View Full Version : Just gotta get this out!

06-19-2013, 07:41 PM
I feel AWFUL. Can't even really pin point the problem 😢Here's a list of my symptoms:

Very weak feeling
Body aches everywhere
Get out of breath and completely exhausted just waking around my small apartment
I weighed yesterday and I only weigh 104 (weight loss)
Dry mouth like crazy

I so badly want this to just be my anxiety/panic but my mind is wandering and I'm convinced I have some deathly illness! 😥😨

Any thoughts??

**I do have a doctors appointment tomorrow, thank goodness! I'm going to ask for blood testing.

06-20-2013, 12:37 AM
Symptoms of anxiety..
Good u hv an appointment..

06-20-2013, 12:48 AM
Iv'e lost 20 pounds in just over a month, I feel your pain and misery, drink Lots of water, it may not be the solution but flushing the body helps get some of that cortisol out.

06-20-2013, 04:02 AM
That was me back in March, but I also had zero appetite and heightened smell. I had to force myself to eat even a piece of bread. My mouth would get dry in an instant too, weak arms and legs, felt like I got hit by a truck but I wasn't actually "sick" with anything but anxiety. It's amazing what your mind can do to your body. I'm finally starting to feel better, bit its still hard for me to believe that I did that to myself, which makes it worse. My thoughts were spiraling out of control because I thought something physical had to be causing it. It was really scary.

You will be alright though. Keep hydrated and eat whenever you can. Hope your appointment goes well.

06-20-2013, 04:05 AM
That was me back in March, but I also had zero appetite and heightened smell. I had to force myself to eat even a piece of bread. My mouth would get dry in an instant too, weak arms and legs, felt like I got hit by a truck but I wasn't actually "sick" with anything but anxiety. It's amazing what your mind can do to your body. I'm finally starting to feel better, bit its still hard for me to believe that I did that to myself, which makes it worse. My thoughts were spiraling out of control because I thought something physical had to be causing it. It was really scary.

You will be alright though. Keep hydrated and eat whenever you can. Hope your appointment goes well.

Hello missmello I've had that In the last two weeks and I loved my food be4,it really is scary what your mind and body can do your so right,it's also nice to know your not going crazy to lol how long have you lived with your anxiety ?

06-20-2013, 06:05 AM
I still have an appetite thank goodness. I have had anxiety since spring 2011 so not too long compared to some of you on here.

I hope you're right mello, and it's just my mind/anxiety making me feel this atrocious way!

06-20-2013, 03:00 PM
I think the first time I experienced anxiety symptoms was when I was around 18, so about 10 years now. I can go months or years being totally fine, but when it hits me it's full blown panic and anxiety and lasts for a while. My mom says she remembers when I was somewhere between 5-8 yrs old, she said I came running to her after playing outside saying something about I was afraid my heart was beating fast. I don't remember, but then again I was really young.

06-20-2013, 07:00 PM
I think the first time I experienced anxiety symptoms was when I was around 18, so about 10 years now. I can go months or years being totally fine, but when it hits me it's full blown panic and anxiety and lasts for a while. My mom says she remembers when I was somewhere between 5-8 yrs old, she said I came running to her after playing outside saying something about I was afraid my heart was beating fast. I don't remember, but then again I was really young.

That's so sad you experienced it so young. I hope my son NEVER has to experience this! I have felt pretty perfect all day then now it's evening time (8pm) and I'm starting to feel anxious.