View Full Version : I just don't even know...

06-17-2013, 12:28 AM
I am so all over the place right now...
I have so much study... my lecturer keeps taking time off and just ARGHHHH I cant get it all done and I am stressing out so bad... I will explode soon... I need a good cry... any ideas?

Also, anyone know why a hospital would give up searching for answers to an illness and tell the family to put the sick person into care? My nana has heart failure and my dad my uncle have been advised to put her in full time nursing care because they don't know how else to help her... Why are they giving up? Why would they just shove her in a home instead of trying harder?? I just cant believe they're just going to let her sit in a home and die....

Please help me I'm so messed up right now...

06-17-2013, 04:28 AM
The teacher doesn't seem to think it's a big deal, so why would you?

The hospital has given up because as you stated here, heart failure..Probably a good idea to begin bracing yourself for the inevitable. Nana had her time here, so stop thinking that you have the power to change that.

Don't make an already tough issue into something even tougher for all those around you..it's selfish and self-centered.

Find some good, somewhere...