View Full Version : Abi, again.

Anxious Abi
06-15-2013, 05:35 PM
I probably shouldn't write about every obsessive and anxiety provoking thought I have on a forum, yet for some reason I feel comfortable enough to do so. I suppose part of me feels other people's perspectives stops my thoughts from twisting into something beyond mental, and somehow validates what I am going through.
I was a little anxious this morning, but managed to bring myself out of it with a little calming advice. I spent some time concentrating on some sketches I've been working on, singing along to some of my favorite songs, and basking in the sun with my cats, things seemed to be picking up.
Then this afternoon I got the strange dancing stars that I get around my vision and ever since I have felt, off, really sensitive and over thinking, couldn't seem to gain control of my thoughts for a while.
Over the past few weeks I've started getting a little obsessive about one thing in particular, the notion that I am manipulating myself and other people without even considering that I am doing it.
I'm not sure why I think I'm manipulating people, not enough to clearly articulate it anyway. I feel like everything I say may only be slightly true, I question myself all the time; "Is that actually true or am I just saying it because I think it will get the reaction I want? Am I convincing myself it is true?"
I read posts about peoples experiences with Anxiety and my reaction is, wow that is exactly what I am going through, for a fleeting moment I am relieved to have some kind of understanding, then the doubt, am I just adopting what this person is going through and molding it to my self in some way? Trying to connect with anyone I can.
It's like my mind tries to undermine everything I think, feel or experience, i'm constantly questioning my own motives. I'm so tired of myself, not sure how to tell what is real and what is the effect of anxiety sometimes. I am constantly analyzing everything I think, say or do. Looking for mistakes, improvements that need to be made, and end up getting lost in all the negative. I feel like I might never be able to function properly in the long term, there's just so much bullshit exploding out of my mind. I feel like I've trapped myself, like i'm in a constant state of defense. I have this relentless need to understand why I am the way I am, perhaps it's all down to my crippling low self esteem, I just don't believe in my own perception any more. I get frustrated with myself when I can't seem to solve my problems neatly with a swift conclusion and a clear outcome. Why can't it be like a Math problem? Simple, focused, straight forward. I'm sure the human mind hasn't always been this messy.
The task of unraveling all of it is my own, only I can do it, tomorrow is another day, all I can do is keep trying, maybe stop striving to understand why I am the way I am, and try to find the person I want to be.
I should probably buy a Journal to pour my thoughts into.

06-15-2013, 06:16 PM
I think a journal would be a great idea for you! Reading your post I see you as being smart and witty! Perhaps you need to slow down your thoughts a bit. Acknowledge each one your having and slowly devolve each one! ; ) turn each thought into a positive one.

Anxious Abi
06-15-2013, 07:12 PM
Thank you Dcoito, lovely to receive your reply, I shall buy a journal ASAP! Just after 2am so right now going to try and see if I can finally relax and get my mind to shut off for a few hours at least. I really do appreciate the input and advice.

06-15-2013, 10:47 PM
Abi use the sleep/relax hypnosis app by Mindifi free app do you have a iPhone ?

06-16-2013, 07:54 AM
Yes, very smart and witty! That's Abi!!


06-16-2013, 10:34 AM
I think we're quite similar in some ways :) u seem really cool tho which of course I am not ;) I sort of wish I was more like u. V smart and witty :)

Anxious Abi
06-16-2013, 11:46 AM
I think that is most compliments I have ever had in my life!
Smart AND witty I will have to remember that, add it to my list of self positive statements.

Hey Hannah_28, It may seem as though I am cool but I really wouldn't describe myself as such. Honestly compared to a lot of people my age I would say i'm a bit of a loser LOL. I think we all covet traits we don't see in ourselves to some extent.

Thanks guys.

Anxious Abi
03-09-2014, 03:15 PM
Can't think of anywhere else to have a little rant, here's as good a place as any.
Stressed out today, I've been feeling pretty off for a couple of days, the intrusive, confused, shit thoughts are getting to me a little more than usual. Mum's in hospital something about Cushing's syndrome? That's probably why i'm so full of worry and angst, not to my mention my sister calling, barraging me with stupid questions. I want so bad to Google so I can know more about what my mum is going through, but I know it will probably only make me worry more. Urgh, I don't know. I just feel like I can't relax. I've tried focusing on my breath, I just can't seem to sit still, or stop my myself from worrying. Frustrated. Looking for a distraction.

03-09-2014, 04:20 PM
I don't know a whole lot about it but it seems to just be that her hormones are out of wack dear..nothing to be super seriously concerned about..
It's OK to feel as you do at the moment because you wanna help her, but you can't nor do you know what to do about it anyway..
She'll be fine, just focus on something good and tell yer Sis IDK!!..Ask the Doctors....
Hope today gets better for you dear, we're always here to do what ever we can to help..

Thinking of you and your family!....

Enduronman.. :)

03-09-2014, 04:42 PM
Can't think of anywhere else to have a little rant, here's as good a place as any. Stressed out today, I've been feeling pretty off for a couple of days, the intrusive, confused, shit thoughts are getting to me a little more than usual. Mum's in hospital something about Cushing's syndrome? That's probably why i'm so full of worry and angst, not to my mention my sister calling, barraging me with stupid questions. I want so bad to Google so I can know more about what my mum is going through, but I know it will probably only make me worry more. Urgh, I don't know. I just feel like I can't relax. I've tried focusing on my breath, I just can't seem to sit still, or stop my myself from worrying. Frustrated. Looking for a distraction.

Feeling for you Abi!
I took a look at what Cushings is and all is am going to tell you is that it is absolutely treatable and very successfully to.

Keep positive thoughts, it's your Mum , you love her and want every thing to be ok with her!

We understand! Keep yourself well so you can help your mum!

Anxious Abi
03-09-2014, 08:27 PM
Thank you so much Chris, Pam. I really appreciate you putting my mind at rest about it, it's true I can't really do anything, working myself up with worry is just going to make me feel a mess, and Mum can always tell when i'm 'not well', that would just make her worry when I visit. I took my pills, I feel real sleeepy now, so i'm feeling calmer, I just can't seem to get comfy in bed. I have this real intense burning sensation just below my left shoulder blade that wont seem to go away.
I hope you're well.

03-09-2014, 08:33 PM
Abi it takes time and practice, do not worry, you are smart and determined to over come it. Manipulating....Hm I always wonder the same thing. Or wonder if anything I say or think is mine....Hopefully time will come when you will feel really good... :) no worries Abi:)

Anxious Abi
03-09-2014, 08:46 PM
I was thinking about the thoughts I originally posted the thread for, and I still do wonder about the same things, it really takes me on strange thought journeys...
I break out of my anxiety haze to help a woman get something from the top shelf, and I think, did I do that because I'm a nice, polite person, or because I want to be seen as nice, what is the difference? Like am I nice, or do I just pretend to be? Would I know if I was pretending?
Do I say please and thank you all the time because my mum trained me to do it, or is it because I mean it?
Do I wear my hair this way because someone said it looked good on me, and I want to be seen as attractive, or is it because I like it this way, or do I like it this way because I think it makes me more attractive.
Stupid really...
What's the point in thinking about things like that, I only end up getting myself confused.
I can't question everything, I will go insanneeee.

I'm really craving spaghetti.