View Full Version : Lump in throat

06-18-2013, 06:41 PM
Ever feel like there's something lumpy hung in your throat? Comes as fast as it leaves . Feels like a piece of meat is hung although I haven't ate in a while, freaking out assuming worst, throat tumor or something please tell me this is normal??

06-18-2013, 07:21 PM
It's anxiety! Take an anti-inflammatory pill!

06-19-2013, 08:48 AM
As gross as it sounds I can stick my finger down my throat where that little flap is and feel something weird !!!! Im so damn sick of this I give up I honestly can't do this anymore! My husband is so aggravated with me , keeps saying I'm a hypochondriac which I'm sure is true and that I need to just stop!!!! I would love to do that but how in the hell am I going to stop if something new pops up????? Please advise

06-19-2013, 09:14 AM
I've been all over the place myself. It seemed as though once I got over one symptom, I started worrying about something else, then something else, and so on. It was getting to be ridiculous. I said to myself, how is it that I started out feeling this.. and now I feel THIS, which is obviously totally unrelated. It started to make sense that it was anxiety, because things weren't adding up. Symptoms all over the place like that just did not make sense.

So, I slowly stopped checking my body for things. It all started with nausea, which I really had no control over, so I just tried taking care of myself as best as I knew how. Well when that was taken care of, I started freaking about my heart. Would check my pulse for HOURS at a time! That is not something a normal person would do. And what was I gaining from doing that? Nothing. It only made me panic. So everyday if I had the urge to check I would let myself, but then tell myself not to do it the next time I got the urge. So when that urge did come, I said NO! It will pass, you will forget about it soon enough, and you will be fine. And that's exactly what happened.

Every day make a promise to yourself that you will stop checking less and less. It has worked for me. Its been at least a week since I've checked my pulse at all and I feel so much better, less anxious. I'm not worrying about my heart anymore. Trust me it works. Now I just make sure I'm eating well throughout the day, taking my vitamins, I've also been taking probiotics for my stomach which I think has helped me a lot, and just keep going about my day. Exercising, doing household chores, moving on with my life.

It has been long enough that you have been suffering through this. Tell yourself its time to give this anxiety a kick in the pants and hit the road! :)

06-19-2013, 09:21 AM
As gross as it sounds I can stick my finger down my throat where that little flap is and feel something weird !!!! Im so damn sick of this I give up I honestly can't do this anymore! My husband is so aggravated with me , keeps saying I'm a hypochondriac which I'm sure is true and that I need to just stop!!!! I would love to do that but how in the hell am I going to stop if something new pops up????? Please advise

I can't say I actually feel anything ( but then agen I dnt put my fingers down to ) but on more than one occasion I've felt like sumink is stuck in my throat ... And just as above msg says... Yes , it anxiety

06-19-2013, 09:23 AM
I should also add, I believe the probiotics and exercise is really helping me feel better. Whether or not they actually ARE the reasons I'm feeling better makes no difference. It could be a placebo affect, all that matters is I believe its working. Which is important, because anxiety is all psychological. Start trying something new, see if you start feeling better, then BELIEVE it is making you feel better. That's pretty much what I'm doing, and its working for me.

06-19-2013, 09:24 AM
I should also add, I believe the probiotics and exercise is really helping me feel better. Whether or not they actually ARE the reasons I'm feeling better makes no difference. It could be a placebo affect, all that matters is I believe its working. Which is important, because anxiety is all psychological. Start trying something new, see if you start feeling better, then BELIEVE it is making you feel better. That's pretty much what I'm doing, and its working for me.

Yeah I agree , if u believe sumink works ur head tells u it does and then u feel better

06-19-2013, 10:07 AM
Oh and forget googling it bacuase the first thing that pops up is " throat cancer" ..... Way to calm a person down

06-19-2013, 10:32 AM
Eat some freeze pops. LOL. .honestly if you feel something with your finger! You would also be able to see it! Lump in the throat is one of the top symptoms for anxiety! Never google symptoms! But you can google anxiety symptoms! 100% sure you will see it!


06-19-2013, 02:50 PM
Ever feel like there's something lumpy hung in your throat? Comes as fast as it leaves . Feels like a piece of meat is hung although I haven't ate in a while, freaking out assuming worst, throat tumor or something please tell me this is normal??

Had this for a decade or so. Sometime when I eat it feels like the food gets stuck and I can't swallow. Can't even swallow my own saliva, I have to spit it out until the problem goes away which can sometimes be 45minutes to an hour. It sucks. Every once in a while when it's just starting I can calm myself down enough to swallow and then I'm fine but that doesn't always work. :(

06-19-2013, 03:53 PM
Had this for a decade or so. Sometime when I eat it feels like the food gets stuck and I can't swallow. Can't even swallow my own saliva, I have to spit it out until the problem goes away which can sometimes be 45minutes to an hour. It sucks. Every once in a while when it's just starting I can calm myself down enough to swallow and then I'm fine but that doesn't always work. :(

A decade.... Ok that's down right scary

06-19-2013, 10:35 PM
There's a reason why they call this Globus hystericus..(lol)

It's just another anxiety lie. No worries.

06-22-2013, 05:54 PM
Lump still there it's Been a week...,.. Just sayin! So it literally feels like a foreign object is stuck in my throat!!!!! What to do

06-22-2013, 05:59 PM
See a doctor to assure yourself!

06-22-2013, 06:18 PM
See a doctor to assure yourself!

That's just it I seen my doc last year with same thing and they blew it off as anxiety since my anxiety was flared up so bad. So if I ask again they will be like....we done been thru this

06-22-2013, 06:29 PM
Well it's been a year, and if you are still having difficulties he can't refuse you! Who cares what he says or thinks! Have him look anyways!

