View Full Version : Please help. New with Anxiety
Hi I would like to start it off with how my anxiety got to this point. I have always been an anxious kid, shy because I would be anxious of what they would think of me. I smoked m.j (a lot because I didnt know how much I had to smoke). I had a panic attack and freaked out. Ever since that ive been having high anxiety. I had a major panic attack and stress once because I was afraid idb blamed for something I didnt do. Now ive been very afraid because im getting these tension headaches and I keep thinking that Im going to go insane. Ive been so afraid I might die from a disease. I tried to go to the doctor but I had high anxiety that he would find something internally wrong with me or he would put me in a mental institute. What do I do? Is this anxiety or somethign entirely else?!?!?
I only smoked Marijuana once I should add.
Also I cant stop the anxiety. Its nonstop for me because ai cant stop thinking about it. Thank you everyone.
Anxious Abi
06-19-2013, 01:05 PM
I'm sorry to hear your anxiety is affecting you so badly at the minute.
Would just like to say, you're not going insane, I often feel the same when I can't stop my thoughts from taking over, but you have to remember it is just the anxiety that is making you feel that way.
I know fear is hard to overcome, but with regards to seeing the Doctor, if you do have something physically wrong, wouldn't it be better to find it and get treated rather than torturing yourself wondering? Also, I remember telling my Doctor the exact same thing, "I feel like i'm going insane, i'm scared i'll end up in a mental hospital." He said to me, if you need to be in a mental hospital, that is the best place for you to be.
Have a look around, there's loads of little tips I've picked up from people that have helped me, I really hope you find a little help.
Best wishes.
06-19-2013, 01:06 PM
Have you seen a doc or therapist yet? Start there. Alankay
06-19-2013, 01:31 PM
Anxiety is really hard when it first strikes. Your thoughts and fears are the same ones we all have. Make sure you see a doc to rule out any physical causes first, then learn all you can about anxiety. It will help you deal with the symptoms and help you to adjust the faulty thinking that got you to this point.
I will pick up the courage this time to help me with this. Thanks guy.
Do you have any tips how to manage myself? My next doctor appointment is in 3 weeks or so :(
I feel like im going to die before then or go crazy lol..... jeez I must sound crazy to you guys!
I will pick up the courage this time to help me with this. Thanks guy.
Do you have any tips how to manage myself? My next doctor appointment is in 3 weeks or so :(
I feel like im going to die before then or go crazy lol..... jeez I must sound crazy to you guys!
Crazy lol no your not crazy and not do you sound it,I would have lavender room sprays and put lavender oils in the bath,I know how rubbish you feel at the moment but it will get better :)
Crazy lol no your not crazy and not do you sound it,I would have lavender room sprays and put lavender oils in the bath,I know how rubbish you feel at the moment but it will get better :)
Yes I very much do hope so. I actually feel better and headache has gone away now that Ive gotten some assurances from you. I HAVE to get better!!
Also if my doctor prescribes me medicine, is it okay to go on them??? My experience with marijuana has scared me so much...
Also if my doctor prescribes me medicine, is it okay to go on them??? My experience with marijuana has scared me so much...
Ok can I tell you I had the same Experience as you I tryed it once and that what made me have bad Anxiety attacks and yes it really is ok to go on Meds please don't be scared this will get better :)
So both of our anxieties got started from the same thing then? Wow I feel so much better!!!!
So both of our anxieties got started from the same thing then? Wow I feel so much better!!!!
Yes they did :) believe me you will come through this if ever you need to chat please message me anytime :)
I have added you as a contact and friend in here. What medicine did the doctor presribe to you? Did it have any side effects? I hope you dont mind me asking!
I have added you as a contact and friend in here. What medicine did the doctor presribe to you? Did it have any side effects? I hope you dont mind me asking!
Not at all I've been on beta blockers for years in and off no side effects what so ever they are 10g and I can take up to 4 a day if i want to they are called propranolol (tho I've not taken any today I've not needed to and only one yesterday :) me I'm on sertraline 50g and I was tired for a few days but then I think the anxiety does that to you and I've been fine on that to :)
By the way I'm Emma I'm 38 I've had anxiety on and off since I was 17 so believe me it won't kill you or make you go mad :) I'm also from the uk
Nice to meet you Emma!! Im actually feeling excited to go to my doctor and anxious that its such a long wait. Im also having anxiety on and off if theyll find something very wrong with me :(
06-19-2013, 02:50 PM
Are you 100% sure that it was weed?..
Nice to meet you Emma!! Im actually feeling excited to go to my doctor and anxious that its such a long wait. Im also having anxiety on and off if theyll find something very wrong with me :(
There is nothing wrong with you :) it's just the anxiety
I wished I did not even try the crap,I'm not a way put there person to try loads of shit like that to not like all of my friends was and I wished I never touched it at all
06-19-2013, 02:55 PM
Have you tried to rescedual your dr appointment to an earlier one? Or call them and see if you can get a quick visit to discuss your concerns! I had todo that because my fear is the doctors! Our first visit we did nothing but talk about my anxiety and my fears of my upcoming physical, and blood work that I needed! So he put me on Ativan so I would be less anxious at my first big appointment. I worked great!
As far as MJ smoking goes! I cannot smoke that either, sends me right into a panic attack!
Learn as much as you can about anxiety! It will really help you!
I wish I never had either.... I cant believe I was dumb enough!!! I suppose its a life lesson once I get over this! (Or at least get better)
Good point, I guess I never thought about that at all. Ill try to reschedule to an earlier appointment
06-19-2013, 03:02 PM
Well MJ dose not cause the disorder, you have always had it! That's the way you are wired. I can't have any stimulants at all! Not even a cup of coffee. But the coffee did not cause my disorder! My nervous system is just sensitive, and it can take over with negative thoughts, until it spirals out of control into panic!
Yes ive always had anxiety :(
I would get anxious just before I would go in class or out with friends. Now it has been waaaay out of control though!
I should add however embarrasing this is.... that I had problems having sex because of anxiety. I was too nervous, until I got used to the girl :(
06-19-2013, 03:29 PM
LOL. well that's a good thing cuz you should get to know the girl first! LOL. See that's how you can start making light of your negative thoughts. ( just for an example! ).
Yeah thats very true.
I have a major question with anxiety. Does everyone have attacks of it? As in periods when theyre fine but an attack comes up and it kicks up again? Or is it constant anxiety? I cant seem to relax myself for long periods of time :( The last 3 days especially ive heen in constant anxiety almost until I got in this forum and now I feel better.
Yeah thats very true.
I have a major question with anxiety. Does everyone have attacks of it? As in periods when theyre fine but an attack comes up and it kicks up again? Or is it constant anxiety? I cant seem to relax myself for long periods of time :( The last 3 days especially ive heen in constant anxiety almost until I got in this forum and now I feel better.
I've had it on and off for years and yes you may get them on and off and yes you will get more good days than bad days :) it won't allways be like this I can control mine more than not so you will be fine
06-19-2013, 04:29 PM
Some! In the beginning for me it was constant. Now with my medication there are still symptoms, but not full panic! And the symptoms are milder. And I suspect that it will continue to get better! Also when I feel anxiety about having to do something I do positive self talk! And bull my way through! That has also helped put my symptoms at bay! Medication alone will not cure you! You have to cure you! You really need to change the way you think! And what messages you send to you brain! It takes some time, that's for sure. I have been working on myself for 2 months now! And I am about 70% there! I am on Paxil. I started real slow with only 10 MG. then to 15 MG now I just started on 20 MG. on Monday. But In between that. I learned to welcome the symptoms of anxiety so I can address them! Not allow them to take over! You want to try to stop them before it goes full circle and cause an panic attack!
What does a panic attack feel like for you? For me its headache and I feel like im going to go insane anytime so it brings me even more headaches which puts me in meltdown mode hahah
What does a panic attack feel like for you? For me its headache and I feel like im going to go insane anytime so it brings me even more headaches which puts me in meltdown mode hahah. I need to stop thinking theres something wrong with me :(
What does a panic attack feel like for you? For me its headache and I feel like im going to go insane anytime so it brings me even more headaches which puts me in meltdown mode hahah
I feel sick my heart beat is fast I feel like I'm not here,I feel dizzy and like I'm going to pass out,I shake I could feel hot or cold heavy head and the list goes on lol (tho you won't die you won't go mad you)
Are these symptoms of a panic attack? Headache, a very bit blurry vision, or maybe not concentrated vision idk how to explain it. Feeling like im going to go crazy, thinking I might have a different disease and itll kill me. Which sends me in limbo of constant headache and fear!
