View Full Version : Been a rough day..again..

06-15-2013, 07:25 PM
Well, Ive been anxious all day. Most likey because im starting celexa tonight. Ive had two panic attacks. The last one being the worst. I felt off balance and then my heart just took off. I took .5 Xanax and it barely touched it. That was 3 1/2 hours ago. Im starting to feel it creeping up again. I almost went to the ER, but decided against it. Anyone have their heart just race for what seems like hours?

06-15-2013, 07:38 PM
Yup. Everytime I eat my heart races, and it's been like that for 6 years. Lasts longer the heavier the food. Don't stress. You'll be alright.

06-15-2013, 07:40 PM
I have had the racing heart. But not for a long time. Because I hate the feeling I refuse it to last long! So I just realize what it is then lay down and breath slowly thro my nose to slow it down! I will say to myself, that I am ok and it's just a lot of adrenaline going though my body and I need a time out! Then as I breath. I start thinking of good things! Some times I will even make fun of the adrenaline going through my body! In stead of thinking badly about it even though its annoying. I will say things like wow how amazing is that! My body can actually do that. What a strange feeling. Try to downsize its importance!

06-15-2013, 08:31 PM
Well, Ive been anxious all day. Most likey because im starting celexa tonight. Ive had two panic attacks. The last one being the worst. I felt off balance and then my heart just took off. I took .5 Xanax and it barely touched it. That was 3 1/2 hours ago. Im starting to feel it creeping up again. I almost went to the ER, but decided against it. Anyone have their heart just race for what seems like hours?

Yes!!!!! Lasts for several hours and is very unnerving

06-15-2013, 08:40 PM
Thanks everyone. I now have a breathless feeling. Im honestly tired of this.

06-15-2013, 09:18 PM
Well, Ive been anxious all day. Most likey because im starting celexa tonight. Ive had two panic attacks. The last one being the worst. I felt off balance and then my heart just took off. I took .5 Xanax and it barely touched it. That was 3 1/2 hours ago. Im starting to feel it creeping up again. I almost went to the ER, but decided against it. Anyone have their heart just race for what seems like hours?

Yeah.. It does seeeeeemmmm like hours.. That is true.. Or just constant upsurging of anxiety and heart palps etc..
I have had it where I just don't even understand how my body goes on with all that anxiety.. I'm sure this is what you mean?
Best bet wd maybe be a bit more Xanax? I take lorazepam (I swear the drug maker should just cut me a check already for all the positive advertising I do for them!! Lol) .. Maybe talk to your dr and see if u can take more.. ESP if it isn't helping.. .5 , 3 and half hours ago doesn't seem like its going to be effective.

As I said in another post, when anxiety hits me hard.. I usually try and distract myself with reallllly funny movies.. Tasty snacks.. Or anything that elicit a nice/strong positive emotion and feeling fm me..

Or meditating.. That helps especially once you become really good at it..

And last resort- Xanax or lorazepam..

I sympathize with your suffering right now :((

Luckily we are all here!!! And we can back up the FACT that you can pull through this tough episode and will feel better ..

06-16-2013, 07:11 AM
Try to stop focusing all of your anticipations of fear or failure on a tiny pill friend. This pill is chemically engineered and designed in a pretty precise scientific environment and isn't going to cause the things to happen that you think or predict will happen.

Just relax, take the medications, and begin to get your life back on track friend.

You will succeed bruh!

06-16-2013, 02:34 PM
Well, I took my Celexa last night. It pretty much knocked me out. I didn't wake up as much. Im also really tired today. Ive been on the verge of an attack off and on all day but it hasn't hit