View Full Version : Getting paranoidd.

Anxious Abi
06-20-2013, 08:53 PM
A friend let me know that there may be somebody trying to break into houses in our area, unfortunately now I cannot sleep, every noise I hear wakes me up and starts my anxiety. Kinda wish they hadn't told me.

06-20-2013, 09:04 PM
Well that sux! Make sure all doors and windows are lock! Can you borrow a dog? LOL. Non the less, if there is true rumor. Then the police would already be checking the areas though out the night. If you live alone, leave your porch light on, and a couple lights on in the house. Maybe even the living room tv. Just a thought!

Be well!

Anxious Abi
06-21-2013, 05:28 AM
Thanks for the advice Dcoito, I made sure everything was locked and sat in the living room with the TV on, eventually fell asleep sat up. A little annoyed with myself because I let it make me so anxious, hopefully tonight I wont be as aware and it wont bother me as much.


Anxious Abi
06-21-2013, 08:37 AM
Feeling a little off today, nauseous, can't eat, getting a little shaky and light headed. Trying not to let it bother me too much, wondering if maybe it's a bit of anxiety left over from last night.

06-21-2013, 08:39 AM
Thanks for the advice Dcoito, I made sure everything was locked and sat in the living room with the TV on, eventually fell asleep sat up. A little annoyed with myself because I let it make me so anxious, hopefully tonight I wont be as aware and it wont bother me as much.


Don't be so hard on yourself!!! You did a great job!!! You fall a sleep, that's something to be proud of!!!
So no need to be annoyed with yourself!

Anxious Abi
06-21-2013, 08:44 AM
You're right Vannie05 I should focus on the positive instead of the negative. I did manage to get to sleep eventually, that is a good thing. Thank you for reminding me.
Hope you're doing well.

06-21-2013, 09:24 AM
Ya it's just leftover crap! I was like that yesterday. Along with head pressure! In the evening, but I just went along with it! Stayed relax anyways! Kept my mind occupied, it wanted to increase, but I just diden't let it! I also just increased my Paxil on Monday, so I tell myself my body is just adjusting. Today would be the perfect day for you to do some healing exercising! Because your symptoms are present! Get real comfortable, close your eyes, and focus on the sensation you are having one at a time! But clear your thoughts of anything negative as you do this! Just the sensation! " You might say heart I feel you racing in my chest" consent rate on how it feels! " Like say sensation you are light and fluttery, or you are heavy and deep, any way you want to describe it! WITHOUT ANY THOUGHTS! Just the sensation! Then after that, after you spend a short time with it, say I am ok with this sensation! Tell the sensation you are ok to be there! Say to yourself you are only a sensation... Of corse you can word these any way you want as far as acknowledging the sensations you are having! Also make sure you breathing is correct! What this dose is desensitize you to the symptoms, and redirects your thought process! As you know anxiety feeds off our negative thoughts! So this way after some acceptance it will give up!
Hope it helps!
Oh and I did these exercises yesterday cuz I was feeling crappy! And last night I had a cup of camomile tea, and slept like a baby! And my mind was nice and relaxed!


06-21-2013, 10:42 AM
My daughter and I and my Mom live together (I refrain from saying I live with my Mom because she moved in with me!)...and any time my Mom goes out of town and it's just my daughter and I alone I get extremely anxious. It's not because I'm not capable of taking care of us...I think I'm just so used to having a third person there that it feels out of the ordinary. At any rate, I've found that sleeping in the living room helps ease the anxiety for me. I think it makes me feel more in control of everything because I am in the front of the house and can see what's going on.

Anxious Abi
06-21-2013, 04:43 PM
OK, so the clock says 23:36, coming up to midnight, it's so warm, at least I think it is, that could be the anxiety. I'm daring myself to open the window, then maybe I can relax, but just can't bring myself to do it. I can feel it quickly becoming just another thing I worry about, another trigger. Wracking my brain for logical alternatives to my anxious thoughts, crime rate isn't that high in my area. I can go to sleep with the window open, no one is getting in. Except it's not really true, I have been trained my whole life to be conscious of safety and right now that part of me says it isn't safe to sleep with the window open. I just really don't want it to become an obsession where every night I am worried about someone breaking in. Struggling to find a balance between safe and aware, and obsessively paranoid. Not sure what I should be telling myself at this point.

Anxious Abi
06-22-2013, 08:08 AM
Nobody have any idea's on what I can do to prevent this from becoming a major source of anxiety?

06-22-2013, 01:36 PM

I believe you know what to do! Use your mind to do the opposite! When the sketchy thoughts come in.. Replace that thought with a rational one, quickly! I don't know the layout of your house, so trust in your judgement! Is the window you want open upstairs, down? You know things like that! Can you feel good about having this one open, but not these one? Leave a porch light on! Kitchen light, or a tv! Put a fan in the window, the prop something on top so the window won't open any further! Refuse to worry about it and take action to resolve it! Might even want to call the police department ( non emergency of corse! ) and ask if there has been any break ins in your neighborhood. If yes, ask what steps they are doing to resolve it. Stomp out your worries! Just like if someone stomped on your foot hard, what would do? To make myself feel better i would stomp back! If you want to feel safe, then make it safe, and move it out of your mind. ; ).

Lots of luck!

Anxious Abi
06-22-2013, 02:26 PM
Thanks Dcoito.
Sorry i'm such a pain in the arse.

06-22-2013, 05:03 PM
Your not a pain at all! I really want you to do well! Be less hard on yourself! Put your chin up, and say I am awesome! ; )