View Full Version : No reason

06-21-2013, 11:33 AM
I've been suffering with anxiety and its symptoms for 3 months now. And I've yet to know why?? They say finding the root of your anxiety can help it go away, but i have no reason, at least not at a conscious level. Im nervous for no reason! I'm
Not worried about anything ??? My life was good up untill that point. Just came out if the blue one day. What gives? Anyone else gone or going thru this?? Is it my sub-conscious ?

06-21-2013, 11:57 AM
It is your sub conscious mind! If you have no pinpoint reason, like me then it can be accumulation of a bunch of things! And because you are probably a deep thinker like most of us. You are prone to this! Just being a self awarer, the inner self! Like I am. You may have just been born that way! Sometimes there is family history as well! Make sure you see a doctor if haven't yet! And rule out any thing else! Learn as much as can about anxiety, and changing the way you think.

06-21-2013, 12:46 PM
It is your sub conscious mind! If you have no pinpoint reason, like me then it can be accumulation of a bunch of things! And because you are probably a deep thinker like most of us. You are prone to this! Just being a self awarer, the inner self! Like I am. You may have just been born that way! Sometimes there is family history as well! Make sure you see a doctor if haven't yet! And rule out any thing else! Learn as much as can about anxiety, and changing the way you think.

Dcoito, thanks for the respond. Yea that's what I thought. Ever since this started ive been triying to figure out why... Why.. Am I anxious when I have no reason to be. And it's true, I am a deep thinker , I was just thinking about the other day , I analyze almost everything . Ive been to doctor, and e.n.t everything checked out fine. I was debating getting an mri , but just decided not too . So is dealing with sub conscious anxiety more difficult? Oh and for the last 3 months on my spare time that's all I do... Reading about anxiety

06-21-2013, 01:04 PM
No not anymore difficult. Just takes time! You have to watch what you take in, and how that is stored in your mind. Like ummm you say what if I can't do this... Instead say well wait a minute what if I can! I procrastinate a lot.. I will dewell on something I need to do, and go through every reason why I don't want to do it then wait for the very last 2 seconds before doing it.. Feeding my sub conscious mind with dread, and negativity! You gotta kinda take in more of the outside of your body, and don't think long thoughts about up coming things, when you over analyze something try to catch yourself and say stop! Replace it with something short and positive

06-21-2013, 01:11 PM
You said your life has been good up to this point. Anxiety isn't really about that in some cases. Its possible to have the perfect life and still suffer from severe anxiety. It can be more about what is going to happen then what has happened.

Are you concerned about your life not being good in the future?

06-21-2013, 01:23 PM
You said your life has been good up to this point. Anxiety isn't really about that in some cases. Its possible to have the perfect life and still suffer from severe anxiety. It can be more about what is going to happen then what has happened.

Are you concerned about your life not being good in the future?

I meant life was good untill the point my anxiety came along, of course Iv had worries and concerned about certain things just like anybody else, but they never consumed me to the point I couldn't handle it anymore

06-21-2013, 01:33 PM
You said your life has been good up to this point. Anxiety isn't really about that in some cases. Its possible to have the perfect life and still suffer from severe anxiety. It can be more about what is going to happen then what has happened.

Are you concerned about your life not being good in the future?

Thanks for your advice , I greatly appreciate it . How long have you been suffering ? If you don't mind me asking

06-21-2013, 01:33 PM
Sure. I guess it's possible its a combination of a lot of little things and your just at the limit of your coping mechanisms but usually its one or two larger issues that are pretty obvious to the sufferer. What happened around three months ago?

06-21-2013, 01:40 PM
Thanks for your advice , I greatly appreciate it . How long have you been suffering ? If you don't mind me asking

Pretty much as long as I can remember, about 2 years ago it got bad enough that I was institutionalized for a short time, it was like a vacation from life for me. My triggers are to high of a workload at work, some social anxiety/fear of abandonment which leads to isolation which triggers more anxiety, and a very type A personality where I expect myself to be perfect at everything. Not being perfect means more anxiety so I tend to push myself to exhaustion to avoid the anxiety sometimes.

I believe it's essentially genetic on my mother's side of the family. Out of my 7 aunts/uncles on that side of the family only 2 are functional enough to keep a regular job and they are not very demanding positions. Most of that side of my family is borderline institutional. I'm doing my best to try and stop as much of that as I can with my generation and teach my kids how to deal with it best I can.

