View Full Version : I have relized who my true friends are...

06-17-2013, 09:36 PM
When I'm sick
When I'm not fun
When I'm sad
When I'm hurt
When I need to talk
When I need to hear
When I need a hug
Or one to wipe my tear
I know my true friend is near!

When I'm fun
When I'm drunk
When I'm dancing
When I'm sexy
When I'm smiling
When I'm laughing
When I'm physical
When I'm a shining star
Or a amazing accomplished woman
I know my true friend is near!

When the same friend is beside me during both I have realized who my true friends are!!!

06-18-2013, 08:55 AM
You will definately figure out who they are especially when you're down..Keep up this positive attitude Giggles! :)

Congrats to you too!