View Full Version : Poetry

06-15-2013, 11:12 AM
So last night I starting reading poems of OCD and Anxiety and I decided why not try it out. Hoping this will help with me coping with this and trying to get over it. Here are the first two that I have made. Please let me know what you think.

What its like to be me

What its like to be me
You would never know
You would hate to be me
My mind it never stops
Always worrying all the time
Something is on my hands
I must wash them all the time
They may be red
They may be sore
They may hurt
But I can’t let this go
I have to wash my hands or my mind it won’t stop
I know its unreal but the feeling won’t go
Everyone judges but no one really knows
What its like to be me
You really don’t want to know

My Own Prison

I live in a house but to me it’s a prison
A prison where my thoughts just don’t stop
Can’t touch that or that or that either
If you touch that you have to wash your hands my mind tells me
That has chemicals on it and so does that
Avoidance is what I’ve come to know and do
Oh know someone is using Windex can’t go over there
Run away run far away is what my mind is telling me to do
Wash your hands and everything will be ok
To everyone it’s ridiculous and I know it’s true
But my mind tells me at least I’m being safe
I live in a house that has become my prison

Anxious Abi
06-15-2013, 02:21 PM
I think it's amazing you're trying to bring something positive out of something so difficult for you. They're really quite good, you should definitely keep going with it. Really hope this outlet does help you to cope a little better.
Is poetry something anyone can have a go at?

06-15-2013, 04:21 PM
Good presentation Sam!

06-15-2013, 10:41 PM
I think it's amazing you're trying to bring something positive out of something so difficult for you. They're really quite good, you should definitely keep going with it. Really hope this outlet does help you to cope a little better.
Is poetry something anyone can have a go at?

Thanks Abi! Yes poetry is something that anyone can do just put down how you feel or anything you want. I know nothing about poetry but i looked some up and read them and decided that i was going to give it a try and so far its helped. Hope it continues to work for me.

06-15-2013, 10:49 PM
Good presentation Sam!

Thank you!

Anxious Abi
06-16-2013, 07:21 PM
Hey Samantha, hope you don't mind me posting this on your thread. You inspired me to have a go at the whole poetry thing, see if it would help with how I was feeling, not sure if it is how a poem is supposed to be, I wasn't that good at Literacy in school.
Here goes...


I will never understand,
you tell me,
when I was little you would hold my hand.
My protector,
my defender.

Dad I don't remember.
They tell me it changed you,
everything you had been through.
Dad we lost you too on that day.

I needed you, I needed my Dad.
Now all I remember is everything bad.
I look back and all I see,
are all the bruises you left on me.

All I wanted was for you to be proud.
All I hear is your voice,
so harsh, so loud.

Dad you broke my heart,
when I think of you I tear apart.
You let me know,
just how bad you wanted to go.
Because of me,
you wanted so badly to be free.

You threw me to floor,
told me you couldn't take it anymore.
The hurt and the pain,
I will never be the same.

You convinced me i'm worthless,
I'll never have a purpose.
All I wanted was your love,
I guess it was too much to ask for.


06-17-2013, 10:23 AM
thats really good. good job. you can always PM me if you want.