06-21-2013, 01:46 PM
Sure. I guess it's possible its a combination of a lot of little things and your just at the limit of your coping mechanisms but usually its one or two larger issues that are pretty obvious to the sufferer. What happened around three months ago?

Nothing....lol... Absolutely nothing!!

06-21-2013, 02:00 PM
Anything that has to happen in the near future (next 6 months or so)?

06-21-2013, 02:04 PM
The onset of my anxiety seemed sudden for me too. I've always been a busy person with a lot on my plate, but always liked it that way. Then suddenly one night I was on my way home from visiting a friend, exhausted and in the middle of the night, drinking an energy drink (which I never usually do) and BAM, the anxiety hit me and at the time I really couldn't pin point one specific source, other than I immediately thought I was going to die. I've come to the conclusion that everything just spilled over the top. I think I just pushed my mind and body to its limit and that is how it let me know that I needed to stop and it may not have been one particular thing that was stressing me out, but the culmination of a lot of things. Since it started, though, the anxiety has developed into health anxiety, which is what I can't seem to kick at the moment.

06-21-2013, 02:26 PM
Anything that has to happen in the near future (next 6 months or so)?


06-21-2013, 02:42 PM
The onset of my anxiety seemed sudden for me too. I've always been a busy person with a lot on my plate, but always liked it that way. Then suddenly one night I was on my way home from visiting a friend, exhausted and in the middle of the night, drinking an energy drink (which I never usually do) and BAM, the anxiety hit me and at the time I really couldn't pin point one specific source, other than I immediately thought I was going to die. I've come to the conclusion that everything just spilled over the top. I think I just pushed my mind and body to its limit and that is how it let me know that I needed to stop and it may not have been one particular thing that was stressing me out, but the culmination of a lot of things. Since it started, though, the anxiety has developed into health anxiety, which is what I can't seem to kick at the moment.

I think that's exactly what happened to me, (other than drinking an energy drink) .i think it's a culmination of stuff going on in my life , and my mind and body saying .. Hey slow your roll... Because honestly I can't think of anything. My family, dr., wife , all ask me there must be something...something your worry about... And like always I say no...and just like you my anxiety turned into health anxiety, although my anxiety levels are pretty low now compared to when I first visited my dr. , I still have this lingering symptom of off balance/lightheaded that I'm constantly thinking about... Witch in turn causes more anxiety... It's a stupid cycle that I need to break

06-21-2013, 02:44 PM
Pretty much as long as I can remember, about 2 years ago it got bad enough that I was institutionalized for a short time, it was like a vacation from life for me. My triggers are to high of a workload at work, some social anxiety/fear of abandonment which leads to isolation which triggers more anxiety, and a very type A personality where I expect myself to be perfect at everything. Not being perfect means more anxiety so I tend to push myself to exhaustion to avoid the anxiety sometimes.

I believe it's essentially genetic on my mother's side of the family. Out of my 7 aunts/uncles on that side of the family only 2 are functional enough to keep a regular job and they are not very demanding positions. Most of that side of my family is borderline institutional. I'm doing my best to try and stop as much of that as I can with my generation and teach my kids how to deal with it best I can.

I'm sorry to hear that . I hope we can ALL get better and find our inner peace once again

06-21-2013, 02:46 PM
Anything that has to happen in the near future (next 6 months or so)?

Nope ... Nada

06-21-2013, 03:06 PM
Do you just have a lot of dread in your life, like loosing a loved on, or do you think a lot about one thing often? My issue is I'm a deep thinker! I think about why we are? What purpose is life for us? What comes after life? Thinking I can fix things even tho I can't, always trying to do my best! Until exhausted! Feels like I'm always pushing pushing pushing! And searching! I know I fear doctors, because I'm so in tuned into my inner body, that it creeps me out! I think of things soooo deeply until I freak myself out! I can't even watch a surgery on tv, or even talk about how someone sliced there finger open or something like that, as soon as they start to describe it I have to cover my ears and walk away! LOL. at first when this bout of anxiety kicked up. I could not put my finger on it other then that fact that I had had it off and on in my life. But then realized. Oh I have a physical coming up, and started to get worst as the date approached. And even tho that day has come and gone! I still suffer the symptoms of anxiety, because now it has entered into my life. I just know that I will be ok. And pease will come back! Already starting to! But ya search real hard, you will find it!

