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06-20-2013, 06:26 PM
I'm new here and suffer from panic and anxiety so bad I get all these weird symptoms lately it's been a jumping feeling and I'm not sure if its in my throat or chest but has me scared to death it's now a problem with my heart does anyone else get this help please

06-20-2013, 06:43 PM

Welcome! And yes anxiety has many symptoms, and that one is one of them!
Are you on medication?
It's very common for people with anxiety to believe they are having a heart attack, or something is wrong with there heart!
Just know its a symptom, and you will be ok! Read some threads here. You will probably relate to a lot of them!
Feel welcome to open up and tell us more about yourself as we'll, a lot of nice people here!


06-20-2013, 06:45 PM
I'm new here and suffer from panic and anxiety so bad I get all these weird symptoms lately it's been a jumping feeling and I'm not sure if its in my throat or chest but has me scared to death it's now a problem with my heart does anyone else get this help please

I suffer from the same thing , there is nothing wrong with you are not sick.
What you are discribing Sounds like my "usual" attack attacks.
You need to stay calm, don't overthink your heart rythm or Breathing.
If im Right you are propably hurt because you keep touching and feeling where you " Think" there is pain.
I'm Right here, talk to mé about whats happening i know the feeling, you are okay and you are not alone.


06-20-2013, 06:48 PM
I'm on celexa and Ativan but it doesn't help much i get very nervous over everything but lately it's the jumping feeling in my throat that has me a wreck cause it just makes me think maybe it's not in my throat and in my chest and I'm gonna eventually have a heart attack

06-20-2013, 06:57 PM
I used to have that too, i felt like my throat was closing in, that sometimes i momentarally "forgot" how to breath, chest pains, left arm shoulder pains you name it!
I for sure thought i was having a Heart attack, but i Wasn't, the only thing you Can do is to conviece yourself that its All in your head, because it is! :-)

What you are discribing Sounds like a panic attack, your head ( you!) are stressing your body to believe that your in some sort of danger , and that's why you get "phantom pains"
Sorry for te typos am on my iPhone, Saw your post and just needed to answer! :-)


06-20-2013, 07:01 PM
So how long have you been on the medication?

06-20-2013, 07:02 PM
It doesn't feel like my throat is closing is feels like it jumps and yes it panics the hell out of me I just wish I felt better and didn't have this disorder

06-20-2013, 07:07 PM
Dose it feel like a body shock? Umm like a twich or a jolt? I think I get what you are saying.. How long have you been on your meds? And is this the only meds you been on?

06-20-2013, 07:11 PM
I know :-(
And i am Sorry you feel like this.. Its the worst feeling of incontrol, and i wish i could give you a magic solution but there isnt any, it takes time, but you are okay, even though you don't feel like it Right now.

And from what my doctor told me, you are not " in a/having" a heart attack, you would know with absolut certanty, and not be able to do This right now. I hope that's helps a little to Think about.

Breath, happy thoughts, sleep and mindset.

I know easier Said than done, :(

06-20-2013, 07:15 PM
Yes it kind of feels like that like a double beat in my throat area yes it's the only meds I have been on tried Zoloft and it didn't agree with me at all and I don't even take the celexa I don't think it was helping I take Ativan 4 times a day

06-20-2013, 07:45 PM
Yes I do get that! And it is normal! I hate them too, kinda makes me gasp for a minute. Mine only last seconds, but it is annoying! Medication takes time to work! And they will make you feel a bit nutty for a bit too as your body adjust to it. However try some relaxing technique , like slow breathing, belly breathing, also go to YouTube and look up honest guys, they have some great guided meditation videos! I found a free video to at www.stop-anxiety-panic-attack.com it's a long video so listen when you have time! Might be helpful! Learn everything you can about panic attacks, and what it dose! NEVER, just search symptoms! Big no no! LOL.
Lots of luck Hun!