06-19-2013, 06:04 PM
Yes it is anxiety! I get that pressure in the head thing! I can't concentrate, or focus on things, even the tv loud will freak me out! Things seem serial to me. Almost like an outer body feeling. Like my brain is going to seize up on me! It is very annoying, and to me one of the worst symptoms that comes with anxiety.. One girl wrote on here that she tried cold compress on her head and it seemed to help. I tried it and it did help, but I had to lay down, and did some relaxing breathing! It dose get better! Now I still get headaches but I think that's because I keep adjusting my medication!
Im so happy to hear that it is like that for you aswell. I got teary eyed reading this!!!! I want to hug you! So heres an internet hug! *hugs*
Just have to go to the doctor now and build the courage because im so damn afraid of the doctors. Im probably the only guy youve met like this I bet!!
Also how do I breathe more relaxingly?
06-19-2013, 06:34 PM
Well I am glad to of helped you out! And know that you are not the only one! One way to breath right is thro your nose, lay or sit, put one hand on your chest, and one on your stomach. Take a breath thro your nose for a count of 3. Then hold for 3 exhale for 3 counting slowly! You want to feel your stomach rise not your chest! Called belly breathing, and is actually the correct way to breath, as adults we forget that. But watch any child breathing, or baby. And you see the belly go up and down not the chest!
Try it! Feels good! Also you can go to YouTube and find some breathing videos there. Just search breathing to relive stress! Lots of stuff out there, also the honest guys on YouTube has some great meditation stuff! Very relaxing!
06-19-2013, 06:47 PM
Like I said I am afraid of doctors to! Don't even like my blood pressure done! I diden't go to the doctors for 15 years because of my fear! So if I can do it you can! Also remember your first visit you just want to discuss your situation with the doctor so you will be more relaxed on the bigger appointment! And never forget! Your in control! Not them ok! My doctor had to wait until I was ready to have my blood work done, and believe me I kept putting it off! But when I finally did it is was a piece of cake! And my results that I feared was all normal! But the Ativan he prescribed was what made it all possible!
For me its weird. At first im scared before doing somehing but then im the most outgoing guy after I gear up. Its so feustrating because I feel crippled but ill get over it!
06-19-2013, 08:37 PM
Well I think that's awesome! You will do great if you keep that mind set! Ya the symptoms before hand is frustrating, but you move on! That's important!
Thank You :)
Lets hope everything goes well. Tomorrow should be a great day if I can keep my anxiety controlled.
06-20-2013, 08:01 AM
Just checking up on you to see how your day is going so far?
06-20-2013, 08:14 AM
Hey I think you are going to be ok. Also, I too was worried I would be put in an mental hospital but I wasn't and believe it or not you are dealing with all the same things we all fear. I tell you the most important thing that has helped me is slow deep breaths. Guided relaxation techniques (youtube). Doesn't work for all but I wanted to try anything! Talking to people who also suffer from this and knowing you are not alone always helps. Are you having the nervous stomach after a panic episode?
I was in class today and anxiety had me all over the place. It was manageable though and I was abke to do my testing fine. I was afraid though the whole time I would freak out. I hate hlw this anxoety is always constant for me. Its hard not to think about it :(
Ive been constipated a lot past month. Now it seems to be getting better though. I dont have stomach pains or anything. Headaches is my problem when im having these problems. Today in class it felt like my heaet was in pain :S
06-20-2013, 09:25 AM
Well the good thing is you said it was manageable ! So what ever you did to keep it manageable keep doing it! Because anxiety feeds on us freaking out. It loves to grow, and grow! So if you hold your ground, except it when it comes, then slam the door on it, it will weaken! Always keep your breathing slow, and constant! And your thoughts positive! Even crack a smile!
I would say you had victory today! The symptoms was a pain in the ass, but then again so I sent a 2 year old! Hehehe! Making fun of it helps me! ; )
Yes but it literally can kick off at any time for me. My vision seems a bit off aswell today :/ last night I slept well except this jerking feeling that woke me up once right before I went to sleep.
06-20-2013, 10:17 AM
Yes it can as it has for me too! Mine are getting less, and less. That means my medication is starting to work! Believe it or not it is good news you still have yours. In a twisted way because you able to have the opportunity to dissect them, and face them in order to beat them up! I was agoraphobic, as I learned more about this and wanted to defeat it, my medication started working, so I had less to deal with even though I wanted to! I had to purposely go out of the house to bring my panic attacks on! Which was hard because I hated them, but it was my only way to learn how to work through them, your brain needs a complete rewiring When you have anxiety on going it is the perfect time to change your thinking habits! Without having the symptoms it is a lot harder! Because you feel ok so you think about changing anything! Do you see what I am saying?
It might seem like I am rambling on but I believe it's in your mind to start with, so you have to correct it because in the long haul... Medication will not cure it. It just keeps it at bay! So take this time to figure out what is the cause of you anxiety, what makes it manifest , and how to train your brain to do the opposite.. I think it is an important of recovery! And also it's return! I was so afraid of having an attack I avoided them, and that was wrong! You need to desensitize your self to the anxiety. Now I am trying to find ways to have them on purpose so I can deal with them!
Yeah I always have been trying to attack it head on. I dont mind anxiety, its the problem when I start thinking I have cancer or something. I went to the ER twice because I was afraid I had low salt level after reading online :lol: they checked for cancers and such and found nothing. Then I went to the ER becauee I was afraid of having a heart attack after going to the gym. The night before I had woken up with intense heart "heat" I guess I can call it. Thought it was an heart attack but my heart checked out perfect. Funny thing is that the doctor asked me if I had anxiety issues but I was afraid and told him no. Ironic huh?? Hahah
06-20-2013, 10:59 AM
Lol.. Silly!
Just know your symptoms are symptoms of anxiety.. I am sure you have read a lot of threads here that describes you! Lol. I know I have! Just acknowledge your thoughts, then remove them. Because anxiety wants you to keep repeating them! It wants to send you into a panic attack.. After you get rid of that bad thought replace it with something else! And if its another bad thought, do the same.. Downsize them into something minor!
Yeah I will be trying. I guess a big problem has been freaking out when I get a symptom and I start looking up online different things. Ill stop that at all costs :P
My car right sided rim was cracked yesterday, so when I went to the auto repair shop and he told me, my anxiety went off the charts then I started thinking this was it, I was so stressed that I would finally go insane lol... Ohviously that wasnt the case, but thats when I kept worrying intensively about what was wrong with me. Stupid episode, but I found my way to this forum so it was worth it :)
06-20-2013, 12:42 PM
OMG! Yes stop going online to check out your symptoms, I also did that for so long and I stayed sick with worry. I have probably had everything under the stars wrong with me based on symptoms I had. I will tell you that there is some really crazy things I had and have read that anxiety in itself can cause. There is a thread of symptoms and that may ease your mind a bit. It helped me especially the metallic taste in my mouth I had for like 3 weeks. It was driving me mad.
One thing im not understanding is if the worries are only for your health or anything else? Like being blamed for something you didnt do for example.
One thing im not understanding is if the worries are only for your health or anything else? Like being blamed for something you didnt do for example.
Mine started with my Heath and then for some reason I got it in my head that I was going to go to prison for harming my children and that really made me ill,I lost a stone in two weeks as I felt so much guilt,(why would I ever think such a thought into head) I went right away to my docs as I thought I was going metal,tho I've read so many people get crazy thoughts in there heads through anxiety,I would die for my baby's they are my whole world and make my life worth living everyday I adore them x
Oh alright. Im glad you got over that!!! It must have been bad :(
That also makes me feel a lot better hahah
06-20-2013, 03:17 PM
I have major league fear of the doctor...always have because of bad experiences growing up. But I realized that going to the doctor was a relief because as I'm able to eliminate physical things wrong with me, I build up more reassurance that anxiety is the culprit! In fact, I had to overcome one of my BIGGEST fears with regards to the doctor which is having blood drawn. I'm 26 and have never had blood work done in my life because I'm absolutely beyond horrified of needles. But I did it, all though the nurse had to put up with my tears, and it was a relief just to know that it was something I COULD overcome. They certainly won't commit you to a mental institute! I totally understand what you are going through, but I'd definitely say go to a doctor because it might actually offer you more relief than you would think!
Oh alright. Im glad you got over that!!! It must have been bad :(
That also makes me feel a lot better hahah
It's still there but I know it's my anxiety and nothing more,what thoughts did you have?