06-21-2013, 03:19 PM
I think that's exactly what happened to me, (other than drinking an energy drink) .i think it's a culmination of stuff going on in my life , and my mind and body saying .. Hey slow your roll... Because honestly I can't think of anything. My family, dr., wife , all ask me there must be something...something your worry about... And like always I say no...and just like you my anxiety turned into health anxiety, although my anxiety levels are pretty low now compared to when I first visited my dr. , I still have this lingering symptom of off balance/lightheaded that I'm constantly thinking about... Witch in turn causes more anxiety... It's a stupid cycle that I need to break

It is definitely a cycle! The anxiety causes physical symptoms and the physical symptoms cause anxiety...and it's very hard, if not impossible, to decipher which came first. I can relate to what you are saying about not thinking there is anything in particular you are worried about. People kept asking me what was bothering me and I'd say nothing, and mean it. But when I'd actually sit down and TALK to someone about my life, just in general, I'd always get the same response..."Wow. That's a lot." I work full time, I go to school full time and am a full time single mom...and just those three things alone are a lot to deal with on a day to day basis! So when I'd actually start thinking about all the things I do all the time, I'd realize how overwhelming it all sounded! I'm glad to hear you anxiety levels have gone down since you first visited your doctor. Mine are fluctuating in a major way. I'm really uncomfortable with my primary at the moment, which is why I'm in the process of switching providers, so the health anxiety is increased because the person I see currently isn't really interested in what's going on with me. I guess we all have to just keep on working through it and hopefully we'll all find ways to get back to feeling more grounded!

06-21-2013, 03:46 PM
Do you smokexMarijuana? Ive always been anxious but not to the point its crippling, but marijuana sent me overboard.

06-21-2013, 04:13 PM
Do you smokexMarijuana? Ive always been anxious but not to the point its crippling, but marijuana sent me overboard.

Nope... No drugs

06-21-2013, 05:06 PM
Do you just have a lot of dread in your life, like loosing a loved on, or do you think a lot about one thing often? My issue is I'm a deep thinker! I think about why we are? What purpose is life for us? What comes after life? Thinking I can fix things even tho I can't, always trying to do my best! Until exhausted! Feels like I'm always pushing pushing pushing! And searching! I know I fear doctors, because I'm so in tuned into my inner body, that it creeps me out! I think of things soooo deeply until I freak myself out! I can't even watch a surgery on tv, or even talk about how someone sliced there finger open or something like that, as soon as they start to describe it I have to cover my ears and walk away! LOL. at first when this bout of anxiety kicked up. I could not put my finger on it other then that fact that I had had it off and on in my life. But then realized. Oh I have a physical coming up, and started to get worst as the date approached. And even tho that day has come and gone! I still suffer the symptoms of anxiety, because now it has entered into my life. I just know that I will be ok. And pease will come back! Already starting to! But ya search real hard, you will find it!

Im not such a deep thinker like that, only when it comes to certain decisions .Myself I'm more of a second guesser when it comes to certain decision . I always second guess myself , double check, triple check before I make the final cut so to speak... No I haven't lost anyone recently and I hope that I don't . I was pushing my self at the gym for about 2 years, I would go even if I was dead beat tired , I think that might of pushed over the edge.
I love how you said " search real hard and you will find it " WE WILL ALL find it !

06-21-2013, 05:16 PM
It is definitely a cycle! The anxiety causes physical symptoms and the physical symptoms cause anxiety...and it's very hard, if not impossible, to decipher which came first. I can relate to what you are saying about not thinking there is anything in particular you are worried about. People kept asking me what was bothering me and I'd say nothing, and mean it. But when I'd actually sit down and TALK to someone about my life, just in general, I'd always get the same response..."Wow. That's a lot." I work full time, I go to school full time and am a full time single mom...and just those three things alone are a lot to deal with on a day to day basis! So when I'd actually start thinking about all the things I do all the time, I'd realize how overwhelming it all sounded! I'm glad to hear you anxiety levels have gone down since you first visited your doctor. Mine are fluctuating in a major way. I'm really uncomfortable with my primary at the moment, which is why I'm in the process of switching providers, so the health anxiety is increased because the person I see currently isn't really interested in what's going on with me. I guess we all have to just keep on working through it and hopefully we'll all find ways to get back to feeling more grounded!

