View Full Version : Going crazy??

06-17-2013, 11:29 AM
Im starting to feel like Im losing my mind. Is this normal with anxiety? I just started Celexa two nights ago.

06-17-2013, 11:32 AM
Im starting to feel like Im losing my mind. Is this normal with anxiety? I just started Celexa two nights ago.

I think we all feel like that with anxiety and if you have just started Meds it takes a while to kick in,I've only been on mine for two weeks so I know I have to wait to feel better even tho it's a pain

06-17-2013, 11:49 AM
Im starting to feel like Im losing my mind. Is this normal with anxiety? I just started Celexa two nights ago.

The feeling of going crazy is par for the course with my experience of anxiety.. YES absolutely feel like I'm losing it..

06-17-2013, 11:51 AM
Im starting to feel like Im losing my mind. Is this normal with anxiety? I just started Celexa two nights ago.

Yes.. Absolutely.. The feeling of going crazy is par for the course as far as my experience w anxiety goes.. The losing it feeling is a definite ..

06-17-2013, 12:03 PM
Thanks for the responses. Its kind of scaring me. Ive had this before but it was years ago. Im almost to the point of putting myself in a mental institution. I don't understand how things got so bad so fast. Like I said in another post I used to drink a lot. It was a couple weeks before I stopped that everything started to get worse. Ive always had anxiety/agoraphobia. Then when I quit it just exploded. Booze was my anti anxiety med for years. Ive been sober almost 2 months now..

06-17-2013, 07:49 PM
Thanks for the responses. Its kind of scaring me. Ive had this before but it was years ago. Im almost to the point of putting myself in a mental institution. I don't understand how things got so bad so fast. Like I said in another post I used to drink a lot. It was a couple weeks before I stopped that everything started to get worse. Ive always had anxiety/agoraphobia. Then when I quit it just exploded. Booze was my anti anxiety med for years. Ive been sober almost 2 months now..

Yes.. Booze gets one through a lot lol.. I hear ya on that..

06-17-2013, 08:03 PM
Yep, I've felt that a few times. Thinking, hoping? that someone will take me away and save me from myself. Fortunately I'm not mad. Just suffering from anxiety. You're normal. Which my or may not be comforting!

06-17-2013, 08:59 PM
Yes it is normal! In my first month of anxiety I was convinced that I was DEVELOPING schizophrenia and/or some sort of form of mental retardation, looking back makes me laugh, I can't believe I thought like that lol.

06-17-2013, 09:04 PM
Yes it is normal! In my first month of anxiety I was convinced that I was DEVELOPING schizophrenia and/or some sort of form of mental retardation, looking back makes me laugh, I can't believe I thought like that lol.

Omg!! I have gotten myself to such a point of anxiety worrying that I was schizophrenic!! Lol! Whewww.. Schizophrenia def tops my list for major obsessions/fears/anxiety..

06-17-2013, 09:07 PM
And I always feel crazy when I am going through a tough period of time w anxiety. And not "crazy" like "so stressed".. No.. Like I'm gonna flip out and do something insane that everyone will read about in the paper!
But.. It never gets there thankfully lol..
And it's hard to see it when you are there and feeling so friggin insane., but it's just te anxiety making you worry about going insane.. Just as some of us (me too!) worry to such a crazy point about having a heart attack., I am just as convinced that my heart will give out as I am that I am going nuts..

06-17-2013, 09:49 PM
I have been sober for 10 months now, mostly because when I drank I would black out. And though it covered up my anxiety and made me the "fun" person all my "friends" loved the anxiety bit me in the ass the next day. Each time I would say " I will never drink again" I felt anxiety come and go the last 10 months, it's not as easy without that escape but you sure do feel good when your friends sleep in until noon and your up at 7 cleaning house and drinking coffee with a smile yet you went dancing all night too! Honestly I think the foods we eat today and the drinks with sugars, alcohol and caffeine really get to us, way more then we realize. I have become a big fan of Almond Milk and blueberry juice both are great for anxiety suffers. Almond milk is great in a latte too!

06-17-2013, 10:18 PM
Almond milk is so good way more healthy than milk

06-18-2013, 05:35 AM
I have been sober for 10 months now, mostly because when I drank I would black out. And though it covered up my anxiety and made me the "fun" person all my "friends" loved the anxiety bit me in the ass the next day. Each time I would say " I will never drink again" I felt anxiety come and go the last 10 months, it's not as easy without that escape but you sure do feel good when your friends sleep in until noon and your up at 7 cleaning house and drinking coffee with a smile yet you went dancing all night too! Honestly I think the foods we eat today and the drinks with sugars, alcohol and caffeine really get to us, way more then we realize. I have become a big fan of Almond Milk and blueberry juice both are great for anxiety suffers. Almond milk is great in a latte too!

I have always been a pretty heavy drinker.. But when I am having bouts of anxiety, hang overs become a major trigger for anxiety and attacks.. I'll wake up and feel like death.. And of course obsess about all of the bad things the alcohol did to me.. And hang overs make you feel crappy anyway, so that feeling jut heightens my anxieties..
I haven't drank any alcohol in about 3 weeks now..

And I agree.. It really is nice to have brighter, more productive weekend mornings these days :)) lol