I thought I would get blamed for something I didnt do and go to jail lol. Its stupid I know. Then I had thoughts that my family would be ashamed and not believe me that I didnt do it and because of my anxiety they would think I was on drugs so I must have been sellng them also. Right when my anxiety kicked in because of that experience with Marijuana, 3 weeks later my friends house got raided by the police for drugs and I was there earlier. Well, the rest is history and my anxiety was horrendous.
I thought I would get blamed for something I didnt do and go to jail lol. Its stupid I know. Then I had thoughts that my family would be ashamed and not believe me that I didnt do it and because of my anxiety they would think I was on drugs so I must have been sellng them also. Right when my anxiety kicked in because of that experience with Marijuana, 3 weeks later my friends house got raided by the police for drugs and I was there earlier. Well, the rest is history and my anxiety was horrendous.
You see how crazy is that lol like it's going to ever happen,it's all anxiety lol it's not untill you share your own thoughts and feelings on here that you realise your fine and your not the only one and that you won't be locked away :) god I would not even take a penny sweet without paying first lol it's crazy what our minds make up sometimes
It is indeed. Now its just been my health. I just drove by a person who looked crazy.... acting all weird and I freaked out a bit that I might end up lije her but I overcome the fear and I dropped the anxiety level to normal! Today I must have had 5 attacks but all have been kicked back to normal. (Maybe because I havent had coffee either the past 2 days)!
It is indeed. Now its just been my health. I just drove by a person who looked crazy.... acting all weird and I freaked out a bit that I might end up lije her but I overcome the fear and I dropped the anxiety level to normal! Today I must have had 5 attacks but all have been kicked back to normal. (Maybe because I havent had coffee either the past 2 days)!
It's really funny as someone said to me if you think your going mad your really not as mad people don't think about going mad lol and it makes so much sence
It is indeed. Now its just been my health. I just drove by a person who looked crazy.... acting all weird and I freaked out a bit that I might end up lije her but I overcome the fear and I dropped the anxiety level to normal! Today I must have had 5 attacks but all have been kicked back to normal. (Maybe because I havent had coffee either the past 2 days)!
Yes I've not touched coffee or wine for over three weeks now
Also is anyone else sensitove to light? I feel that of I use sunglasses my eyes feel better after an anxiety attack
I havent touched alcohol for awhile. Although it helps my anxiety tremendously for the moment, next couple of days my anxiety is all over the place hahah
Also is anyone else sensitove to light? I feel that of I use sunglasses my eyes feel better after an anxiety attack
I sometime get flashing lights like someone taking a photo or if your going to get a migraine
Wow, how long does that last?
06-20-2013, 04:43 PM
I've been very sensitive to the fluorescent lights and computer screen lately. It all gets very swimmy and I feel like I'm having a hard time focusing...then the tension headache sets in.
Wow, how long does that last?
Oh not long tho I know I get that from
Time to time so it don't worry me no more
I get the same thing with the eyes and headaches. Theyre probably connected!
06-20-2013, 06:59 PM
Also is anyone else sensitove to light? I feel that of I use sunglasses my eyes feel better after an anxiety attack
My mother who also has anxiety attacks and agoraphobia says her sunglasses help so much and she thinks the lights can even trigger an attack. I am trying to help her by helping her face her fears but she is the only person in Walmart wearing her sunglasses. You know I don't mind because I know what she is going through to so I say wear your sunglasses everywhere and anywhere until you feel better and you will feel better in time I promise.
It must be connected then. I feel that sunglasses do wonders for me!
Also, does anyone find sleeping with the tv on helpful? To me it lets me rest easy.
06-20-2013, 07:34 PM
Never tried that before but I will be trying that tonight. I feel I can fall asleep if I read but I don't think I am getting a restful night sleep. Ugh! makes anxiety worse for me in the mornings.
I havent been reading much. Ive been afraid itll trigger my anxiety lol
06-21-2013, 06:20 AM
I can only read positive things. No negative. It weird what can trigger these things. I have no clue what triggers mine. I always assumed upset stomach did but now I dont know.
Well ive been afraid if I read something I might go crazy and dilusional or something and end up in a mental hospital lol. Its a stupid fear, but still :(
Well ive been afraid if I read something I might go crazy and dilusional or something and end up in a mental hospital lol. Its a stupid fear, but still :(
Hey JCX and Jennjenn how are you both doing today?
06-21-2013, 07:56 AM
Me not so good i posted a new thread asking for help I am so lost.
Best Ive ever felt in 3 months!! No headaches or anything so far. Ive been able to really relax. Ive drank chamomille tea like it said in this forum and maybe its helped a lot. Also cut down on caffeine and sugars. Milk also!
06-21-2013, 08:11 AM
Super Jealous of you right now JCX :)
06-21-2013, 08:11 AM
Although still very happy for you! :)
Me not so good i posted a new thread asking for help I am so lost.
Message me Hun x
Best Ive ever felt in 3 months!! No headaches or anything so far. Ive been able to really relax. Ive drank chamomille tea like it said in this forum and maybe its helped a lot. Also cut down on caffeine and sugars. Milk also!
That's fantasic news :)
06-21-2013, 08:15 AM
Mine started with my Heath and then for some reason I got it in my head that I was going to go to prison for harming my children and that really made me ill,I lost a stone in two weeks as I felt so much guilt,(why would I ever think such a thought into head) I went right away to my docs as I thought I was going metal,tho I've read so many people get crazy thoughts in there heads through anxiety,I would die for my baby's they are my whole world and make my life worth living everyday I adore them x
Yeah,. It does seen that anxieties and obsessions can splinter off and spread into other areas!!
I have always had ridiculous phobias.. And one day I was in the passenger seat driving over a bridge (big bridges.. I live in NY).. And I thought to myself "how funny.. I can't believe I don't have any issues w crossing bridges..ha! That's funny.." And BAM!! Sure enough!! The very next time I crossed a bridge I freaked out! And now.., crossing bridges are on my list of fears.. Grrrrrr
When I am in a bad place.. These fears and obsessions completely take me over.. I can not fight them off.. But w Meds and therapy I am able to cross bridges w out having a complete melt Down or anxiety attacks..
One thing I always did before I was in therapy was that I always tried to expose myself to fears/threats.. Which I dunno. .. There seems to be conflicting opinions on that.. But now If my brain even starts to consider a new fear I immediately STOP clear my mind.. Push it away.. Bc if I entertain an idea.. It seems my mind likes to run away w it lol..
Of course that is much easier when I am on meds and therapy!
It is interesting tho how our mental issues takes on different and new forms an directions.,
06-21-2013, 08:19 AM
It is indeed. Now its just been my health. I just drove by a person who looked crazy.... acting all weird and I freaked out a bit that I might end up lije her but I overcome the fear and I dropped the anxiety level to normal! Today I must have had 5 attacks but all have been kicked back to normal. (Maybe because I havent had coffee either the past 2 days)!
LOL!!!! I have done this too!!! Lmao!
I once went to the hospital w a crazy anxiety attack.. An of course I am waiting in triage.. N it was like a horror film for me! OMG! Everywhere I looked! "Oh crap!!! Wht the hell happened to tht guy!? Uughhhh.. That's going to happen to me!! " and all on top of my own mental melt down..
Lol!! Oh boy.. I understand this :)
I avoid these kinds if things.. I don't watch horror films.. I don't have myself in situations that my get me worrying like mad..
And I try and usually succeed In NEVER entertaining any thoughts on "I might end up like that.. This could happen to me.. I feel twitchy.." It what ever lol.
Yeah,. It does seen that anxieties and obsessions can splinter off and spread into other areas!!
I have always had ridiculous phobias.. And one day I was in the passenger seat driving over a bridge (big bridges.. I live in NY).. And I thought to myself "how funny.. I can't believe I don't have any issues w crossing bridges..ha! That's funny.." And BAM!! Sure enough!! The very next time I crossed a bridge I freaked out! And now.., crossing bridges are on my list of fears.. Grrrrrr
When I am in a bad place.. These fears and obsessions completely take me over.. I can not fight them off.. But w Meds and therapy I am able to cross bridges w out having a complete melt Down or anxiety attacks..
One thing I always did before I was in therapy was that I always tried to expose myself to fears/threats.. Which I dunno. .. There seems to be conflicting opinions on that.. But now If my brain even starts to consider a new fear I immediately STOP clear my mind.. Push it away.. Bc if I entertain an idea.. It seems my mind likes to run away w it lol..
Of course that is much easier when I am on meds and therapy!
