View Full Version : Was it a panic attack or words

06-15-2013, 11:47 PM
I had full numbness my bp was 136/111 with 108 pulse it did go down but now I'm terrified I have damage or it was somthing other than a panic attack

06-16-2013, 12:01 AM
You'll be fine - it's just one of the joys of having anxiety/panic attacks : \

06-16-2013, 12:15 AM
Haven't had a blood pressure like that usually if im in panic can be like 137/87

06-16-2013, 01:04 AM
I have. Panic attacks, or a bad anxiety episode raises my BP from the usual 122/75 to 150-160/110 and pulse up into the mid 100s. It happens and every time we come out of it just fine.

06-16-2013, 01:54 PM
Woke up at 5 am and had heart rate of 51 jus waking up I'm getting real scared now

06-16-2013, 03:35 PM
How are you checking your BP? I think you should stop checking it as it might help just because when people with anxiety check their BP it goes up whether its at the doctors or at home I never check my I don't have a machine to do so at home In fact my doctor never checks it either.

06-16-2013, 03:38 PM
It's usually good when I panic usually don't go Suomi high but yesterday whole body went numb freaked out bp went high felt like a stroke

06-16-2013, 04:26 PM
Anxiety will cause numbness. Your bp isn't as bad as you think. Before I got on bp meds I had a bp of 186/120. Mind you, I had just gotten out of surgery, but I actually felt no symptoms like dizziness, numbness or blurry vision. They started me on a bp med and it went down after that. About 8 wks after surgery after stopping meds it was still lingering around145/95 or so. Still not terrible, but I changed my diet, exercised, and my bp is normal now, with no bp drugs. Your bp is pre-hypertensive. Please do not stress too much over tgese numbers. I have a bp machine at home and check it about twice a week now. You have to remember that when you are stressed, your bp will elevate and your heart rate will increase. Perhaps investing in a bp machine might help? Take your bp daily for the next two weeks then give them to your doc and see what they say.

06-16-2013, 04:53 PM
Usually it's normal I read somthing bout pulse pressure n it freaked me out plus the irruglsr heart beat symbol showed up on there I've been pretty depressed n tired also I feel like I'm gonna die from this

06-16-2013, 08:32 PM
Usually it's normal I read somthing bout pulse pressure n it freaked me out plus the irruglsr heart beat symbol showed up on there I've been pretty depressed n tired also I feel like I'm gonna die from this

Anthony, you are not going to die from this. You Blood Pressure can go up like that and as you see it comes back down. In order for you to have a stroke your Blood Pressure would have to stay high. It's ok for it to go to the numbers you see. As far as your whole body numbing out that isn't what happens with a stroke, only one side of your body is effected. Now, listen to me you need to practice breaking your train of thought away from strokes, heart attacks etc. Deep breathe and think of good thoughts. I promise you are not going to die from this. If you are fearful of a stroke there are things you can do to check 1) take your right hand and squeeze your left hand as hard as you can and then change hands and take your left hand and squeeze right hand as hard as you can. You will see that you have equal strength in both hands, you would not if you were having a stroke( one side would be noticeably much weaker. Lift both arms up to the height of your shoulders and hold arms straight out ( like wings)for 30 seconds. They will stay like that, if you were having a stroke they would not, one arm would flail ( fall ). Anthony you can try all these things and they are meant to reassure you but please concentrate on changing your thoughts away from anxiety. I know how difficult this is but you are feeding this panic by constantly checking your BP all the time. What people don't understand about Panic Attacks is that even when your are not in a state of panic we are still in a " heightened" state meaning we overreact to a lot of things ( loud noises, bright lights, high pitched sounds) so our blood pressure goes into high gear ( this isn't going to kill us, it just needs time to calm down and realize there is no threat) Your pulse dropping to 51 after being elevated just means it is calming itself after being " jacked up" by the anxiety. At some point you will know that by thinking about this you are in fact scaring yourself ( BP and pulse rate temporarily go up when we are frightened) Please try to calm down. PM me anytime if you should need reassurance. Be Well...anxiety is strong, you need to be stronger and you are !
The irregular pulse signal goes off because normal range is 60-100 and they have to have some guidelines BUT it does not mean that something above or below is a threat especially if you have an anxiety disorder and it comes right back down after attack.
I know you don't like the idea of a beta blocker but why don't you try 2,000 mg of fish oil capsules Krill or Salmon) They are Omega 3 Brain function vitamins and are fabulous for anxiety and depression and some Magnesium ( 250 mg) for your heart rhythm. Both of these are great for your heart and anxiety/ depression. Try them, trust me ok, what do you have to lose right..maybe some anxiety ? Be Well !

06-16-2013, 08:53 PM
The 51 bpm was upon waking up I didn't feel dizzy or anything I'm gonna get some fish oil and mag give it a try

06-16-2013, 08:58 PM
Ignore it. Whatever you do, don't acknowledge it, don't check your bp or pulse, just treat it like an annoying ache. Distract yourself with things you enjoy. Read. Watch tv. Nap. Whatever. Don't fight it. That's acknowledging it. Don't think about it. Ignore it. It's just an annoying neighbor that won't go home while you give it attention. It craves your attention. It feeds off it. Ignore it and just live your life and eventually it will go away.

06-16-2013, 09:32 PM
The 51 bpm was upon waking up I didn't feel dizzy or anything I'm gonna get some fish oil and mag give it a try

That's good. Fish Oil is just really good for you period ( lowers cholersterol, prevents Alzheimer's and just good for you all around for joints everything) Do you have a TraderJoes near you ? This is all I use now for anxiety an depression. Take before bed and keep in frigerator. You will be fine Anthony.

06-16-2013, 09:36 PM
Yup a trader joes and a whole foods

06-16-2013, 09:43 PM
Ignore it. Whatever you do, don't acknowledge it, don't check your bp or pulse, just treat it like an annoying ache. Distract yourself with things you enjoy. Read. Watch tv. Nap. Whatever. Don't fight it. That's acknowledging it. Don't think about it. Ignore it. It's just an annoying neighbor that won't go home while you give it attention. It craves your attention. It feeds off it. Ignore it and just live your life and eventually it will go away.

That's right and my main objective is always to get people to that place of " knowing" that this is a mind game BUT I also think with many sufferers initially it is critical that people are reassured that their symptoms are meaningless. Anxiety is tricky and likes to mask itself under numerous symptoms ( for instance your stomach) Eventually most on the Forum will gain this knowledge and empowerment but this is a disorder of " steps" and people sometimes walk those at a different pace. Bottom line is don't feed the anxiety with thought of any kind, seasoned sufferers know this and apply it, but tackling the fear to get to that realization often takes time and practice. You are doing great ! My theory is anxiety is horrific and you control your thoughts so why think about horrible things ! Good Job !

06-16-2013, 09:47 PM
Yup a trader joes and a whole foods

Excellent Trader Joes scored high on their quality of Vitamins. I take Omega 3 fish Oil ( 1200 mg) and their Salmon Oil 1000 mg ( this us the one take before bed and make sure to keep them Refrigerated ( that way they don't repeat on you. Get the Magnesium at either Traders or Whole Foods. Give it a little time you will feel better.