View Full Version : Sick Leave - does it help?

06-16-2013, 11:46 AM

I'm new to this forum and really struggling with life at the moment. Was good to read some of the positive replies to other posts, and wanted to get everyone's opinions as to whether taking a break from work by getting signed off on sick leave is a good way to go, or causes more issues in the longer term.

To give a bit of background:
I feel like no matter what I try, I can't seem to get to grips with life. Most of my stress and anxiety seems to be work related. I can't sleep for worrying about work, I struggle to eat, I throw up regularly (mainly mornings and during the night). Walking into work is terrifying, and having to be in meetings is awful. I'm seriously under performing at work, but can't seem to do any better because I'm so worried. I just seem to be stuck in this cycle and have been since November last year.

I feel like I've got to a point in my life where I'm out of my depth at work, and spend way too many hours at work, but I don't want to. I want to work to live, but at the moment all I'm doing is working. I want to do a good job from 9-5 and be good at what I do. I don't want to be constantly striving to do new things, its just way too much pressure. I'd also like to have children soon, which is stopping me from taking any medication to help with the situation. I wonder whether things would be better if I took some time off work to get stronger (and in the hope that the backlog of work will have gone away by the time I'm back - highly unlikely I know!) or will this just mean I have more to deal with when I'm back at work, plus potential for negative opinion for having had time off, and with it being on my record, will that cause me difficulty in finding a new job? Has anyone on the forum taken sick leave for stress/anxiety and gone back to work, and did it help?