View Full Version : My constant anxiety...

06-16-2013, 06:00 PM
It all started almost a month ago I had a little fender bender, I was already stressed at work, short handed overworked, I'm sure you get the feeling. I have a teenage boy that was failing 5 of six classes and just started driving. On top of all that I was trying to buy a house and was dealing with old shit on my credit report from 7 yrs ago, collectors are so mean even when your trying to give them money. I have no support, my sons dad has never been part of his life and my family says its my problems I need to deal with them. Oh and they say all my issues are in my head.
It started with a pain in my lower left stomach and back nausea worse then when I was pregnant, then became a horrible pain in my chest and throat tingling in my arms and a ballon feeling in the middle of my chest. The dr put me on Prilosec prescription and said take one a day also a med that coats my tummy and esophagus to try to help me eat. When I eat solid food it gets caught in my chest for hours, so I have been on a liquid diet for 13 days now, my anxiety is constant. Tomorrow the dr is doing more tests trying to see my chest.
I am in a constant stage of anxiety, from the time I get up to the time I go to bed. It gets worse when I'm alone, I hate being alone. Or hot, I love hot beach destinations, boating the sun and my favorite part of the day was a bath! Now when I take a shower or bath my heart beats, I feel dizzy and scared, same with being outside on a hot day! This used to be my favorite place to be. Same as car rides, driving, flying and now I struggle my palms sweat I feel like my nerves are going crazy, like I'm going to faint, fight or flight they say. I hate the meds for their side effects I feel like I'm in a cloud out of it, My mother and grandmother have to take Prestiq every day, my dr said we will be on meds forever there is no fix. She said its like a person who has heart problems, they have to take meds to keep it balanced, I have a chemical imbalance therefore I need meds to be normal. I quit drinking almost a year ago, have not takin anything at all for my anxiety in a yr. I'm still alive, screaming for help. My doctor said it is up to me, and referred me to a physiatrist my first appointment is on the 27th. This site helps me, there is a lot of support. I don't want to go to work, I don't want to drive, I don't want to get functioned for the day. I'm hoping that this all gets better after the dr figures out what's happening with my chest, esophigus and I am able to eat again. Because at this point I'm a ball of neves scared shitliss all day, the only moment I get of piece is bedtime, and sometimes that is even broke up with another attack!

06-16-2013, 06:31 PM

Stop replaying the events in your mind daily from dawn to dark. It does no good to worry or fret about things that you can't change, except to drive you up the walls as it appears that is continually is.

Yes, I get the feeling. What you described here is basically just, life..

Delete the car wreck, the work overload, the morons at the credit bureau, your sons worthless dad, and yes..these issues that are clogging and clouding up your mind are creating all this other physical shit to happen..fact.

Not being able to eat from upsetting your stomach so much from this relentless worry, is making things even that much worse.

You may have a chemical imbalance, but I kinda doubt this to be true at the moment..You are self-inflicting this horrible environment upon yourself friend.

Look at my avatar pic, follow it. You'll save your livelihood and the menatality of your son in the process too...

Enduronman. :)

06-16-2013, 07:55 PM
Thank you Eman! Your many words or great hope! I will enjoy life again! I will never give up fight!