View Full Version : Depression lasting 2-3 days plus anxiety

09-03-2007, 02:09 AM
every 2-3 months I get a "fit of depression". The reason I wanted to start a new topic is because all of the info i have read on the internet, says that depression is something which is on-going and of a long duration.
I was wondering if anyone has experience what I experience:

I get depressed for 2-3 days every 2-3 months, I feel anxious, scared (of what, I don't know) my mood is black, I dont feel like getting out of bed, I dont feel like working, doing household chores...and i cannot sleep well. I feel uneasy, unsettled, it;s a kind of a sinking feeling..and I don;t know why or where it comes from. After suffering for 2-3 days, I go back to normal. Now when I read about anxiety or panic attacks I read taht they last 10-15 minutes. And depression is something of a longer duration.

My question is, does anyone have these short fits of depression/anxiety? I don't wat to take medications. Even though I have been told to have ativan to sleep. ANyone who can help?

09-03-2007, 07:56 PM
Problems like depression and anxiety need not fit into the molds created by mental health professionals. So it is certainly possible that depression/anxiety could last only for a few days at a time. As for what is causing it, these sorts of problems are typically brought about by stress. And keep in mind that even if this is caused by stress, specific, stressful thoughts need not be a part of your mindset while you are going through this. It is possible that specific, stressful events are causing this to happen. OR, this could be the way your body responds to more general stress. But regardless, you might want to look into what kinds of stresses you might have i your life that could be causing this to happen.

09-04-2007, 06:38 AM
Hello Ayesha,

Might I suggest you keep a diary. This way you might be able to target what it is that actually triggers your bout of depression. There may be some link that you have not yet identified. Hopefully, keeping a diary might help you to see and understand what the trigger is for you and then you can put in place some strategies to either avoid or deal with the trigger.

09-04-2007, 07:52 AM
Hello Ayesha,

Might I suggest you keep a diary. This way you might be able to target what it is that actually triggers your bout of depression. There may be some link that you have not yet identified. Hopefully, keeping a diary might help you to see and understand what the trigger is for you and then you can put in place some strategies to either avoid or deal with the trigger.

But keep in mind that there may be no trigger to individual episodes. Constant stressors could be causing this to occur randomly.

09-10-2007, 06:50 PM
That's what I have. The only difference is, is that those feelings come whenever. Sometimes I know what triggers them adn sometimes I don't. It will usually go away in a few minutes or the next day when I wake up. The longest was almost 2 days. I get it whenever though. I know how bad it sucks though. I don't know what it is though, I just call it periods of depression. Sorry I'm not much help.


09-16-2007, 03:27 AM
sure, but then what does everyone do? take medication for those two days? or just go through the motions and suffer? I got another attack last night and did not sleep at all. feeling better today but it is difficult to live with. any medication, herbs etc?

09-16-2007, 05:02 PM
Most antidepressants don't just work all of the sudden. Unless it's Xanax or something like that.

09-17-2007, 02:09 PM
There are a lot of self help books out there. Perhaps you can find one that will give you some helpful tips to get you through your periodic dark days. A couple folks in this forum have suggested a few books.

Exercise always helps me along with hot showers and hot tea. Sounds simple but all three relax me.