View Full Version : I just dont get it!! Please someone reasure me

06-19-2013, 04:33 PM
Have had a lovely evening with some friends have felt fine alllll day now problems with anxiety been out on my own ect. Even was active with my son in my friends garden which I never do as I'm to scared of my heart racing to much. Then all of a sudden on the way home me not driving my partner I had this real bad what felt like skipped heart beat/palpitation it took my breath away couldn't breath properly then my heart starts racing even with me trying to remain calm... How can this happen??

I some times think its not anxiety when it happens so out of the blue and then my brain goes in to over drive like now thinking there's something wrong. I've been on a real good roll this last week now I feel like I'm starting from square 1 again :(

And if this is anxiety am I always going to notice these feeling I get palpitations flutters or what ever you wanna call them? I have never noticed them before its only the last few months and I've only had bad anxiety for 9 nearly 10 months.
My doctor refusing to let me have a 24 hour monitor done I've only had basic testing over a year ago with a ECG and some Blood tests.
Just need reassurance :(

06-19-2013, 04:34 PM
I mean *** NO problems with anxiety not now

06-19-2013, 04:53 PM
Your doctor refuses to give youa monitor? Hmmm that's strange! What is his reason for that? But besides that make an appointment to see a specialist

, you have more power over your health request then you might think you do! I would ask for a referral or just look one up yourself. A cardiology specialist. Even tho it is probably your anxiety. A pease of mind can be helpful in your over all recovery! I have seen a specialist myself. And believe it or not it is completely normal to have palpitations! Mine felt like it would skip beats, and felt like it was right up into my throat. Only last a few seconds! However if you have anxiety. It can escalate into your heart racing.
But ya I think you should see a specialist just to put your mind at ease!

Good luck to you!

06-19-2013, 04:59 PM
She said it will be feeding my anxiety and make it worse! But I feel I need reassurance like I said its been happening for a few months but I really notice it and its out the blue!!

06-19-2013, 05:24 PM
That's a completely ridiculous to not have you put on a holtor. Unbelievable, I would be furious. if you request it, they can't flat out refuse you.

Anyway, if it makes you feel any better, I get that feeling every so often too, out of the blue. A few weeks ago I woke up, as soon as I opened my eyes my heart was skipping beats just as you described. I literally opened my eyes and within a matter of a second it hit me. Like, can I get a minute to actually gain consciousness and wake up?? lol Well it went away after a few minutes, but all week I was worried about it, so after a week had passed I decided to see my doctor and she ordered a 24hr holtor monitor. It's been a week since I've returned it and I still haven't gotten the results but I'm sure they aren't going to find anything.

I've had anxiety about my heart for years, seen cardiologists, all kinds of heart tests, nothings wrong. I don't know why it happens either but its annoying!!! I've kind of accepted this shit is just something I'm gonna have to always deal with. I'm totally healthy though! Go figure! Whatever! lol

06-19-2013, 05:40 PM
I was having trouble with the pump surge as I call this one. I didn't want to go for any more tests, so I asked the doctor what to try first. I lift my arms above my shoulders next to my head, and it seems to do the trick. Thought it was strange, so asked the doctor why they suggested it next time, and it was because they saw how tense my chest was getting, so figured it wouldn't hurt to try it. Glad I did that.

Look for tensed area elsewhere to see if that is causing the trigger of the pump surge.

Best wishes.

06-19-2013, 09:28 PM
My doctor didn't want to refer me for a holster... But he did it anyway to give me reassurance. Maybe you should see another doctor? Good luck with it.

06-19-2013, 09:29 PM
Btw- I have heart flutters and random skipped beats. My holster showed them, but all came back normal regardless :) I am
Now learning to live with it.