View Full Version : co workers accepting your weird ways
whenever we have new employees over to get trained, i try hard to be normal it just comes across weird and they get put off. i worry they might quit the next day because of me
09-02-2007, 02:20 AM
Well, if they want the job bad enough they won't quit just because of what you think might be weird. They might just be weird. I'm sure it's really not as bad as you think...while you are around them just breathe and pretend you are talking to a brother or sister if you have one. (Or Mom?) I always find that works for me when I am in a situation where I feel uncomfortable...
...speaking of uncomfortable, I have a coworker that is a starer :shock: like really will stare when I walk up, stare a lot when I am talking, never looks away and when I am done, welll....he's still staring. :shock: And it's not just me, but he does this to EVERYONE, it's so weird. So it makes me really uncomfortable and I keep blabbing b/c I don't feel like we are done with our conversation or something. I have found that the only way to deal with it is to pretend he's my sister. I am most comfortable and myself around her. He's the weird one that's making ME weird!! haha
09-02-2007, 02:27 AM
whenever we have new employees over to get trained, i try hard to be normal it just comes across weird and they get put off. i worry they might quit the next day because of me
I have the same situation happen to me. Not always, with all the people I've trained, just with some of them I feel like they're judging me on my character n personality, rather than my training abilities (A couple of years ago I worked as a company trainer, so I have some confidence in that).
I think that sometimes the fact that you're so conscious of it actually creates the situation, rather than it already being there.... just relax & be yourself :)
10-05-2007, 05:38 AM
Sounds like a bit of self-consciousness that overwhelms you in these social work situations. It's in your head. Even if you were a little shy or erradic around your co-workers, most people wander through life worried about themselves. I doubt they've put to much effort into noticing and of your idiosyncracies (if you even really have them). Remember, we're all fundamentally the same and everyone has feelings of doubt. Just accept these feelings and move on with your day. You can't change yourself in one day, but you can decide right now to love yourself for every flaw that you think you may have. Once you do that, people around you will love you that much more.
11-20-2007, 04:43 PM
I am having the same thing with people in my work place, I work in a smoothie bar and oh my life its close in there and I get nervious and chat jobberish or not talk loud enogh as I hear my own voice fade out.
The thing is I have explained to people on a one to one basis (thats what im best at) that I get a bit anxious when lots of people are around me.
My boss likes it when im anxious becase I go into turbo serve Smoothie mode, and smoothies in cardiff on saterday are flowing! :)
Just try and let people know around you (obviously not the ones your training) that you feel like this, they will probabaly turn around and say that they feel like that sometimes themselfs.
Suprising what others relate to when you come out with it.
obviously gauge it right though.
hope I made some sense :S
PS: been drinking smoothies for around 3 weeks, I feel a million bucks!
03-14-2008, 06:51 AM
I have been dealing with a health fobia now for ten years, when it first started i would check my pulse all the time, i was allways worrying about having heart attack. Well this soon became the big joke at my work with all my work mates copying me by checking there pulse, at first it anoyed me but i didnt let it get to me.
04-01-2008, 09:15 PM
telling people the truth, will give you peace of mind.
Acceptence, is a big part of overcoming.
go in peace my freind.
04-19-2008, 10:20 AM
Most of my anxiety and panic attacks happen at work. One way or the other, everyone in my office has seen it in me. They are relatively cool about it. Ive discussed and joked about it to most of them. It actually makes me feel better that they know that I do have panic attacks and such.
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