View Full Version : Tension Headaches

06-20-2013, 04:35 PM
I've gotten a lot of headaches over the years, but the headaches I experience lately are completely different...less pain and more pressure, mostly in the back of my head, sometimes moving towards the front, sometimes more focused on one side then the other, and sometimes with tingling sensations. They are so uncomfortable and scary. Has anyone else experienced this. Any suggestions on how to relieve them?

06-20-2013, 06:00 PM
Yes. As a matter of fact I'm having that right now! It comes with anxiety! I just had my medication increased too! Dunno if your on meds, but headache can come from that as your body gets use to it. One girl wrote on here that she apples a cold compress to her head it it helped! I tried it too along with relaxing, having your eyes closed, and deep breathing!
But yes it is common, and just know you will be ok!

06-21-2013, 06:28 AM
I've had them every day for almost 2 months. Makes me miserable.

06-21-2013, 07:12 AM
Been having that lately... It feels awful

06-21-2013, 11:25 AM
Yes. As a matter of fact I'm having that right now! It comes with anxiety! I just had my medication increased too! Dunno if your on meds, but headache can come from that as your body gets use to it. One girl wrote on here that she apples a cold compress to her head it it helped! I tried it too along with relaxing, having your eyes closed, and deep breathing!
But yes it is common, and just know you will be ok!

The first time I got one I was horrified! I get headaches fairly frequently, but had NEVER experienced one like that. I was out at dinner with some of my family and by the time I had gotten back to my hotel, I felt like someone had a string attached to the back of my head and was just pulling it back...it was such a heavy feeling with a TON of pressure primarily on the left side back, and it would just tingle and felt beyond strange! I don't think I slept the entire night it was so intense and I just couldn't get comfortable and honestly thought I was going to have to wake my friend up and tell her to take me to a hospital because I didn't know what on earth was going on. I'm not taking any medications at the moment, all though they've been prescribed (Xanax, Paxil and Ativan)...I'm not comfortable with my primary care and am in the process of switching over to someone new, so I've been very uncomfortable with taking them.

06-21-2013, 11:48 AM
How do the medicine make you feel str8? Better?

06-21-2013, 11:53 AM
How do the medicine make you feel str8? Better?

No...they actually make me feel worse than I am to begin with. The first thing they tried was Valium which was in the ER, and I didn't end up sleeping at all that night because I felt so strange...and the other meds are basically the same...I can't function on them and I'm unfortunately not in a position to stop working or anything like that. So right now they're all shelved and I'm just coping until I see my new doctor at the beginning of July and hopefully find more viable solutions.

06-21-2013, 01:19 PM
I get those quite often, especially when I'm worrying about my health. I have one right now as a matter of fact and they hurt like hell. Sometimes they go around my forehead to the back of my neck and sometimes they are one sided. Nothing gets rid of them either. I was convinced I had a brain tumor or aneurysm at first but now I'm convinced I have cancer or something ;). I had a brief period of calm with no anxiety but it came back within a week or so. It sucks :(.

06-21-2013, 01:38 PM
I get those quite often, especially when I'm worrying about my health. I have one right now as a matter of fact and they hurt like hell. Sometimes they go around my forehead to the back of my neck and sometimes they are one sided. Nothing gets rid of them either. I was convinced I had a brain tumor or aneurysm at first but now I'm convinced I have cancer or something ;). I had a brief period of calm with no anxiety but it came back within a week or so. It sucks :(.

It's torture! At the moment I just feel like I've had a dull one ongoing for days and days and you're right, nothing gets rid of it. I haven't had any trouble sleeping (knock on wood), but I'm in a constant state of wishing that I could just go home and put my head down because it feels so heavy. It makes me feel a little dizzy...or like I'm on a boat or something...I'd describe it more like sea sickness than full blown dizziness. It is miserable.