View Full Version : What worked for me

08-29-2007, 11:35 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum and the reason i registered is to tell you how I have made an 85% recovery. In May i went through a very bad time with anxiety and returned to my doctor and was put back on Lexapro. This helped reduce the physical symptoms but i still experienced scary thoughts. I had a look on the internet for any additional help, and came across a recommendation for a book by Claire Weeks called Essential Help for your Nerves. Within a couple of days of reading the book, I felt a great improvement. I realised that so many of the things i feared were common to lots of people. Claire Weeks suggests ways of handling anxiety and displays so much understanding of the condition.

I have suffered from anxiety for almost 2 years now, and this is the best i have been in this time. I no longer wake in the morning instantly thinking about whatever I was fearing which ranged from being terminally ill, being schizophrenic and ending up in a psychiatric institutuion or harming someone. Scary thoughts still pop into my head, but they don't consume me and take over like they used to.

I am still taking Lexapro, which is suiting me quite well and have no desire to come off it just yet. I do feel that both the anti-depressants and the book combined have helped tremendously.

I really hope this suggestion helps people as I know I often thrawled the internet looking for help.

My deepest understanding, empathy and sympathy goes out to all anxiety sufferers.

Please let me know if you read her book and find it useful.

Take Care xoxoxo

08-30-2007, 06:19 AM
Virtually everyone I have heard of who has recovered from anxiety has employed her methods in one variation or another (and from one source or another). It makes me wonder why therapists are SO stuck on traditional CBT, especially considering that traditional CBT can be SO detrimental to the treatment of anxiety. Are they scared that people might get better and stop seeing them?

hail to the thief
08-30-2007, 07:10 AM
well i just ordered this book from Amazon. Looking forward to see what she has to say on the topic...

08-30-2007, 07:37 AM
Definitely a great read and can be helpful to some. I highly recommend it. It didn't help me as much as I would have liked though. I've heard mixed reviews from different anxiety sufferers. I am 100% cured myself, and this is thanks to a different book. If you want to read about my story my website is in my signature.

If anyone has specific questions about either book just pm me.

08-30-2007, 09:26 AM
You can't do anything with anxiety without tracing it back to her. The program I'm involved with from my sig also utilizes her teachings to a degree. Her books would be in my top 5 to read on the subject.
