View Full Version : Tired of this fear
06-21-2013, 11:46 AM
For the past two years my major fear is having a heart attack or some kind of cardiac problem. Last year I had almost every heart test done and I am told my heart is fine. Off and on sometimes I get cp or sharp pains in my left arm but I am still told its nothing to worry about, I just wish my mind would believe it. I am only 26 and I am convinced that I won't have a long life.
06-21-2013, 11:49 AM
I'm also 26 and am in the same boat. I took myself to the ER earlier this week because of the pain/aching in my left arm and hand and left side of my chest...they did an EKG which was fine, and I'd already had a full blood panel done by my primary which was also fine. I've never experienced such fears about health problems in my life...turning into a hypochondriac and HATING it!
For me its different. I would go through hell and back before dying. Thats why im afraid of being sick and dying.
06-21-2013, 12:28 PM
Ohhh but you will be ok! Had the same thing in my 20s and ummm well I am 47 now. Trust your doctors! They did not spend thousands of dollars going years and years to collage, then internship just to mess with you! They know what they're are doing and you need to trust them! You are fueling the anxiety with you FEAR! Causing more symptoms! That simple. Because chest pain is a symptom of anxiety because you are tense, and your muscles will tighten up, and maybe your heart will race, because your thinking about you heart, you start to freak out more! Now your arms are numb, because your adrenaline is flowing, and you are thinking even more bad thoughts! And so on and so on! You need to stop it at the beginning! Get to know the sensations of ANXIETY! Not heart attack! Only you can do this! Our minds are very powerful! Use it to heal yourself! You want your life back... Get it back! Grab it by the balls and show who is boss! Change your thinking pattern! Refuse to die well on this heart attack thing, and move forward! If your heart was bad doctors would know it, not to mention you wouldn't be here right now! I have seen people with sever heart problems. And your symptoms dose not compare to there's , why? Because its anxiety! I myself has mitral valve prolapse that's what they found when I was in my 20s from all the test I had, and I had more testing , oh huh about 5 years ago. And there was no more signs of the MVP! Witch means it just kinda healed itself. My current blood work says I fine, and my cholesterol is perfect! I know when my heart starts to race that it is anxiety! And I INTERVENE, when the problems start I take action in calming myself! Knowing what it is, and knowing why it is, and what it wants! I just don't feed it with thoughts, and it goes away! The end!
06-21-2013, 12:58 PM
Well I am 30 and when I was 29 I had every test known to man done on my heart. I had stress, echo, ekg, ultra sound carotid artery scan or something and I even had Berkley heart lab test which cost me a
lot of money since my insurance decided I was to young to have this test, UGH But it all came back as sinus tachycardia. What that means is stress/anxiety causing my heart rate to increase and it made my heart beat faster which makes the heart not fully fill back up with blood when its pumping and made me have these pains. It pretty much is like when your muscles get dehydrated and they spaz a bit. Well the heart is not getting the blood flow it needs and it spaz a bit which hurts. There is not one thing you can do about it. It will not hurt you. Control your breathing and calm yourself down. Believe it or not it helped. I haven't had pains in a long time. But now that I am dealing with a different kind of anxiety, one that makes me live constantly nervous like 24/7. Its different this time. No pains just worry.
06-21-2013, 01:28 PM
Been there! I was having chest pain about 3 years. I was so paranoid about it I started long distance running, then I had it checked out and they couldn't find anything at all. I did the treadmill test where they do ekg's at the same time and the tech's were looking at me like I was nuts because they couldn't get my heart rate high enough even with the treadmill at fill speed. They even asked me why I was there, lol.
I know now what the issue was, anxiety over work. Eventually the symptoms went away. I still get it once in a while though when I'm under pressure, but at this point the symptoms are different even though the cause is the same.
06-21-2013, 02:39 PM
Been there! I was having chest pain about 3 years. I was so paranoid about it I started long distance running, then I had it checked out and they couldn't find anything at all. I did the treadmill test where they do ekg's at the same time and the tech's were looking at me like I was nuts because they couldn't get my heart rate high enough even with the treadmill at fill speed. They even asked me why I was there, lol.
I know now what the issue was, anxiety over work. Eventually the symptoms went away. I still get it once in a while though when I'm under pressure, but at this point the symptoms are different even though the cause is the same.
First of all, love the name! I forgot I also wore a heart monitor for 30 days. It was weird because they wanted to rule everything out. I guess that showed the most because after that was when they diagnosed me. It is crazy what we can tell our body is happening to us. I hate it! I still have the occasional high heart rate but nothing like before.
06-21-2013, 09:35 PM
I can relate. one of the ways my anxiety manifests is chest pain, arm pain, and a whole bunch of other lovely symptoms. But the chest and arm pain can last for hours. I know it's anxiety because Xanax takes it away and it comes back when it wears off. I had all those tests several times starting at age 27 when i wound up in the ER after I'm 40 now and after a 5 year break from any attacks, they are starting again. I've always had a fear of dying young, probably because my grandmother died in her 40's.
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