How long have you been feeling like this?
My primary did nothing .. He told me to relax... That was it ..Lol have you taken any Meds? I've only taken xanax to help me sleep after like 4 days of no sleep... That finally helped me break that... Other than that I don't take anything but vitamins I know what you mean about fluctuating anxiety, IT SUCKS! It's hard but we can get thru this... I see it at just another phase of my life that I will over come and just get stronger ..

06-21-2013, 05:58 PM
I've been suffering with anxiety and its symptoms for 3 months now. And I've yet to know why?? They say finding the root of your anxiety can help it go away, but i have no reason, at least not at a conscious level. Im nervous for no reason! I'm
Not worried about anything ??? My life was good up untill that point. Just came out if the blue one day. What gives? Anyone else gone or going thru this?? Is it my sub-conscious ?

I also have no clue for sure what brought mine on. I had my first attack in 10 years last month and it kicked my booty. I actually have tried to figure out what brought all this on. My life is good too. I really have nothing to worry about but I guess subconsciously I worry about a bunch of small things and it just sent me over my anxiety threshold. I was good for the first few weeks of June, I was excited cause I thought I was all better and Monday I had a crippling panic episode at a store. Ugh! it was horrible. I just cant seem to kick the nervousness but I have no clue what I am nervous about.

06-21-2013, 06:27 PM
Well I can tell you, you are very bright! And you seem to have some perspective! So I know you will do well! Only you know what is really best for you! I would of loved to tackle it without medication, but I was just so freaked out! But you know even with taking medication that alone won't deal with the true root of it! Just cushions it. It's really getting to know yourself on the outside,, and reprogramming your mind. Know you cannot always be the best, you can't always fix things, and making mistakes is ok. LOL when I do something, and its not working out right I get frustrated! So I invented my own 3 strikes ur out thing! Even simple things.. Like opening a jar, if I don't get it on the 3rd attempt I'll pass the sucker off! LOL. Don't be to hard on yourself!

06-21-2013, 06:51 PM
Bad trip on something?

Once you fall into a bad cycle of thinking it can be very difficult to get out.

A bad mushroom trip, got too high one night, did some coke with some buddy's and got a racy heart, these things tend to stick around when combined with the right personality traits....

What are your fears?

With me, I got a really bad mushroom trip that pushed my panic through the roof and out the other side, My heart was going probably 190, it didn't help having a bunch of demon looking things standing over me either... My brains not fried, im just traumatized.

About a week later I called an ambulance because I went into tachycardia, Since then Iv'e quit smoking marijuana, cigarettes, and drinking.
I'm completely done.

It's all about brain wiring, i believe the root cause of my anxiety to be sexual, but everyones different, witch makes anxiety very diverse.

06-21-2013, 07:09 PM
Bad trip on something?

Once you fall into a bad cycle of thinking it can be very difficult to get out.

A bad mushroom trip, got too high one night, did some coke with some buddy's and got a racy heart, these things tend to stick around when combined with the right personality traits....

What are your fears?

With me, I got a really bad mushroom trip that pushed my panic through the roof and out the other side, My heart was going probably 190, it didn't help having a bunch of demon looking things standing over me either... My brains not fried, im just traumatized.

About a week later I called an ambulance because I went into tachycardia, Since then Iv'e quit smoking marijuana, cigarettes, and drinking.
I'm completely done.

It's all about brain wiring, i believe the root cause of my anxiety to be sexual, but everyones different, witch makes anxiety very diverse.

I haven't done any type of drugs for 13 yrs. I would like to ad tho that the the last time I smoked weed 13 yrs ago i got a panic attack and that's why I stopped . Maybe now it's a chemical imbalance ? I don't know . My fears ? Hmmm.. That's a good one ... I've always told my self that I wasn't scared of death.. But I actually am

06-21-2013, 07:20 PM
From what Iv'e been told, a simple change in your sleeping habits can cause anxiety, Diet, exercise, could be anything, your root cause could be allot simpler then you may think

06-21-2013, 07:40 PM
From what Iv'e been told, a simple change in your sleeping habits can cause anxiety, Diet, exercise, could be anything, your root cause could be allot simpler then you may think

Yea I wish I knew.... I was pushing myself at gym and was on a strict diet for that duration . I haven't been back since then and I've been eating whatever now just to gain some weight back that I lost from my 1st month that anxiety hit me bad... My sleeping habits were not the greatest but not bad before my anxiety . Now my sleeping habits are out of whack cuz of my anxiety ... I can't seem to sleep more than 5hrs

06-21-2013, 07:48 PM
Have you tried some guided relaxation? You tube has some from the honest guys! And also have a cup of camomile tea 1 hour before bed! Works great!