It is interesting tho how our mental issues takes on different and new forms an directions.,
Hey kelliesean :) how are you today ? I'm doing so well the last few days I've had no beta blockers for two days now and only week three on the Zoloft
KellieSean, isnt twitchiness part of anxiety aswell? Lol
06-21-2013, 08:26 AM
Hey kelliesean :) how are you today ? I'm doing so well the last few days I've had no beta blockers for two days now and only week three on the Zoloft
I feel awesome today em1!!! :-).. No anxiety! (Knock on wood!! ;) ) it just seems I am good one day.. Not the next.. Hmm we shall see.. But for now I'll enjoy this peace ;)
Glad to hear your feeling so well!!!!!! Xoxo
06-21-2013, 08:32 AM
KellieSean, isnt twitchiness part of anxiety aswell? Lol
Exactly JCX ;).. Lol.,
I feel awesome today em1!!! :-).. No anxiety! (Knock on wood!! ;) ) it just seems I am good one day.. Not the next.. Hmm we shall see.. But for now I'll enjoy this peace ;)
Glad to hear your feeling so well!!!!!! Xoxo
Oh that's really good news :) yes enjoy it lol
06-21-2013, 08:52 AM
It's really funny as someone said to me if you think your going mad your really not as mad people don't think about going mad lol and it makes so much sence
Lol! I was just going to say this too em1! :-) and it is true., crazy people don't know their crazy ;)
And these fear of going crazy or having heart attacks etc etc.. Are fears .. Just like people who have fear of heights.. They are usually afraid "something" will come over them and they will jump or something..
It's all unreasonable. But. It doesn't mean it's actually happening or going to happen.
Obviously this is easier to say when you aren't suffering at the moment tho lol..
Lol! I was just going to say this too em1! :-) and it is true., crazy people don't know their crazy ;)
And these fear of going crazy or having heart attacks etc etc.. Are fears .. Just like people who have fear of heights.. They are usually afraid "something" will come over them and they will jump or something..
It's all unreasonable. But. It doesn't mean it's actually happening or going to happen.
Obviously this is easier to say when you aren't suffering at the moment tho lol..
Anxiety is a pain in the arse lol it comes it goes and it's a lier and a bully,thoughts are just that thoughts,yes they are scary as anything but we will beat this :)
06-21-2013, 08:59 AM
Anxiety is a pain in the arse lol it comes it goes and it's a lier and a bully,thoughts are just that thoughts,yes they are scary as anything but we will beat this :)
06-21-2013, 09:26 AM
P.S. please excuse all my crazy typos ;) lol
Im feeling sort of numb and afraid im going crazy... I feel the anxiety creeping in :(
And the headaches are kicking in again :S
Plus heart hurts a little. Damn -__-
06-21-2013, 09:29 AM
Im feeling sort of numb and afraid im going crazy... Or mind numb... I feel the anxiety creeping in :(
Yes.. It is a relentless SOB when it strikes..
06-21-2013, 09:33 AM
Your not! I get those sensations too at times! But that's all it is! Are you at home for the day? Can you lay back and relax for awhile?
06-21-2013, 09:35 AM
Im feeling sort of numb and afraid im going crazy... I feel the anxiety creeping in :(
And the headaches are kicking in again :S
Plus heart hurts a little. Damn -__-
Distraction will many times work for me.. I will look at shoes I am in love with on the Internet.. Surf around reading interesting tid bits.. Maybe snoop around on Facebook.. Those things will help me to find some peace during those hard times..
I feel like I need to go for a run or something. Itslight headedness but almost like I'm floating on air. Ive never had symptoms like this before so this past 3 months its totally new playing field for me.
06-21-2013, 09:57 AM
I feel like I need to go for a run or something. Itslight headedness but almost like I'm floating on air. Ive never had symptoms like this before so this past 3 months its totally new playing field for me.
Yes.. That antsiness sounds like anxiety..
06-21-2013, 10:22 AM
Oh god ya! I had that too! I paced around the house. Drove everyone crazy! But hey go for a run! Of just a fast walk!
Okay so today ive had a few symptoms because ive been worried about my eyesight and going crazy. It hasnt been as bad though!!!
Guys nowim at an all time low. For some reason I felt like I'm sick of this anxiety. Then im having fear of being depressed and wondering if I might do something dumb to myself :(
06-21-2013, 12:24 PM
Guys nowim at an all time low. For some reason I felt like I'm sick of this anxiety. Then im having fear of being depressed and wondering if I might do something dumb to myself :(
I used to worry that I wd run head on into a wall to break my neck.. It was very very stressful! But that's just anxiety.. As em1 said- "thoughts are thoughts" .. It's when we are literally planning out taking actions .
However if you are feeling really super down and you are new to all this.. Take a trip to the ER.. They will be able to reassure you that this is anxiety. Give you a Xanax etc., and then maybe you can get into therapy ..
Im at work right now :(
Another 5 and 1/2 hours to go.
Being depressed is another one of my major fears...idk if im depressed also or what... :/
06-21-2013, 12:35 PM
Im at work right now :(
Another 5 and 1/2 hours to go.
Being depressed is another one of my major fears...idk if im depressed also or what... :/
U may w depressed.. I have been DX w depression.. "Chronic depression".. But tht doesn't mean my life is or has been over.. We pull through..
I was almost symptom free for 10 years because I was in therapy and on medication that changed my life for the better..
I understand your fear.. I don't blame you or worrying.. But I can tell you, being living proof.. You can get better..
I am just replacing rt now.. But I am looking forward to getting better ASAP as I am back in therapy and recently started meds again..
Is it normal to always be thinking about your anxiety? Or worrying about it, idk.
06-21-2013, 12:40 PM
Is it normal to always be thinking about your anxiety? Or worrying about it, idk.
It is CLASSIC anxiety.. OCD.. Believe me..
I know how hard it is to accept that this is all a mental "thing".. And that one can overcome it..
These times are staggeringly difficult.. And so so stressful that words don't even seem to explain the madness you are having..
But!! It is a mental disorder that luckily is very treatable today..
You sound like everyone here on the forum, which is good news!!! It means you have a treatable condition and you are NOT really going crazy as u fear :-)))
06-21-2013, 12:42 PM
I used to look at my husband.. And say "what r u thinking?" And he wd say "nothing.." And I felt he had no idea how lucky he was.. I was ALWAYS obsessing.. Worried constantly about my health anxieties.. Literally feeling that I was on the verge of some Terrible health disaster! Bracing myself for it!!
Believe me.. Worrying constantly about your health is very "normal" for people suffering w anxiety., you are not some freak :-)
06-21-2013, 12:51 PM
I used to look at my husband.. And say "what r u thinking?" And he wd say "nothing.." And I felt he had no idea how lucky he was.. I was ALWAYS obsessing.. Worried constantly about my health anxieties.. Literally feeling that I was on the verge of some Terrible health disaster! Bracing myself for it!!
Believe me.. Worrying constantly about your health is very "normal" for people suffering w anxiety., you are not some freak :-)
If you are feeling so very overwhelmed.. And you need immediate relief.. I wd go to the ER (I have myself when super anxious.. They have seen this before).. They will send over a mental health professional who will give you a anti anxiety.. Like Xanax.. Or lorazepam.. They will help you to settle down.. You sound like you could really use tht..
After that you should absolutely seek out a psychiatrist/therapist.. They can DX you and you can be on your way to recovery.
I'm NOT a Dr.. But you sound like you are OCD.. Bc u can't stop thinking about it.. Your obsessing.. (I am OCD too)
06-21-2013, 01:11 PM
Is OCD curable?? :S
It is treatable and manageable ..
I know all too well about the misery that OCD can create.. And I can tell you that I was amazed with my turn around after being on meds and in therapy for a just a few months and then longer.
What country or state do u live in?
06-21-2013, 01:12 PM
I have obsessed about it all day too and I just want to go home and sleep to get rid of it but I know that is not the way to handle it. Facing it is the way to handle it and that is hard to do when you are in the midst of anxiety. I think it is at its peak for us JCX right now. Which sucks BAD! It sucks to have to work wondering if people can tell you are on edge or if you can even give them eye contact because you think you may lose it in front of them. Do you ever feel that way?
06-21-2013, 01:14 PM
OCD is "intrusive .. Disturbing thoughts that persist." On the obsessive part., and then some/many people follow with a compulsion.. Acting out rituals knocking 5 times etc..
I do not have the compulsion part.. I just have the obsessive.. Which is much much more under control these days..
You also can get Disturbing thoughts through anxiety to like I have,you will get better and there is a light at the end of the tunnel,it's not nice when your going through it but it won't allways be bad :)
I definitely do JennJenn! I feel that people might be wondering if im crazy or weird. I live in USA. Massachusetts is the state.
Im afraid my family will think im crazy if I go on meds and therapy. Should I tell them?
