View Full Version : anxious?

08-31-2007, 03:01 PM
i dont know if anxiety and anxious are related,just because they have the same first 4 letters but, i lately realised that almost all of my anxiety has been coming from being anxious.i mean, at school, when i have 5min of the perios left, i just cant take it. i start feeling nausea, and lightheaded like im going to pass out,unless i can get my mind concentrated on something.riding the bus, i feel very anxious to get home, and relax,it's only about a 25-30min. ride, but thats quite a long time to think. i've had bad muscle tingling, which has been both my arms, stomach, and head, and my friend said i was getting pretty white, which didnt help AT ALL! made me think i was near the passing out state. it gets even worse on the bus, because ive had problems riding in the car with my dad, where i can just tell him to pull over, so i can get out and walk it off. you can probably imagine the embarassment to ask the bus driver to pull over, including all everyone else riding on the bus. i have never passed out from a panic attack, and it is a big phoebia of mine. my trouble sleeping, has come from being anxoius. i hate night, not that i hate sleep, but i just want the next day to come, because i like my morning routine. i didnt used to be this way, but it makes me feel like im hyperactive. i can remember during school last year, and i had a panic attack over the finals. that was from me being anxious, and i just wanted to have the test over and done with. i just havent been able to wait anymore, unless my mind is in a very relaxed state.

08-31-2007, 03:43 PM
Anxiety while in a car is very common.
I also had severe anxiety while in school because it's not like you can get up and leave without being noticed.

08-31-2007, 10:42 PM
When I was in high school I used to get nervous in class. I felt like I was trapped and was going to throw up. I still don't like class rooms or places where I have to sit down and listen to someone else talk. Anxiety does crazy things. Mine comes and goes (mostly comes) through out the year. You should try going to a therapist and if that doesn't help get on medication.