06-21-2013, 07:50 PM
Well I can tell you, you are very bright! And you seem to have some perspective! So I know you will do well! Only you know what is really best for you! I would of loved to tackle it without medication, but I was just so freaked out! But you know even with taking medication that alone won't deal with the true root of it! Just cushions it. It's really getting to know yourself on the outside,, and reprogramming your mind. Know you cannot always be the best, you can't always fix things, and making mistakes is ok. LOL when I do something, and its not working out right I get frustrated! So I invented my own 3 strikes ur out thing! Even simple things.. Like opening a jar, if I don't get it on the 3rd attempt I'll pass the sucker off! LOL. Don't be to hard on yourself!

Some times I ask my wife if I should just give in and try some Meds. But reading other ppl's post I don't think I have that bad. I don't mean to sound rude or anything . I still go out and do things with my family, I'm not scared to be alone or in public places... I'm able to go to work and concentrate , basically the only thing that has changed is that I haven't been back to the gym in 3months now.

06-21-2013, 07:54 PM
I also have no clue for sure what brought mine on. I had my first attack in 10 years last month and it kicked my booty. I actually have tried to figure out what brought all this on. My life is good too. I really have nothing to worry about but I guess subconsciously I worry about a bunch of small things and it just sent me over my anxiety threshold. I was good for the first few weeks of June, I was excited cause I thought I was all better and Monday I had a crippling panic episode at a store. Ugh! it was horrible. I just cant seem to kick the nervousness but I have no clue what I am nervous about.

I know rite , it's like WTH is going on here .. ? Do you think about it often? My major problem is that I'm always thinking about the way I feel. And I know I need to stop that.... Even when I'm feeling good ... I'm thinking about feeling good! It's like my brain won't stop !😩

06-21-2013, 07:54 PM
Did you have the attack at the gym?

06-21-2013, 07:58 PM
Did you have the attack at the gym?

No. Just scared of getting heart palp's or a panic attack while I'm there . Or just freak out when my heart start's racing .. Lol. Witch is normal for being at the gym..

06-21-2013, 08:08 PM
I would try and go back just for some light workout. See what happens, or just go in and walk around and see if it triggers it at all. One thing about panic attacks is fear of having another one, but if you don't have another one then you won't be able to face them, and heal!

06-21-2013, 08:09 PM
Mind game I know. LOL

06-21-2013, 08:15 PM
I know... I keep telling myself every Monday ok today is the the day I'm going back... I never end up going....lol

06-24-2013, 11:40 AM
How long have you been feeling like this?
My primary did nothing .. He told me to relax... That was it ..Lol have you taken any Meds? I've only taken xanax to help me sleep after like 4 days of no sleep... That finally helped me break that... Other than that I don't take anything but vitamins I know what you mean about fluctuating anxiety, IT SUCKS! It's hard but we can get thru this... I see it at just another phase of my life that I will over come and just get stronger ..

My anxiety came on really suddenly about a month ago now. I have had some general anxiety issues over the years, since high school, but nothing that has been debilitating, just average things. This anxiety, though, has definitely affected my ability to function, which I can't stand because I am normally a very active, outgoing, positive person. I'm not taking any medications at the moment. The first time I went to the ER they gave me Valium which made me feel awful...and I've since been prescribed Xanax, Paxil and Ativan, which I haven't taken because taking the medications makes me really uncomfortable...I tend to have bad reactions to medications. My plan is to try other ways to deal with and overcome it before I go down the path of taking medications...especially a long term one like Paxil. I've been using a lot of relaxation techniques which has been really helpful...and I'm going to try some vitamin supplements to see if that makes any difference, especially in my mood and energy levels.

