View Full Version : I think I have fibromyalgia

06-16-2013, 06:22 PM
Ive always been blabbering about restless muscles etc in front of my gp but ive never explained it right. Probabpy coz of my anxiety and uncomfortable mood. Today i casually had this pain again, it happens occasionally, a dull pain in a random muscle or bone. So I wrote this strange sentence on google and I found that fibromyalgia exists. It covers all my symptoms including the bowel problems ive been having lately. Im still abit unsure I feel its something else and my doctor will tell me Im only anxious. Ive decided to jot down all my symptoms on here and ask for advice. Here goes the list of as many i can remember :

Anxiety being the first
Stomach cramps
Bowel problems such as getting a feeling of not have emptied the bowel, + constipation
Sleeping problems, insomnia
Muscle pain, some arr chronic, like ankles
Tender points
Sensitivity to temperature and light
Dry throat
Acidity and acid rising to my throat at times
Morning stiffness especially my chest
Yawning more than 100 times at night as if im tired but im not allowrd to sleep
Occasional numbness and hands and feet
Memmory and concentration trouble
Fatigue. Its something that worries me on the football pitch, i can run for hours without getting tired but when i perform few step overs my legs tire out and exhaust so bad that i have to stop, turn and prepare to pass before i lose it although if i ran for another few seconds i could do a nice cross or a proper shot on goal
I can sometimes feel the inside of my head clicking. Controlling my head is trouble. As a thirteen year old i used to run with my neck moving left right. Straightened that after many efforts however i still have this occasional jerking and twitching. Not just in my head but in the whole body whenever and wherever it wants to turn up
Ive injured my jaw before. It got hurt, ached for weeks n then got hurt again and another few weeks were spent recovering. After that has the feeling of inside of my head increased but it has worried me eversince. Fibromyalgia has alot to do with jaw bits. The tmj may be a part of my body
My immune system is also not a well working one. Since the day i was born
I also dont digeat many proteins, specially milk ones. Goat milk literally makes my stomach ache.
I can type alot about me but its really difficult in front of doctors
Any advicea about what is my problem and what i shall do?

06-16-2013, 06:57 PM
Honestly, I think you need to read the post "What kind of anxiety is this" and follow the same suggestions that Alfred is working on right now.

I can see that high anxiety would be causing most if not all of these symptoms and fibro is going to be hard to diagnose especially at 13.

I can also see that you're lactose intolerent and that in itself can create digestive disorders and bowel system issues too. Being lactose intolerent is common, not harmful.

Did this jaw damage also injure your neck?.. Did you have MRI's or X rays?

Copy this page and take it to your Dr. so you don't have to speak all this..

It presents like just plain old anxiety, with digestive issues, with a possibly crappy diet to attempt to fuel your energy expendatures with MAYBE some undiscovered damage to your cervical spine. No, I'm not a Dr but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express many times. LOL!

There's my 2 cents bruh!


06-17-2013, 01:12 AM
Honestly, I think you need to read the post "What kind of anxiety is this" and follow the same suggestions that Alfred is working on right now.

I can see that high anxiety would be causing most if not all of these symptoms and fibro is going to be hard to diagnose especially at 13.

I can also see that you're lactose intolerent and that in itself can create digestive disorders and bowel system issues too. Being lactose intolerent is common, not harmful.

Did this jaw damage also injure your neck?.. Did you have MRI's or X rays?

Copy this page and take it to your Dr. so you don't have to speak all this..

It presents like just plain old anxiety, with digestive issues, with a possibly crappy diet to attempt to fuel your energy expendatures with MAYBE some undiscovered damage to your cervical spine. No, I'm not a Dr but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express many times. LOL!

There's my 2 cents bruh!


Lol, im 17 right now. Btw i never had any mris but i have had many neck probs after then. Dislocated my shoulder twice in six months. I think something is seriously wrong with me :p and thanks for the 2 cents bruh, makes it 10 :D