View Full Version : Qestion?

06-21-2013, 02:38 AM
Been going through severe anxiety ever since a bad panic attack that sent me to ER.

Been losing weight at a steady level, heart has been pounding, i have been eating less, but im wondering if a fast heart will burn fat?

Im getting pretty skinny over here

06-21-2013, 03:13 AM
Been going through severe anxiety ever since a bad panic attack that sent me to ER.

Been losing weight at a steady level, heart has been pounding, i have been eating less, but im wondering if a fast heart will burn fat?

Im getting pretty skinny over here

Hello Ryaan I went through two weeks. Of not eating due to my Anxiety and lost just over a stone,what do you get Panicky about? Is it Heath?

06-21-2013, 03:23 AM
Yup, heart mostly

06-21-2013, 03:42 AM
Yup, heart mostly

Ok I fully understand what your saying as I've had anxiety for years,firstly even tho I know your feeling very Anxious right now or you would not be here,but what I can tell you is that your heart is Perfectly Normal there's nothing wrong your not going to have a heat attack etc and die,yes it feels like it but it's all anxiety it nothing to do with your Heath,I've had so many tests on my heart over the years as I had the same problem as you,my heart would skip beats and it would feel like it was going to jump out of my chest,none of this ever happened no matter how Severe the panic attack was,believe me you will be fine and nothing is going to happen to you :) I hope I've given you some Calm

06-21-2013, 03:54 AM
Ok I fully understand what your saying as I've had anxiety for years,firstly even tho I know your feeling very Anxious right now or you would not be here,but what I can tell you is that your heart is Perfectly Normal there's nothing wrong your not going to have a heat attack etc and die,yes it feels like it but it's all anxiety it nothing to do with your Heath,I've had so many tests on my heart over the years as I had the same problem as you,my heart would skip beats and it would feel like it was going to jump out of my chest,none of this ever happened no matter how Severe the panic attack was,believe me you will be fine and nothing is going to happen to you :) I hope I've given you some Calm

I agree with em1... there is nothing wrong with your heart!!! Focus on something else, the more you focus on it.... The worse it seems....

Hope you feel better soon!

06-21-2013, 04:02 AM
I agree with em1... there is nothing wrong with your heart!!! Focus on something else, the more you focus on it.... The worse it seems....

Hope you feel better soon!

Anxiety is a big fat lier thats how I see it now,it's like a bully,it wants you to think something's going to happen and it's NOT going to harm you at all,has it happened yet? NO it's not,yes it made you feel like your losing your mind but it will not harm you,you are safe x

06-21-2013, 04:28 AM
Thanks guys, just going through hell right now :(

06-21-2013, 04:30 AM
Thanks guys, just going through hell right now :(

Yes you will feel like that,but we are all
Here to support each other :) are you on tablets or have you tryed Any Relaxation techniques etc?

06-21-2013, 08:35 AM
Thanks guys, just going through hell right now :(

Ryaan, sorry to hear that you're having such a hard time right now!! It can be pretty bad, I know.... but it will pass...
Try to relax, get active... I know it's not easy but it will distract you a bit!!!

06-21-2013, 09:14 AM
It definitely takes a hold of you and it's hard to get your mind out of the stuck place where it thinks every little thing is the worst. I can say one thing, absolutely DO NOT Google your symptoms. It's one of the biggest mistakes you can make. I'm the worst about it, so when I feel myself starting to want to look something up, I have to make a conscious decision to look at something else instead....hop on this forum, read something else about relaxation, whatever. I can literally feel my anxiety building up when I start to look up symptoms, which just proves to me even further that it is just anxiety! If I'm completely distracted from the anxiety, I don't notice a thing and feel completely normal!