View Full Version : Anxiety advice?

06-19-2013, 09:31 AM
My anxiety attacks started getting severely bad about half a year ago. I am constantly worried about something that might not even happen, but i constantly believe that it is. My mum told us she might have lung cancer a month ago, as soon as she told me i had an anxiety attack because straight away i thought ''my mum has cancer she is going to die' its just how i saw it.

My anxiety has got really bad to the point my friends have given up on me, they can't deal with me 'attacks' my first love who i had been with nearly two years ended me being he couldn't cope with it. When people leave my life it only makes it worse. I panic to meet someone new cause i automatically think 'they'll leave in the future' i just want these to stop. And trying to tell someone how i feel is horrible!

I sweat to the point it drips like teardrops, because i get so anxious, scared and worried. Im always filled with worry, always. I want it to stop so i can just be the happy bubbly girl again. I hate feeling like i cant breathe like I am literally suffercating and i either breathe it out slowly or run away.. you know it will pass but when your in that moment it feels as if your having a heartattack.

Does anyone else suffer this and have any advice on how to deal with it?

06-19-2013, 10:41 AM
Welcome! Are you seeing a doctor? Are you on any medication? You need to learn about anxiety, and how it effects you before you can climb that ladder again! Takes time, but just know you will recover!

06-19-2013, 10:59 AM
First of all remember ur mom is nt suffering frm lung cancer, its jus a thought process which u r caught into, secondly meeting people causes u anxious that describes social anxiety which is normal, v r very sensitive, also thru anxiety phase its very ok that u sweat and shake..
Consult a doctoe and discuss things with him, when ur anxious sit in a calm place and concentrate on ur breathing (might b hard in starting but u will get thru it) also anxiety is 100% curable and ur d only one who can cure it, browse some relaxation audios and videos and listen them, one more thing as i always say dont keep googling ur symptoms..
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