06-21-2013, 01:28 PM
I live in Tennessee, I am a little embarrassed to tell anyone at work that I am just having anxiety issues at the moment and I am noticing today that the lights are freaking me out. I constantly bounce my leg and my boss keeps saying are you ok? I don't want her to think I cant handle stress or my job.
Are you on meds Jenn? Arent they working for you?
Im afraid my family will think im crazy if I go on meds and therapy. Should I tell them?
Ok stop that,your not crazy,yes Meds ad therapy will help you :) and yes talk to your family about it I bet they will understand more than you think they will :)
I would love to go to America it looks amazing :)
06-21-2013, 01:38 PM
Em, It is beautiful! I love this country! Where do you live?
Em, It is beautiful! I love this country! Where do you live?
I love the Accent,I love In London England :)
I love London!! Im a Chelsea FC fan :P
I love London!! Im a Chelsea FC fan :P
Oh are you lol
06-21-2013, 01:45 PM
Are you on meds Jenn? Arent they working for you?
Yes I am on Zoloft 50mg. I just increased it to 75mg. I am working my way up to 100mg because it makes me sleepy if i increase to fast. It helped tremendously for like 10 years. I may have had 3 to 5 panic episodes in those years but nothing like now. I am just having a hard time and I think I just need to increase my meds and think positive thoughts and I will get back to being me. I couldn't do this if my family and husband didn't know. I thought they would think I was crazy when i went on the meds at 20 and I thought they would think I was wimping out but I bet if you talk to your family someone has been through this or is on a medicine. Now my husband and family sometimes dont understand but at least they know whats going on.
Yes I am on Zoloft 50mg. I just increased it to 75mg. I am working my way up to 100mg because it makes me sleepy if i increase to fast. It helped tremendously for like 10 years. I may have had 3 to 5 panic episodes in those years but nothing like now. I am just having a hard time and I think I just need to increase my meds and think positive thoughts and I will get back to being me. I couldn't do this if my family and husband didn't know. I thought they would think I was crazy when i went on the meds at 20 and I thought they would think I was wimping out but I bet if you talk to your family someone has been through this or is on a medicine. Now my husband and family sometimes dont understand but at least they know whats going on.
I've only just gone on to 50g Zoloft I've been in it for three weeks now,hope it works for me
To As so many people said how good it was :)
06-21-2013, 02:34 PM
Em I love you guys accent. Its hot as my hubby says. lol I think Sertraline(its generic for Zoloft) helped me for 10 years. I love it and I guess that is why I am scared to change to something else. I just increased it so hopefully it will work. I hope it has not stopped working for me as I know some peoples body can get used to a med and then stop working. I really hope that is not the case.
Em I love you guys accent. Its hot as my hubby says. lol I think Sertraline(its generic for Zoloft) helped me for 10 years. I love it and I guess that is why I am scared to change to something else. I just increased it so hopefully it will work. I hope it has not stopped working for me as I know some peoples body can get used to a med and then stop working. I really hope that is not the case.
It's so funny as people love other people's Accents lol yes it's the same (sertraline Zoloft ) I'm sure it will work for you if it has in the past :) what's the weather like where you are? It's quite warm here which makes a change lol
Ive also been freaking out because Im afraid no medicine will work for me. My mind is racing asking "what if im depressed and no medicine works"?!?!?
06-21-2013, 03:08 PM
Stop the what ifs! Ask yourself what if it dose work for you!
Yeah I know, but its so hard :(
Yes I agree,don't think what if,think yes I'm going to try and I'm going to win over anxiety
06-21-2013, 03:15 PM
There is something out there that will work but you have to try before you ever know. I also will tell you at first you may or may not have a few side effects but you will be fine. I got a little sleepy with mine. I will take that any day over being like this. I have been on it a log time so maybe I just need to increase mine a little. You and your doctor will find something that works for you but you need to tell him everything. No matter if it brings you to tears. He/She needs to know to what extreme you have it because I sugar coated it when I went in the first time and they gave me a pill or too but nothing long term to help with the future attacks. My doctor said Oh I didn't realize how bad you had anxiety and prescribed me Zoloft immediately. I think it helped with in about 3 weeks.
Im feeling good now but I just cant get over the thoughts of being depressed and having OCD. :(
Im feeling good now but I just cant get over the thoughts of being depressed and having OCD. :(
How do you know you have OCD?
06-21-2013, 04:53 PM
You may not have OCD. You may just be in panic right now and think you do. I am anxious right now and I think about it non stop./ Once I feel better and I mean where I am not even worried a little I don't dwell on things.
I have no idea if I have OCD or anything. Usually when im having anxiety I get a big headache but im not getting that right now. Im afraid of being depressed right now and going crazy... but no big headache or anything. No chest pains or weird chest feelings.
Oh and at work im having it so hard to concentrate. Im clumsy and forgetful even with the smallest things!
Oh and at work im having it so hard to concentrate. Im clumsy and forgetful even with the smallest things!
I don't think you have a OCD I think it's just the anxiety
06-21-2013, 05:07 PM
I don't think you have a OCD I think it's just the anxiety
I am with Em on that one. I know my anxiety makes me think I have OCD too.
I am with Em on that one. I know my anxiety makes me think I have OCD too.
I think you can read into to much with that,I know mine is anxiety as I've had it for years and I know it can make you think you have all
Sorts but like bugger have you lol crazy ass minds lol
06-21-2013, 05:13 PM
You just made me giggle and that was nice for a change. :p
Does anxiety always come with headaches or chest or heart paints? Im having only a small pressure on forehead.
I keep shaking my leg up and down constantly by the way. It starts by itself almost in a way.
Does anxiety always come with headaches or chest or heart paints? Im having only a small pressure on forehead.
I keep shaking my leg up and down constantly by the way. It starts by itself almost in a way.
Breath it's only anxiety,you see it's a lier,it won't harm you,nothing is going to happen trust me I've had it since I was 17 I'm now 38 and I'm still here :) and believe me I've had the lot lol
I feel like im annoying you guys too much! Sorry for that. Also being in this forum this much makes mexthink I have OCD. Im always getting on here! Idk If its because you all make me feel better or im just OCD.
By the way you guys have been really amazing!!!
You just made me giggle and that was nice for a change. :p
Fab :) stick with me Jennjenn I'm sure I will crack you up a few times lol my friends allways say I make them laugh lol
06-21-2013, 05:24 PM
Em I will and JCX I felt I was annoying everyone too when I started Tuesday but I promise you are not. We have to pull together to get everyone through this and you are at the beginning and its scary as hell but I promise its ok. I check this thing via mobile and at my work all the time. It calms me a bit to know I am not alone. Also I got a pressure headache today because I stressed myself so bad . You don't have OCD for checking this forum so much you have anxiety and this forum lets you know you are not alone.
06-21-2013, 05:26 PM
Oh and I shake my leg non stop it actually calms me a bit. It is all the anxiety energy running through your body. Right now I feel like I a on a boat. You are ok and so am I. We will get through this.
Em I will and JCX I felt I was annoying everyone too when I started Tuesday but I promise you are not. We have to pull together to get everyone through this and you are at the beginning and its scary as hell but I promise its ok. I check this thing via mobile and at my work all the time. It calms me a bit to know I am not alone. Also I got a pressure headache today because I stressed myself so bad . You don't have OCD for checking this forum so much you have anxiety and this forum lets you know you are not alone.
OMG I'm on this forum all day lol that don't mean I have OCD it just means I'm nosy or talk to much hahahahaha people on here are fab so talk away get it out there never worry we are all here for the same reasons :)
Thanks Jenn!!! I feel better now.
Im getting the headache back up again... its almost as if I want the headache to come back to let me know im not going crazy when having those thoughts because im so used to them... lol
Now that sounds pretty crazy lmao!
I know that feeling Em! I feel comfort on here soxmaybe that could be it then. Ughhh the day started so well... but it spiraled badly. I need to learn to tellcmyself its just anxiety instead of anything else....
I know that feeling Em! I feel comfort on here soxmaybe that could be it then. Ughhh the day started so well... but it spiraled badly. I need to learn to tellcmyself its just anxiety instead of anything else....
Everyone comes on here for the same thing, Reassurance
06-21-2013, 06:00 PM
I agree with the majority of posts here.. There most certainly will be a medication that you respond to.
I too worry that I will not respond as well to the medication. But I am taking it.. Time will tell in the end.. I am hoping that it works out well again :-)))
06-21-2013, 06:02 PM
Hey Kelliesean How are you doing today?
06-21-2013, 06:04 PM
Hey Kelliesean How are you doing today?
