View Full Version : !!Getting Married in 3 weeks....PETRIFIED!!

09-03-2007, 07:20 PM
I am SO SO Nervous about my wedding in the church. I am a very anxious nervous person. The thought of standing at the alter has me worried extremely that I will faint. I had bad anxiety issues year or so ago, but have learned to deal with it. But this i feel will be so scary I will pass out or something. I was once just IN a wedding and my hands and feet started to go numb, which I think means I was about to faint. Luckily the wedding ceremony ended and when I walked out, i felt ok. If I did this at someones wedding i am going to faint at mine I bet. I might have a few shots of vodka before hand to relax me, I don't know what to do, anyone have any advice or help please, I cant even sleep already..... :oops: :oops:

09-03-2007, 09:35 PM
I have a fear of getting married as well. I'd rather go to Las Vegas than have a giant wedding. :oops:

09-20-2007, 10:09 AM
I totally know how you feel. The thought of everyone staring at you like you're on stage is scary, but hopefully you can focus on the joys of the ceremony. hearing your fiance say his wedding vows to you in front of everyone, you're love for each other, etc. Every time I go to a wedding, big or small,I think it's just beautiful, and I'm always so happy for the couple, and when I look back at pictures I think how lucky they are to have that experience and to have shared it with their friends and family, and they have all these wonderful memories and pictures to treasure forever! So when I think of how scared/nervous I will be when I get married, I try to remember that, because I don't want to miss out on that just because of my anxiety and nervousness. Sometimes I think I'd rather elope but I know I'll regret missing out on me finally having that day I always see others enjoying, and I don't want my anxiety to win! ;) I know it will be scary, but the anxiety will pass, the memories will last a lifetime.

Have you tried talking to your fiance about it? maybe there are things you could do to make the ceremony shorter? I wish you the best, and hope you can walk down that isle with confidence and joy! :)

09-20-2007, 11:19 PM
Getting married is indeed a stressful time especially in front of others.

May I make a suggestion. Go to the Church many times, stand where you will be standing, walk around the whole room and sit in different locations. Come back to where you will be standing and turn around visualising all of your friends and family there.

That way you will lessen the impact on the big day, just going in cold would be too much, but if you condition yourself, you will be giving yourself another strategy to deal with the day.

Good luck.