View Full Version : Just for s***s and giggles at my expense.. :)

06-18-2013, 05:02 PM
1. Got up to travel 17 miles away to get the same shot in my a** that I get every Tuesday. It's so nice and I seem to get new Nurseys frequently too. YAY!
2. Made it about 5 miles out near the Interstate and then out of no where comes a 2 dooor white Cadi slidin sideways and fishtailing right in front of me. He ran the stop sign at the exit at about 50 mph..
3. I react and get out of this idiots way and then he floors it and gets up on my a**..Wrong move bruh....
4. I let him pass and then he proceeded to pass everyone in front of me on a 2 lane road at nearly 80 mph disregarding oncoming traffic. hmm...
5. I alert the PD in the next county as to what's coming their way in the next 12 mins..When I made it into said county, there he was, and there were his new friends with guns. The car was surrounded. YAY!! LMAO!! Have a safe and happy trip a**hole!!
6. So I get my shot and leave the Dr's office. Within 1/4 mile of me leaving there then out of no where comes another dumba** and runs me into another lane..I look out the window at the sky and ask WTF DUDE?
7. Get back into my own town and just sittin at a stoplight behind a pc O shit red chevy truck with giant bald snow tires. He decides to smoke and roast said shitty tires in front of me. Maybe he thought I'd be impressed by the raw power of his hunk O junk or possibly he had Tourettes Syndrome? Either way, by this time I'm wondering if the gravitational pull of this earth has pulled their brains down into the morons necks today..Can't figure it out..
8. So then I head over to another town 30 miles away to visit my Mother and drop of my Son for a couple days. I tend to avoid her because she's drunk and difficult to deal with. Never has a nice word to say to me in 45 years. Today, it was like Invasion of The Body Snatchers or something. She was overly compassionate, overly sympathetic to me about the fact that 11 of my joints dissolved last year. Like she just now realized it, 13 months later...My Son was even lookin at me like "Who is that?"...I 'm guessin that ALL those stupid idiotic retards were put in front of me for a reason..to attempt to force me to lose control. Generally, I wouldv'e. Today, I didn't..
9. Then I leave there and as I'm coming across a bridge that they're working on for a damn year suddenly appears a GIANT ORANGE MARKING CONE in the only (1) lane..I said f**k it and just ran over it but of course it sounded like I just hit a kid on a bike pullin a friggin red metal wagon!! I just kept going until it finally came out and have been smiling ever since...

Point is, I controlled my disorder today even through that huge pile of lifes shit...

I can hardly wait to see what's next??

E-Man. :)

06-18-2013, 05:53 PM
Sorry for your bad day... But reading this was hilarious! Lol

06-18-2013, 07:17 PM
It was funny! I was just waiting for what was to come next..it did.

Someone that I specifically emailed all of these details too, decided to stop in although I also precisely told said other person not to bring any additional stresses into my home tonight after all this shit happened today. Guess what?

As soon as said person walked in, STRESS TENSION STUPIDITY SELFISHNESS!!!

Said person was nearly launched through my front door, while it was closed.


06-18-2013, 07:27 PM
It was funny! I was just waiting for what was to come next..it did.

Someone that I specifically emailed all of these details too, decided to stop in although I also precisely told said other person not to bring any additional stresses into my home tonight after all this shit happened today. Guess what?

As soon as said person walked in, STRESS TENSION STUPIDITY SELFISHNESS!!!

Said person was nearly launched through my front door, while it was closed.


Haha good for you!!

06-18-2013, 07:43 PM
Oh man..my front door was open and I was in I'm going to dismember you with this fpoon from Wendys mode...

My disorder is called Intermittent Explosive Disorder.

That's why I felt so successful with all those events of today. I wouldv'e generally done something else...besides say "wtf"...and drive on..


must have medication.


06-18-2013, 07:47 PM
bahahaha!!!bbaaaahhha! bahha! baa! ba....holy s**t!

I don't visually see anybody when this happens, even though I may have known them since I was born.

I don't like it.

06-18-2013, 09:03 PM
So bad day huh??

06-18-2013, 09:03 PM
Honestly? A normal day for me Giggles. :)

06-18-2013, 09:09 PM
I'm sorry my day sucked too I still could not eat, damned if I do damned if I don't I get sick either way! Guess it is just in time for boating season... Swim gear might fit better! But man I wish I could eat a nice big steak or have a cup of coffee for that matter!!! Two weeks no coffee :( it's hell I tell yah

06-18-2013, 09:11 PM
Oh my..All that makes my day look like a walk in the park. Sorry friend. What can you do about this asap???

06-18-2013, 10:52 PM
Dr don't seem to care... Nothing they can do, as for me...- a great telephone conversation, laughs and smiles really changed my day around! I was also able to choke down a half cup of rice! My belly feels ok for the moment :)

06-19-2013, 04:36 AM
Well you've gotta get yourself to a point where you can eat and after telling my Dr. about these issues yesterday she suggested that I get some bubble wrap and cover myself and my car in it before I leave again! Hopefully today will be better..we'll see. :D

06-19-2013, 07:37 AM
Ha ha ha thank you for that Eman!!! :)

06-19-2013, 10:37 AM
Dang that sounds like a pain in the a** in more ways than one!!!

06-19-2013, 01:02 PM
Yes! It truly is MW! :)

06-19-2013, 01:05 PM
Just another day in the life of e-man bahahaha

06-19-2013, 01:11 PM
Holy s**t it doesn't stop!! ABHAAAHA!!

It is however really quiet around here though, calming...Wait! Is this good for the E-Man??...I might go crazy!! :)

06-19-2013, 01:13 PM
Shit. You're already crazy. I'd be concerned if you weren't ;)