Hey JennJenn :-) I am very very well
Today thank goodness!!! Thanks for asking :-)))
06-21-2013, 06:05 PM
Yay jcx You said it! Thank goodness! Now just keep saying it! If other thoughts get in the way. Quickly say go away, and push it aside! And for your symptoms, just get to understand them, and be ok with it! Do not make any connections to it, as in what if its this, or that. Clear your mind and breath thro them. They will weaken!
06-21-2013, 06:11 PM
Yay jcx You said it! Thank goodness! Now just keep saying it! If other thoughts get in the way. Quickly say go away, and push it aside! And for your symptoms, just get to understand them, and be ok with it! Do not make any connections to it, as in what if its this, or that. Clear your mind and breath thro them. They will weaken!
I agree with this advice :-) it helps for me to push ideas away.. If I entertain them I will run away w it.. And obsess w it :-)
06-21-2013, 06:55 PM
Very informative
Okay reading that, it sounds nothing like me. It made me feel better!
06-21-2013, 07:11 PM
Wow.. Reading up about health anxiety.. Hmmm., i think I will have to ask my psychiatrist why he doesn't think I have health anxiety.. Interesting.. And some reports explain that OCD and health anxieties are so close that some feel they over lap..
Woke up today and feeling like crap.... :/
06-22-2013, 06:49 AM
Woke up today and feeling like crap.... :/
Grrrr that stinks..
.. I had two beers last night.. Kept it TWO so that I wdnt be bugging out today.., day after heavy drinking makes me nutty these days..
I just feel down and hopeless :/
06-22-2013, 07:25 AM
I just feel down and hopeless :/
I hate that feeling..,
.. Maybe go take a shower.. Get outside and go for a walk :-).. Walking is said to do a lot of good for our mental well being.. I like walking ..
Im walking right now. It seems like I just cant relax my mind. Afraid of being depressed and eventually trying to do something hurtful to myself...
06-22-2013, 07:37 AM
Im walking right now. It seems like I just cant relax my mind. Afraid of being depressed and eventually trying to do something hurtful to myself...
Speaking from my own experience w my madness lol.. The best we can do is realize how important diagnosis and treatment are.. So.. Try not to fear what disorder you may have.. And look to get into treatment so you can have recovery.
As you have read from me and other members here, being In therapy and taking meds has dramatically improved out quality of life.. But we wdnt never have been able to say that if we didn't go to the dr, get properly diagnosed w a disorder.. And treat that disorder w therapy and medications..
We all know what you are going through.. And you can get better- no matter what a professional finds your disorder is..
06-22-2013, 07:40 AM
I know what your saying tho.. My doc has considered tht maybe I am bi polar.. Considering that I get very anxious.. I have had anxiety attacks thinking I am bi polar.. I try not to think about it.. But in the end.. Id rather treat a real problem than try and will it away (which wd never wk etc)
We shall see!
Thank goodness for the support here in the interim :-)
I know what your saying tho.. My doc has considered tht maybe I am bi polar.. Considering that I get very anxious.. I have had anxiety attacks thinking I am bi polar.. I try not to think about it.. But in the end.. Id rather treat a real problem than try and will it away (which wd never wk etc)
We shall see!
Thank goodness for the support here in the interim :-)
Hello how are you today :)
I know that feeling Em! I feel comfort on here soxmaybe that could be it then. Ughhh the day started so well... but it spiraled badly. I need to learn to tellcmyself its just anxiety instead of anything else....
Hello JCX how are you feeling today?
06-22-2013, 08:00 AM
Hey em1 :-))))) I'm doing pretty good :-) how are u doing today across the ocean!!??? :-) too bad we don't live closer! We cd all get together! :)
Hey em1 :-))))) I'm doing pretty good :-) how are u doing today across the ocean!!??? :-) too bad we don't live closer! We cd all get together! :)
Oh I would love to come to the states lol I'm doing gr8 thanks another good day :)
Hi em! Not well. I woke up today having low morale.Walked and ran for an hour. I feel a bit better. Right side of my face feels a bit heavy right now but I know its just anxiety. Ive been thinking im depressed :(
Should I see a psychiatrist, psychologist or therapist? Im still unsure what to do :/
06-22-2013, 08:09 AM
Should I see a psychiatrist, psychologist or therapist? Im still unsure what to do :/
Psychiatrists are the only ones who can prescribe meds..
Some, like my psychiatrist provide meds And cognitive therapy.. This is the best when both are offered by the same provider.. But it's still effective if you see a psychiatrist to see if meds are necessary.. N therapist for therapy..
Sometimes u have to shop around too.. Unfortunately there are some crappy docs out there.. And or.. Ya just have to find the right fit for you
06-22-2013, 08:14 AM
Oh I would love to come to the states lol I'm doing gr8 thanks another good day :)
Glad to hear you are feeling well today em!! :-)
Im feeling scared... like theres no hope :(
Should I see a psychiatrist, psychologist or therapist? Im still unsure what to do :/
It's just your anxiety nothing more,your heathy your fine,tho i do think you would Greatly benefit from talking to your Family and a doctor,believe me I'm so thankful that I did :)
The normal health things arent scaring me anymore. Its being depressed thats scaring me. Im even believing im depressed which Im not sure if I am or not :(
The normal health things arent scaring me anymore. Its being depressed thats scaring me. Im even believing im depressed which Im not sure if I am or not :(
Well if you do feel low there's so much help out there,please don't feel like there is not,book yourself in to go and see the docs,believe me I'm so happy I did
06-22-2013, 08:32 AM
Well if you do feel low there's so much help out there,please don't feel like there is not,book yourself in to go and see the docs,believe me I'm so happy I did
Agreed 100%!!! There's no sense in suffering when help is available..
Thanks guys youve made me feel better.
I really believe that I should see a psychiatrist now. How much do you all spend a month on medicine and therapy?
06-22-2013, 09:38 AM
Thanks guys youve made me feel better.
I really believe that I should see a psychiatrist now. How much do you all spend a month on medicine and therapy?
I have insurance coverage through my husband who works for a government agency..
But most psychiatrists will take a lot of different insurances..
And real good "good at heart" drs are truly interested In helping those in need.. SO! If one does not have health insurance.. Many will treat a patient on a sliding scale and according to their income... An then I have known docs I. These situations to also give meds to these patients via samples, to help w costs also.. This way the patient doesn't have to pay out of pocket for expensive meds they can't afford.
I wd also like to empower you w the FACT that you are the consumer.. It is your right to call these drs, ask for what their process is.. And any other questions that you may have.. I have done this.. And there were many arrogant docs who did t appreciate me inquiring.. But there were a few who applauded my doing so.. And said "this is your right.. Im glad you are taking control of your mental health.. And asking questions. So remember that!
And don't be discouraged by snob doctors! For every snob/arrogant one there is a good one.. Just keep looking and calling and you will find te right one..
Thanks guys youve made me feel better.
I really believe that I should see a psychiatrist now. How much do you all spend a month on medicine and therapy?
We have the NHS here in England so we don't pay for anything like that and some people don't have to pay for there tables to if they don't work etc tho it's around £7 each time you go depending on what your getting ect
I think ill be paying for my meds out of my pocket :/
When I had headache medicines I was given when I rushed to the E.R I had to pay full cost :S
06-22-2013, 11:14 AM
Anxiety that SOB.. I just had anxiety attack.. :((
06-22-2013, 11:44 AM
Anxiety that SOB.. I just had anxiety attack.. :((
I am sorry that SOB cant leave us alone! Keep that head up! Hard as hell when your going through it but maybe we can help one another by being there for support!
06-22-2013, 11:49 AM
I am sorry that SOB cant leave us alone! Keep that head up! Hard as hell when your going through it but maybe we can help one another by being there for support!
Awwww :-) thanks Jenn! Really appreciate it.. Yeah it's sooooooo hard when you have it come out of no where! I was fine all morni g.. And the. It flew in .. Prob bc I left the house.. N being that I am agoraphobic..
But then after I have such a bad attack.. I feel so SOO so fearful of another one.. N then I have overwhelming anxiety.. N then I just feel like "how can I go on like this???" Uughhh
So disheartening..
06-22-2013, 12:02 PM
Awwww :-) thanks Jenn! Really appreciate it.. Yeah it's sooooooo hard when you have it come out of no where! I was fine all morni g.. And the. It flew in .. Prob bc I left the house.. N being that I am agoraphobic..
But then after I have such a bad attack.. I feel so SOO so fearful of another one.. N then I have overwhelming anxiety.. N then I just feel like "how can I go on like this???" Uughhh
So disheartening..
