View Full Version : Buteyko Breathing to Help Anxiety Gaining Popularity!

06-14-2013, 08:38 PM
Anyone who asks me the single most important thing that helped me go from severe anxiety and panic to anxiety free, I always say the theory and the practice of Buteyko breathing exercises. So many people suffer needlessly from anxiety when the main thing they need to get under control is their overbreathing. I did so many techniques to get anxiety free that I detailed in the sticky thread above, so I did much more, but understanding about Dr. Buteyko's breathing research was absolutely huge in helping me. Not the only thing, but huge. I have recommended Patrick McKeown's book, Anxiety Free and Quieten the Mind many times, as you know, since that is what I used in the darkest time of my life. I was incredibly thrilled to see Dr. Mercola interview him on his website. EVERYONE here should read this complete article as it is such valuable information.


This idea that breathing more helps you receive more oxygen is 100% physiologically incorrect, as breathing more only releases too much CO2, which causes less oxygen to be released from your red blood cells. This is why if you breathed many times very fast you get light headed. Of course, the more you exercise the more you need to breathe, but just the right amount, not overbreathe. The nose is for breathing not the mouth. If you get that feeling like you can't get enough air in, you need to understand what Patrick McKeown is talking about in this article. He was certified by Dr. Buteyko himself. By practicing reduced breathing exercises properly, you can reverse the overbreating and begin to reset your breathing centers of your brain to start breathing less and calmer, and hence, get more oxygen into you, which will nourish your nervous system. Anxiety is your nervous system on high alert. Buteyko breathing is also used to treat asthma.

I bought the ebook that came wit an MP3, and did 1 Skype session with Patrick and I practiced at least twice daily. Like I said, it wasn't the only thing I did, but I went from Anxiety at a 10 to about a 5 within 5 days of practicing this.

I recommend lots of things, and still check out all the things I did in my threads above, but if I had to pick top 3 for combating anxiety I say,

1) Practice Buteyko breathing and understand the theory behind it. I recommend Patrick's book and CD. Make sure you practice it correctly.

2) Take 1-3 months of Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed formula for strong herbal formula to not only take away anxiety but to nourish your nerves. This is not like a Benzo but meant for long term healing. I bought it from the website: http://www.easternessentials.com/store/other-remedies/stay-calm-and-relaxed-formula/

3) Follow Claire Weekes advice when she talks about not adding 2nd fear. Do not add fear to the fear and use your Will to overcome Fear. Do not organize your life around your anxiety, but do the things that make you anxious and little by little push through them. Go straight through the dark tunnel to come out the light at the other side. Be patient and do not beat yourself up. Little by little is fine. There will be bumps in the road, but push yourself towards an anxiety free life, where eventually the things that make you anxious will not. You can't cower in a corner in fetal position and expect to get better. Motivate little by little and face your fears. And when you feel scared, do not add 2nd fear. Read my tread above in the sticky of the Quick Guide to Stopping Panic Attacks. If you do not add 2nd fear, the 1st fear should fade in time. Claire Weekes said it's the 2nd fear that keeps the whole thing going.

I do not get any money from any of this so don't worry. Just very excited to see this on one of the biggest medical websites in the world!

Read it and enjoy! Would be great to have a discussion about it.


06-14-2013, 11:37 PM
I've wanted to try this method for a while, but my nose is plugged every day all day. Either one nostril is slightly open or both are plugged up. This has caused me to be a chronic mouth breather, although I do not breathe with my chest. I've wondered for a long time if most of what I feel is simply because I mouth breath.

06-15-2013, 01:09 AM
I've wanted to try this method for a while, but my nose is plugged every day all day. Either one nostril is slightly open or both are plugged up. This has caused me to be a chronic mouth breather, although I do not breathe with my chest. I've wondered for a long time if most of what I feel is simply because I mouth breath.

Yeah Patrick goes into this n his book. There are many people like you. I can't remember exactly what he said to do about people who are chronic mouth breathers, but go look around his site or get the book or Google Buteyko breathing for mouth breathers. My guess is you just have to start practicing and little by little you will transition back to your nose. Breathing through your mouth means you are breathing out too much CO2 and you aren't getting the benefit of nitric oxide that you get breathing through your nose. Well, time to change things up a bit.

06-15-2013, 06:43 AM
Does this breathing method only helps people with heart/heart attack anxiety or can this also provide relief from the feeling of impending doom? Unlike many people here I do not suffer from heart anxiety. I knew that my heart was OK. What used to bother me the most was this feeling that the earth beneath my feet was moving violently. Only Benzos and ssri helped with this sensation. When I did not knew about Benzos/ssris I used to practice a somewhat similar exercise which was breathing through my stomach to get my mind off this sensation.

06-15-2013, 06:49 AM
I guess the KGB finally gave up trying to repress the method.

06-15-2013, 03:13 PM
Does this breathing method only helps people with heart/heart attack anxiety or can this also provide relief from the feeling of impending doom? Unlike many people here I do not suffer from heart anxiety. I knew that my heart was OK. What used to bother me the most was this feeling that the earth beneath my feet was moving violently. Only Benzos and ssri helped with this sensation. When I did not knew about Benzos/ssris I used to practice a somewhat similar exercise which was breathing through my stomach to get my mind off this sensation.

Just read the article.