06-22-2013, 10:05 PM
Lump still there it's Been a week...,.. Just sayin! So it literally feels like a foreign object is stuck in my throat!!!!! What to do

It'll be there for however long you worry about it. I know its not easy to stop caring, but give it to God. Each time you become aware of it, try saying to yourself, or out loud "I trust you, Jesus". I also suggest you read the NLT translation of Psalm 91, it gives me peace when I'm in the midst, maybe it will for you also.

06-23-2013, 05:17 AM
Can you see a lump? Or do you just feel it, like when you swallow? Just a suggestion.. maybe it is a tonsil stone? They are common and totally benign, nothing to worry about. I have gotten them in the past, I probably still get them and don't even know about it. Mine are probably caused by my sinuses, because I get post nasal drip a lot. They are calcifications of mucus, bacteria, and other stuff.. pretty gross lol. They are kind of white in appearance. This is gonna sound gross but I've actually sneezed them out before (from my mouth) and I was like wtf is that!? Come to find out it was tonsil stones. Just saying, don't go straight to worst case scenario, go to an ear nose and throat specialist if it will make you feel better, but could be nothing.

06-23-2013, 10:56 AM
It'll be there for however long you worry about it. I know its not easy to stop caring, but give it to God. Each time you become aware of it, try saying to yourself, or out loud "I trust you, Jesus". I also suggest you read the NLT translation of Psalm 91, it gives me peace when I'm in the midst, maybe it will for you also.

Thanks I will definetely do this

06-23-2013, 10:57 AM
Can you see a lump? Or do you just feel it, like when you swallow? Just a suggestion.. maybe it is a tonsil stone? They are common and totally benign, nothing to worry about. I have gotten them in the past, I probably still get them and don't even know about it. Mine are probably caused by my sinuses, because I get post nasal drip a lot. They are calcifications of mucus, bacteria, and other stuff.. pretty gross lol. They are kind of white in appearance. This is gonna sound gross but I've actually sneezed them out before (from my mouth) and I was like wtf is that!? Come to find out it was tonsil stones. Just saying, don't go straight to worst case scenario, go to an ear nose and throat specialist if it will make you feel better, but could be nothing.

Thanks :) I don't c one just feel it on inside if that makes since

06-27-2013, 08:38 PM
Feels like something stuck in my throat it comes and goes out of no where. Freaking me out big time...... Please share your experience with this

06-27-2013, 08:50 PM
Makes us wish we didn't have our tonsils

06-28-2013, 10:15 AM
It's anxiety! Take an anti-inflammatory pill!

I've been taking 2 ibuprofen almost daily doesn't seem to help that much. I'm sure that it is anxiety rearing its ugly head but how do you make yourself understand that!?

06-28-2013, 10:40 AM
I've been taking 2 ibuprofen almost daily doesn't seem to help that much. I'm sure that it is anxiety rearing its ugly head but how do you make yourself understand that!?

Yeah , it's a pain ... No matter how much u tell yrself " I've been here b4, I know it's anxiety " ..... Your head tells u diff , then u panic , then the symptoms get worse and u go around in a circle :-(

06-28-2013, 05:18 PM
Yeah , it's a pain ... No matter how much u tell yrself " I've been here b4, I know it's anxiety " ..... Your head tells u diff , then u panic , then the symptoms get worse and u go around in a circle :-(

But it's so uncomfortable and it seems to be worse. How long did your last what did it feel like!?

06-28-2013, 07:22 PM
Please talk to me so worried my throat will close up

06-28-2013, 07:36 PM
I've definitely had that feeling before. You just need to breathe and try to get your mind on something else to relax yourself. Your throat isn't going to close up. I actually watched this video the other day that said that if we take apart a pen, we could pretty much just breathe through that little hole in it the entire day. This set my mind at ease a little bit since sometimes I get that "throat closing" feeling. So take a deep breath and relax, everything will be ok!

06-28-2013, 07:48 PM
I've definitely had that feeling before. You just need to breathe and try to get your mind on something else to relax yourself. Your throat isn't going to close up. I actually watched this video the other day that said that if we take apart a pen, we could pretty much just breathe through that little hole in it the entire day. This set my mind at ease a little bit since sometimes I get that "throat closing" feeling. So take a deep breath and relax, everything will be ok!

Had long did it last mine has been off and on for two weeks and now it's more intense

06-28-2013, 07:52 PM
I've had this feeling a couple of days ago. It was annoying and I thought my throat was closing in. Deep breaths helped me and I kept telling myself if there was really something wrong with my throat then i would not be able to breathe properly. So, just let it past and try not to worry about it.

06-28-2013, 08:46 PM
Had long did it last mine has been off and on for two weeks and now it's more intense

The feeling never lasts more than an hour for me. I try really hard to occupy my mind. Our mind is a powerful tool, so if we let it, we can make a mountain out of sand. Try some belly breathing and turn on the tv. I'm hoping that it gets better for you!

06-28-2013, 09:28 PM
The feeling never lasts more than an hour for me. I try really hard to occupy my mind. Our mind is a powerful tool, so if we let it, we can make a mountain out of sand. Try some belly breathing and turn on the tv. I'm hoping that it gets better for you!

Mine right now is constant for last several days ... Can't deal

06-29-2013, 12:49 AM
But it's so uncomfortable and it seems to be worse. How long did your last what did it feel like!?

Just felt like a lump / something stuck in my throat , had it lots ov times

06-29-2013, 06:09 AM
Mine right now is constant for last several days ... Can't deal

You might want to talk to your Dr. about it, but in the mean time try to find ways to relax.