Well I know exactly what you are saying. The good days are so good but damn when the bad days hit it does make you think how can I live like this, how long do I have to live like this, why does my mind go there? It sucks so bad. I too have fear of the next attack. I even have fear of anxiousness without the full blown attack. I don't want to feel this way and I too have a hard time leaving my house when I feel this way. It sucks too because my bday is Thursday and the hubby wants to take me out and I don't know how to say I cant.
Thank god ive been pushing myself out. I have those "how can I live like this" thoughts aswell, but im so afraid of depression and going crazy that thoughts like that are huge triggers for me.
06-22-2013, 12:09 PM
Well I know exactly what you are saying. The good days are so good but damn when the bad days hit it does make you think how can I live like this, how long do I have to live like this, why does my mind go there? It sucks so bad. I too have fear of the next attack. I even have fear of anxiousness without the full blown attack. I don't want to feel this way and I too have a hard time leaving my house when I feel this way. It sucks too because my bday is Thursday and the hubby wants to take me out and I don't know how to say I cant.
I know! It's so difficult trying to tell people in your life that you aren't "up to it"- meaning anything almost lol.. I have friends asking me to do things too..
And then I feel guilty and as tho I am alienating myself.. Grrrr
06-22-2013, 12:10 PM
Thanks for the normalization Jenn :-)
06-22-2013, 12:56 PM
Well I just fell asleep. Sorry bout that. Does anyone else get so sleepy after having this crap. I get to where I cannot even focus. UGH! JCX this things we are all going through are pretty normal stuff from what I am reading and I guess my friends and family will just have to deal with it until I get better. @Kelliesean, your welcome. I got your back! I also wanted to ask do you ever wonder if your spouse gets tired of this? I really worry about it. Even though he says he would never leave I just worry one day he is going to be like snap out of it. You are not the woman I married?
06-22-2013, 01:06 PM
Well I just fell asleep. Sorry bout that. Does anyone else get so sleepy after having this crap. I get to where I cannot even focus. UGH! JCX this things we are all going through are pretty normal stuff from what I am reading and I guess my friends and family will just have to deal with it until I get better. @Kelliesean, your welcome. I got your back! I also wanted to ask do you ever wonder if your spouse gets tired of this? I really worry about it. Even though he says he would never leave I just worry one day he is going to be like snap out of it. You are not the woman I married?
That's funny Jenn.. Bc I just melted down before w my anxiety attack.. I was trying so hard to keep it to myself.. But then I needed to cry .. N then I felt so guilty about being this way.. I asked husband too! I asked if I am driving him crazy! So coincidental u bring it up..
I even just showed him your post.,
1- let him into what I'm doing.. And show him other people like me out here..
2- I wanted to send home the message that we are fearful that all this takes a toll on our marriages..
He seems "firm" tht he is good w it.. And he reminds me that I will pull out of soon and not to dwell.. So!! I really do feel your concern there.. I worry about that too.. Feel like such a miserable basket case.. N worry that why shd anyone want to have me leaning on them so hard emotionally.. But.. I wd absolutely hands down do the same for him..
Illness of any kinda can strike right? It happens.. Our illness is an "invisible" one that many can't understand bc there are no physical wounds.. And bc there is no "real" threat..
But we all have to be there for the ones we love right??? :-)))
06-22-2013, 01:07 PM
Your falling asleep made me chuckle btw lol :-) that's cute..
I get tired w this stuff too.. It's exhausting.. Just like after a hard cry.. Feeling knocked out!!
Well I just fell asleep. Sorry bout that. Does anyone else get so sleepy after having this crap. I get to where I cannot even focus. UGH! JCX this things we are all going through are pretty normal stuff from what I am reading and I guess my friends and family will just have to deal with it until I get better. @Kelliesean, your welcome. I got your back! I also wanted to ask do you ever wonder if your spouse gets tired of this? I really worry about it. Even though he says he would never leave I just worry one day he is going to be like snap out of it. You are not the woman I married?
We all have tough things we have to face in our life's and this is yours,I'm sure your husband try's to understand like mine does,no one will understand unless they have it
06-22-2013, 01:16 PM
We all have tough things we have to face in our life's and this is yours,I'm sure your husband try's to understand like mine does,no one will understand unless they have it
Yeah.. It's so hard for someone who hasn't experienced it to "get it".. My best friend is very open minded and awesome.. N many times she is just "but Kellie.. This makes me nervous too.." N I'm like "hard to explain.. I'm a nervous beyond nervous" she tries to associate w it.. But..
06-22-2013, 01:17 PM
We all have tough things we have to face in our life's and this is yours,I'm sure your husband try's to understand like mine does,no one will understand unless they have it
Hi Em! Missed ya! Yeah its just we are all so young and put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be "normal" and when I am not "normal" I worry I am too emotionally messed up to be worth helping by my hubby or anyone for that matter. I always say stuff like can you imagine what it feels like for me if your sick of it then I am like extremely sick of it. He says sometimes he too just has bad days and I guess when I am going through this I am selfish because I don't ask him how he is because all I am consumed with is me and my anxiety. I am so glad I am not alone.
06-22-2013, 01:21 PM
Yeah.. It's so hard for someone who hasn't experienced it to "get it".. My best friend is very open minded and awesome.. N many times she is just "but Kellie.. This makes me nervous too.." N I'm like "hard to explain.. I'm a nervous beyond nervous" she tries to associate w it.. But..
I too have a best friend that know what I am going through but it has even got to the point I worry I only call her when I am down because I always seem to be down lately. I have felt so much better being online with you, Em and JCX I almost freak out a bit when I don't see you guys on here. Hey,,,Dont laugh! I cant help it. lol BTW Maybe I will show my hubby this when he gets home so he know my fears and he will know there are Hubbys out there who also have this going on and are there for their wives. BTW I might add when I am not dealing with anxiety I am an awesome wife.
Your falling asleep made me chuckle btw lol :-) that's cute..
I get tired w this stuff too.. It's exhausting.. Just like after a hard cry.. Feeling knocked out!!
Aww I'm so sorry you have not had a good day :(
06-22-2013, 01:23 PM
Aww I'm so sorry you have not had a good day :(
Yeah :-(((( me too... It just seems I'm good one day .. Ehhh/bad the next.. Guess it's a part of getting "there". Hanging in there tho..
06-22-2013, 01:23 PM
I too have a best friend that know what I am going through but it has even got to the point I worry I only call her when I am down because I always seem to be down lately. I have felt so much better being online with you, Em and JCX I almost freak out a bit when I don't see you guys on here. Hey,,,Dont laugh! I cant help it. lol BTW Maybe I will show my hubby this when he gets home so he know my fears and he will know there are Hubbys out there who also have this going on and are there for their wives. BTW I might add when I am not dealing with anxiety I am an awesome wife.
Yeah I love chatting w you like minded kind ladies!!! :-)
I am sure you are an awesome wife :-))) me too ;)
I too have a best friend that know what I am going through but it has even got to the point I worry I only call her when I am down because I always seem to be down lately. I have felt so much better being online with you, Em and JCX I almost freak out a bit when I don't see you guys on here. Hey,,,Dont laugh! I cant help it. lol BTW Maybe I will show my hubby this when he gets home so he know my fears and he will know there are Hubbys out there who also have this going on and are there for their wives. BTW I might add when I am not dealing with anxiety I am an awesome wife.
I'm allways here if any of you need to chat :) I can chat chat chat all day lol
06-22-2013, 01:43 PM
I'm pretty much always here too! Live on my phone lol ;).. That's how I am accessing this through my phone.. :-))
I'm pretty much always here too! Live on my phone lol ;).. That's how I am accessing this through my phone.. :-))
Yes I'm on my phone to lol what would we all do without a mobile lol
06-22-2013, 01:47 PM
I'm pretty much always here too! Live on my phone lol ;).. That's how I am accessing this through my phone.. :-))
Well I just tried this from my phone. It would be nice if my kindle fire let me log on. There is not an app for it :(
06-22-2013, 01:48 PM
Wonder how JCX is doing today?
Im here too!!! Im on my phone all the time aswell!
I almost had a major attack because I thought what if my vision goes away and im blind. Headaches and not concentrated vision have been a pain in the ass for me.
What time is it where you all are? It's ten to nine in the evening here in London
06-22-2013, 01:53 PM
Jcx. Your saying the what ifs again! Shame, shame!
06-22-2013, 01:58 PM
its 3:58 her in the afternoon.
Does anyone's anxiety stop them from day to day things? Going out,shopping etc ?
