View Full Version : Crying

06-18-2013, 07:53 PM
I can't stop crying. It's been 5 days since I weaned off Zoloft and I don't know if that's what causing my emotions to be heightened but it's definitely weird. I started missing my ex bf so I contacted him, my mom and I got in an argument over nothing but it brought me to tears. I'm freaking out about going to graduate school in the fall which is suppose to be a happy thing yet I'm in my room bawling my eyes out. It's my dream school and I'm going there for my pharmD. Just ugh I never wanted to be on Zoloft but I was put on bc I'm afraid of throwing up and when I got the stomach bug I stopped eating so my doctor put me on It. I was on it for 6 months and to me that's a long time. How long will the weaning process take? When does it get out of my system? I want to be happy about going to school not sit in my room crying over my cheating ex. Sorry I'm venting but do you guys think it's cuz I'm off Zoloft? I've never been on anti depressants before so I don't really know anything about it.
Just wondering if someone can relate or help me understand more about this weaning process.