM
I'm happy that this is going to help anyone think positive :)