06-24-2013, 03:59 PM
I've been suffering with anxiety and its symptoms for 3 months now. And I've yet to know why?? They say finding the root of your anxiety can help it go away, but i have no reason, at least not at a conscious level. Im nervous for no reason! I'm
Not worried about anything ??? My life was good up untill that point. Just came out if the blue one day. What gives? Anyone else gone or going thru this?? Is it my sub-conscious ?

Im totally on your boat, I had my.first ever anxiety attack 3 months ago. Came out of nowhere, I was out shopping anf on my way home I had this sunken feeling in my chest I let it go, and carried on with my day, I painted a whole room that day aswell and it wasnt until I sat down to have food I felt funny, I felt like I wasnt in my own body if that makes sense. I had no knowledge when it was happening that it was anxiety I litterly thought I was going to die, but 3 months on im still here but these have been the worst 3 months of my life, I yet to await for a diagnosis off the drs after being back and forth the drs surgery and er room multiple times since my.first attack. (I would say ive been there about 18 times since) everything comes back normal and im sent on my way. But I cant help but think some thing is wrong.all the time, it's my mind.playing tricks. I have been told the probable cause is anxiety although im taking an anti acid tablet aswell ad they think I may have gastric reflux and anxiety together .. like u I had no worries really nothing to be anxious about or atleast conscious I was not aware, its so annoying how your body can go from being fine one day and ruin your life the next for.no reason at all. I wreckon that you could possibly have some underlying worries that built up until breaking point. Just sit back and relax and think.of what may have caused a slight worry even the smallest worry can mount up to one big worry

Hope you feel better soon .. anxiety is a horrible vicious cycle one day you might feel fine and the next you might feel crappy, it goes.round and round in circles I hope there will be a miracle cure for us anxiety sufferers

06-24-2013, 04:00 PM
I also do apologise for my spelling and pronunciation .

Im on my phone and my thumbs get in the way haha

06-24-2013, 11:15 PM
Im totally on your boat, I had my.first ever anxiety attack 3 months ago. Came out of nowhere, I was out shopping anf on my way home I had this sunken feeling in my chest I let it go, and carried on with my day, I painted a whole room that day aswell and it wasnt until I sat down to have food I felt funny, I felt like I wasnt in my own body if that makes sense. I had no knowledge when it was happening that it was anxiety I litterly thought I was going to die, but 3 months on im still here but these have been the worst 3 months of my life, I yet to await for a diagnosis off the drs after being back and forth the drs surgery and er room multiple times since my.first attack. (I would say ive been there about 18 times since) everything comes back normal and im sent on my way. But I cant help but think some thing is wrong.all the time, it's my mind.playing tricks. I have been told the probable cause is anxiety although im taking an anti acid tablet aswell ad they think I may have gastric reflux and anxiety together .. like u I had no worries really nothing to be anxious about or atleast conscious I was not aware, its so annoying how your body can go from being fine one day and ruin your life the next for.no reason at all. I wreckon that you could possibly have some underlying worries that built up until breaking point. Just sit back and relax and think.of what may have caused a slight worry even the smallest worry can mount up to one big worry

Hope you feel better soon .. anxiety is a horrible vicious cycle one day you might feel fine and the next you might feel crappy, it goes.round and round in circles I hope there will be a miracle cure for us anxiety sufferers

never in my wildest imagination would I have ever thought that I would be going thru this. We all need to stay strong and have faith. I mean what else can we do? They say time heals all wounds, I'm waiting for my time to come

06-25-2013, 02:54 AM
never in my wildest imagination would I have ever thought that I would be going thru this. We all need to stay strong and have faith. I mean what else can we do? They say time heals all wounds, I'm waiting for my time to come

I know what you mean, I never thought it would happen to me its a horrible thing, wouldnt wish it on anyone, im.trying to learn how to deal with it on my own without going up the hospital all the time . But my heads always like what if its different this time. But I still ignore it so thats a start :) .. relaxation tgerapy videps may help you I used one once and I fell asleep haha xxx

06-25-2013, 06:38 AM
Sounds like your afraid to have a panic attack in the gym which is driving your anxiety.

06-25-2013, 08:13 AM
Sounds like your afraid to have a panic attack in the gym which is driving your anxiety.

I agree ... It's just so easy making excuses when I feel like crap.