View Full Version : Staying at work.

06-21-2013, 07:33 AM
Hi my name is Ross im 25 years old 26 next month i should be in the prime of my life but am held back by anxiety attacks bad ones as well.
I suffer depression and paranoia to but i can cope with them now I have suffered anxiety for 9 years and its got to point where im having a bad one once a week. The problem is i have them at work and my workplace have been very understanding but im starting to really get into trouble having disiplinarys because i cant stay at work I've tried loads of medications and i dont think they are for me as i have had bad reactions to everyone of them. i am also in psych once every two weeks if anybody has tips that can help me to stay at work would be much appreciated.


06-21-2013, 08:52 AM
Hi Ross, I understand what you are going through. I'm 26 and work full time but have been struggling at work lately myself and have missed quite a few days which is VERY rare for me...but just getting through each day is a chore and I'm constantly feeling distracted and unable to concentrate...feeling like I can't and haven't gotten anything productive done in weeks. Unfortunately, I don't feel like they are particularly understanding...my boss doesn't work in my office and he's nearly impossible to get a hold of, not to mention that on the rare occasions that I am able to get him on the phone or via e-mail, I feel like everything is going in one ear and out the other. It's incredibly frustrating, and in end result I also have a fear that people at work think I'm faking the things that are going on. I've found myself desperately wishing I could just take a break from the environment and try to ground myself again. With that not being a realistic option, I'm also not really sure where to turn at this point.

06-21-2013, 04:07 PM
Hi ya i came home to day from work but only for couple hours and for first time ever went back again today normally i would leave it a day then go back maybe try going to ur doctors and getting signed off if ur company pays sick pay its what i did for like a week and half but i will say that it does make it more scary to go back after wards having been away from it but maybe its what u need :) worth a try at least.