06-22-2013, 02:04 PM
4:00. Afternoon here
06-22-2013, 02:04 PM
What time is it where you all are? It's ten to nine in the evening here in London
4:04 pm here :-)
06-22-2013, 02:05 PM
Does anyone's anxiety stop them from day to day things? Going out,shopping etc ?
It does stop me from day to day activities at times.. When I am having a bad stretch..
Do you all find you relax more in the evenings or do you have your anxiety all day and night?
06-22-2013, 02:09 PM
Yes! But now it's getting better! Just mild anxiety witch is good because it gives me practice to calm myself. One of my biggest test for me will be returning to work! I've been out for almost 2 months now! Yikes!
Yes! But now it's getting better! Just mild anxiety witch is good because it gives me practice to calm myself. One of my biggest test for me will be returning to work! I've been out for almost 2 months now! Yikes!
That's really good news,how long have you had your anxiety for?
06-22-2013, 02:13 PM
My first major attack was on may 5th
My first major attack was on may 5th
Oh really,do you know why?
I havent been able to read books because of my fear of going crazy. Ive had a friend of mine do all of my college essays. Im taking a english class that I needed to finish. I pay him for that of course. This past 3 months has been brutal.
Ive woken up in panic a few times but I dont let it bother me. I know its just anxiety. Some weird symptoms also but I brush them off. The going crazy and depressed are my biggest fearss right now.
06-22-2013, 02:18 PM
I have been able to out and drive now for about 2 weeks. I haven't tried to go to eat yet, so I need to try that soon as part of my exposure treatment!
I havent been able to read books because of my fear of going crazy. Ive had a friend of mine do all of my college essays. Im taking a english class that I needed to finish. I pay him for that of course. This past 3 months has been brutal.
Ive woken up in panic a few times but I dont let it bother me. I know its just anxiety. Some weird symptoms also but I brush them off. The going crazy and depressed are my biggest fearss right now.
Your not going to go crazy,stop saying that :) your giving your anxiety more fuel by thinking that,your dark thoughts are just that (thoughts) believe me I know x
06-22-2013, 02:25 PM
Why I had a major attack? Yes I have panic disorder LOL. No but I think pressure of work, family, I have a child with ADHD, sometimes stressful, just found out my daughter was using drugs! And I have a big fear of doctors, and had an upcoming doctors appointment that required a full physical, and blood work. I kept dreading that because I had a bad experience having blood drawn before, so I was very nervous! Not to mention I am a very deep thinker! Right down to details! So put it all together and whoola!
06-22-2013, 02:25 PM
In the beginning I could not even butter a piece of bread! LOL
In the beginning I could not even butter a piece of bread! LOL
Oh god you poor thing,that's alot to take on,are you on any Meds ?
06-22-2013, 02:29 PM
I couldn't watch tv read, or even listen to anything at a loud volume! Thought my mind was just going to seize up!
Oh wow that must have been such an extreme anxiety!! Was it constant and nonstop?
06-22-2013, 02:32 PM
At first it was constant! Like you said the other day, I just wanted to run! I paced around the house, I wanted to just reach inside myself and pull the f##%#ing evil out! I was in pure hell!
06-22-2013, 02:35 PM
I got treatment early too! That helps with a quicker recovery! Because I had a up coming appointment, I called for a quick visit so I was able to do the longer ones! And got right on medication, and started looking up techniques to relax, and used it constantly!
06-22-2013, 02:43 PM
I got treatment early too! That helps with a quicker recovery! Because I had a up coming appointment, I called for a quick visit so I was able to do the longer ones! And got right on medication, and started looking up techniques to relax, and used it constantly!
I feel like I use those breathing techniques all day sometimes. lol I always fall asleep they relax me so much. An not long after stupid anxiety creeps back up!
Its been 3 months for me. Im better then I first was though. Ill get better with a therapists help though hopefully.
I've had my anxiety and panic attacks for 21 years now x
06-22-2013, 02:55 PM
Well I think as a whole I have to just different, at times thought my life.. I've had anxiety, but milder, thought I had heart problems, I was about 18. Then I had post natal depression, along with voices in my head telling me to put the baby outside she would be fine! Scary! Since it was November, and I live in Maine. Got over that ok, then I suffered a bout of bi- polar. That went into depression, and agoraphobia! Very dark time for me, used Paxil to treat that, and was on it for 3 years.. Weaned myself off with no problems! Was good until may 5 th.
Well I think as a whole I have to just different, at times thought my life.. I've had anxiety, but milder, thought I had heart problems, I was about 18. Then I had post natal depression, along with voices in my head telling me to put the baby outside she would be fine! Scary! Since it was November, and I live in Maine. Got over that ok, then I suffered a bout of bi- polar. That went into depression, and agoraphobia! Very dark time for me, used Paxil to treat that, and was on it for 3 years.. Weaned myself off with no problems! Was good until may 5 th.
Oh you poor thing you have really
Been through it
06-22-2013, 03:01 PM
Lol yes I have. The last attack I had 10 years ago I lost a lot. I had my own hair salon that I had to close due to this disorder! But you know what? I recovered every time! And I am recovering now! So many people out there worst off then me! So I am great full everyday!
Lol yes I have. The last attack I had 10 years ago I lost a lot. I had my own hair salon that I had to close due to this disorder! But you know what? I recovered every time! And I am recovering now! So many people out there worst off then me! So I am great full everyday!
I'm a hairdresser to :) aww you poor
Thing,yes you are and your so strong so good on you and keep it
Wow thats a lot. Im glad you are so strong!!!
Ive been feeling really happy and smiling the past 2 hours because ive convinced myself im not going crazy or depressed.
Also have you guys ever noticed that counting actually gets your mind off of what your thoughts are? My grandfather has anxiety right now after a small stroke. The physicsl therapist told him to count in his mind when he works out because itll get your mind off of it. Ive tried it so far and its been working.
My other grandfather however is the reason why Im afraid of depression and going crazy. He went senile at the age of 76 and Im afraid I might too. Its astupid to think that but its a pain in the ass lol
Ive been feeling really happy and smiling the past 2 hours because ive convinced myself im not going crazy or depressed.
Also have you guys ever noticed that counting actually gets your mind off of what your thoughts are? My grandfather has anxiety right now after a small stroke. The physicsl therapist told him to count in his mind when he works out because itll get your mind off of it. Ive tried it so far and its been working.
My other grandfather however is the reason why Im afraid of depression and going crazy. He went senile at the age of 76 and Im afraid I might too. Its astupid to think that but its a pain in the ass lol
Oh that's good that you have been smiling and you see now when you look back at the last few hours how you have been feeling you have done none of what you think you was going to do,you won't go mad it's all anxiety :)
06-22-2013, 03:44 PM
Do you all find you relax more in the evenings or do you have your anxiety all day and night?
I have always had a more difficult time during the evenings.. I dunno.. Something about it being drk and quiet triggers anxieties..
Of course when I am in a bad phase.. There little relief or any part of the day.. But nights are generally worse for me..
06-22-2013, 03:46 PM
Ive been feeling really happy and smiling the past 2 hours because ive convinced myself im not going crazy or depressed.
Also have you guys ever noticed that counting actually gets your mind off of what your thoughts are? My grandfather has anxiety right now after a small stroke. The physicsl therapist told him to count in his mind when he works out because itll get your mind off of it. Ive tried it so far and its been working.
My other grandfather however is the reason why Im afraid of depression and going crazy. He went senile at the age of 76 and Im afraid I might too. Its astupid to think that but its a pain in the ass lol
This afternoon as I was having major anxiety attack I grabbed my phone and called my SIL- she has experience w it.. And she wks w people w disorders.. She told me to count too! Hmmm.. Now that you are saying so too.. Perhaps I rely Shd give that a try!
I find I love the nights as its my time to relax after a busy day looking after the housework,children,husband etc do any of you use lavender for relaxing ? I find it's good,I have bath oils and room sprays
At night also. I always feel better around my family. It calms me down even though my parents fight a lot...
06-22-2013, 04:59 PM
Yes I count to with my breathing as well, or I will slowly say the alphabets, and in my mind see each letter as I say them! And watch them go by! Sounds silly but it occupies my mind!
How is everyone day so far? I hope you are all doing well ♥
06-22-2013, 05:30 PM
I am doing good as I seem to towards the evening. It just sucks cause my Saturday was wasted on anxiety.
I work anyways. Ive been anxious for 3 months but I just continue with what I have to do. I need to get into therapy to get over this though :)
You will get better Jenn!!! Then you will know the lows of life and appreciate every waking moment :)
06-22-2013, 10:13 PM
If you have anxiety/panic attacks you should stay away from marijuana. I know several people who have had terrible experiences while smoking that had anxiety.
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