View Full Version : Diet and supplements?

Anxious Abi
06-17-2013, 04:20 AM
Hey, I've been reading quite a few posts talking about how having a better diet, and taking supplements can maybe help improve anxiety.

Would just a like a little bit of advice on changes I could make to improve my diet, is it just a case of eat more fruit and veg?


06-17-2013, 05:05 AM
Yes, a proper diet can make all the differences in the world and pretty quickly too.

It's not just as simple as eating more of something, it's a simple as removing things that would have a higher likelihood of heightening anxiety like hard to digest meats, animal proteins, or processed packaged frozen boxed meals with dozens of chemical names in it that can't be pronounced. Essentially, the harder your digestive system has to work, the more anxious one will feel.

If you drink from cans labeled HIGH OCTANE or MONSTER or HOLY SHIT then more then likely, you'll feel like the name stipulates.

To make it simple, eat only things that grow from the dirt of this earth but including eggs. They're actually very nutritious and also very safe too.

Keep your sodium intake below 2000mg per day but I think that may still even be high..


You go girl! :)

Anxious Abi
06-17-2013, 05:48 AM
Thank you for the advice, much appreciated as always.

A couple of questions; I eat quite a lot of chicken, is that something I should reduce? Also my mum is always telling me I should eat more fish, but i'm not a big fan, would the omega supplements reduce the need for fish or should I be trying harder to get it into my diet? Oh and I remember hearing somewhere that red foods are good for you, but I tend to avoid tomatoes, and red peppers because they seem to aggravate my acid reflux. Thinking of trying to get more grains and pulses into my diet too, I will have to look up some recipes that I can actually manage to cook.


06-17-2013, 06:49 AM
Ok. I truly believe that a huge majority of people that have a noticeable type of anxiety (everybody has anxiety) actually make their anxieties worse by eating foods that are difficult for their digestive systems to digest. These foods will raise BP, heart rate, body temperatures in order to work on the digestion. I personally like chicken, fish, meat, but..I know that if I eat it then there will be other effects that I don't want like heightened anxiety and also joint pain, soreness, stiffness. Yes, if I eat a simple can of tuna then I will be on the couch suffering in pain of all joints. There isn't enough space on this page to explain why dear but I'll provide one word here if anyone wishes to learn about it (purines).

I wouldn't have any problem with fish, as long as I knew it was fresh water fish and fresh caught. Rather then ocean fish. I don't know nor do I trust what is in those waters anymore and in fact they have discovered that there is nuclear waste in the cells of tuna fish caught off of our west coast..from Japan. I aint eatin it! Lake fish, stream fish, I believe to be ok at the moment. Fish oil supplements kinda bother me too because they're also squeezed out of ocean fish. I get my Omega's from EV olive oil, nuts, and avocados instead. Just don't cook the olive oil or you kill the nutritional value of it.

Yes, tomatoes will agravate acid reflux because they're highly acidic although the peppers would probably be just fine for you.

Also, these new liquid drink mixes that have been introduced into our markets by these large American companies, are dangerous as hell but few pay attention to that at all. Look up MIO and the ingredients reports and you'll see what these chemicals actually are. Also, products with carrageenan in it and what that chemical even is? Why put seaweed in our foods? Some brainiac realized it gave things a texture that people enjoy, therefore they spend more $$$'s on their garbage. All about the $$$'s!!...not about our health.

Here's something FYI. I went to the grocery this am. Here's what I bought.
Cucumbers raw.
Broccoli raw.
Onions raw.
Potatoes raw.
EV olive oil.
Distilled water. (yes, I drink it all day)
Large bag of mixed veggies cauliflower, broccoli, squash, zucchini, carrots.

Nothing there that I don't understand nor anything that will cause me to feel like pooooo either! YAY!

Here's another good link to read..


Keep posting Abi and keep refining things the way that you would like them to be!


06-17-2013, 08:29 AM
I have also read that white flour and sugar cause more anxiety, a long with caffeine. Drink eight glasses of water a day honestly it's hard but does make a difference. Processed and fried are a killer. Fresh fruit, veggies and fresh water fish you will see a difference should you choose to take Emans advice.

06-17-2013, 10:37 AM
I take fish oil and a multivitamin

06-18-2013, 12:42 AM
I think peoples opinions will vary on the proper diet. But you want to eat a "low glycemic diet. No sugar, caffeine, white breads, pasta, and things like that. I would stick to all the veggies you want and lots of good fats and proteins. Yes you can eat all the chicken you want, as well as other meats and fish. Nuts are also great for you. Look for only the fruits with low sugar. Sugars or anything high glycemic jump your blood sugar up and then send it crashing down. This alone will make you feel awful. But your body pumps out hormones such as adrenaline to stabilize blood sugar. So the goal is to eat more solid low sugar foods. These will raise blood sugar slowly and bring it down gently to a normal level. Try eating 5 smaller meals a day and breakfast is the most important. That is for sure where you want a solid meal to keep your sugar levels all day long. AVOID SOY PRODUCTS. Also some people have food intolerances to things such as soy, milk, eggs, and some other things. As far as those things go experiment and see what bothers you and what does not. Try to use olive oil in your cooking and even butter. The fats will help your sugar stable.

As far as supplements go.
-A good quality multi
-MAGNESIUM*** Get a good form like Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Taurate, or Magnesium Glycinate. A product called natural calm is aweome. Dont get magnesium oxide it sucks
-Vitamin D 1000-5000IU's a day. You should really get your level checked but this and the magnesium will help you the most.
-Fish Oil
-B complex. I recommend a product called super stress b complex. It is sold my swanson vitamins, look them up online

Those are your basics and then you can take the good stuff. For anxiety
-Holy Basil

If you want to learn about all this stuff I recommend a book called "The Mood Cure" by Julia Ross. It's got all the info about what to eat and what not eat. It gives you meal plans and recipes. Tells you all about supplements. And its very basic and easy to read. Thanks to that book and its suggestions I am practically anxiety free without medication or even having to see someone. Besides a basic MD to have things like thyroid, b12, and vitamin d tested.

Goodluck and feel free to ask me any questions. Anxiety is 100% beatable you just have to be willing to make the effort to get better.

Anxious Abi
06-18-2013, 07:42 AM
Thank you for taking the time to give me all the advice nf1234, it is much appreciated.