View Full Version : Feel lost

06-20-2013, 08:21 PM
I just started my celexa about 5 days ago. I feel worse than ever. My anxiety is through the roof. I'm constantly anxious and scared. I talked to my Dr today who seemed to dismiss these feelings. I still feel constantly dizzy and tense. Leaving my house is exhausting. My mind is going 90 to nothing. I'm scared its something else..not just anxiety. Its hard to live this way. The Dr added depakote to the celexa. Please help

06-20-2013, 08:29 PM
The meds doc has prescribed u take some time to adjust with ur nervous system, also what all ur saying is anxiety itself, can u juz elaborate something more abt urself so people over this forum can help u better..

06-20-2013, 08:50 PM
Sorry to hear your having a tuff time! Your medication will take some time to work! As you probably heard by now, and can sometimes make thing worst before it gets better! For now rest when you can! And stay relaxed! I know easier said then done right? It is a fight, but one worth doing! When you start getting the worrying thoughts, just remind yourself to clear your mind and relax, nothing harmful is wrong with you! Have some chamomile tea before bed, and listen to some guided meditation by the honest guys on YouTube! And breath!!! Very important to breath correctly! Slowly through your nose, and out the mouth deep breathes. Do that until u feel relaxed! Be sure to belly breath. Place one hand on belly, other hand on chest, and deep breathe rising only your belly not your chest! Recognize your symptoms as nothing more then adrenaline misfire! Replace that feeling with a calm good feeling! Concentrate on the air as it passes thro your nose, pretend that the air going in is fresh clean cool air, and the air you exhale is all your stress, worries, and anxiety! I picture it as being grey smoke leaving my body. You can imagine any way you like, once anxiety knows it can't effect you anymore it will stop trying! You must stay strong!
I also found a video today FREE At www.stop-panic-attack.com it is a long video so make sure you have some down time!
Bless you! And may you be well!