View Full Version : Celexa and not feeling good

06-18-2013, 10:37 AM
I started my Celexa 3 nights ago. The first night I slept ok. The 2nd night and last night were hell. I feel sped up but tired. I cant relax. My psychiatrist never returns my calls. Please help

06-18-2013, 10:07 PM
That is normal! It's anxiety! Your meds will take time to work. Whatever thoughts you have that is causing you to be anxious if you can pin point them out, try to work with it by telling yourself that it is only a symptom of anxiety. relaxing and breathing through your nose and hold in for count of 3 then slowly breath out! As you do tell yourself it is just adrenalin running through your body and nothing bad is going to happen! I might feel wired but it is not dangerous, think go good thoughts as you breath! Listen to nature sounds, or relaxing music. You can download free apps or go to YouTube and look up honest guys.. Also when you breath make sure you belly breath! Put one hand on your belly, and one on your chest, when you breath in make sure you raise your belly and not the chest! Do that a few times until you start to feel relaxed!

Lots of luck! I hope this will be helpful!

06-19-2013, 10:32 PM
I honestly dont remember how I felt when I started taking celexa, as I've been on it for so long. I wld say you're overthinking and worrying yourself, but if u don't like it just tell ur doc :)

Christopher H.
06-21-2013, 10:45 PM
When I was first put on Prozac by my doctor she made sure that I understood that I might experience some serious side effects but to try my best to fight through it. This is because they usually go away after about a month. These new terrible feelings you are experiencing are most likely temporary. Hang in and keep trying to get in touch with your psychiatrist.