View Full Version : Alone in a new town, my anxiety is through the roof. Someone please talk me down.

06-14-2013, 06:41 PM
My bf and I are in New Hampshire this weekend for a wedding. He's the best man, and so he's been gone all day with the rehearsal and the bachelor party. I've been alone in the hotel room the entire day, and I can't stop crying. My anxiety and depression have been unbearable since we got here. He won't be back until late, and I don't want to ruin his good time, but I'm really not okay. I'm in an extremely dark place right now, and I'm freaking out a bit. I wish that I had stayed home. I just want to die.

06-14-2013, 07:11 PM
My bf and I are in New Hampshire this weekend for a wedding. He's the best man, and so he's been gone all day with the rehearsal and the bachelor party. I've been alone in the hotel room the entire day, and I can't stop crying. My anxiety and depression have been unbearable since we got here. He won't be back until late, and I don't want to ruin his good time, but I'm really not okay. I'm in an extremely dark place right now, and I'm freaking out a bit. I wish that I had stayed home. I just want to die.

Try to breathe and relax. What's bothering you? Being alone? Being at the wedding? Don't think you're the first and only one who wants to leave this world....I was very close not to long ago. Meds and a friend really helped my new outlook on life. I'm taking meds and seeing counsellors and psychologists as often as I can. To tell you the truth, with some of them , I'm not sure we shouldn't be switching chairs! haha!
Cheer up and get those dark thoughts out of your mind. Do something to keep yourself busy.... Tell your BF how you feel. If he's any real guy, he will re-assure you and comfort you. This anxiety shit is so common.....I wish we all knew why we have it so much???

Take Care!

06-14-2013, 08:58 PM
My bf and I are in New Hampshire this weekend for a wedding. He's the best man, and so he's been gone all day with the rehearsal and the bachelor party. I've been alone in the hotel room the entire day, and I can't stop crying. My anxiety and depression have been unbearable since we got here. He won't be back until late, and I don't want to ruin his good time, but I'm really not okay. I'm in an extremely dark place right now, and I'm freaking out a bit. I wish that I had stayed home. I just want to die.

Hmmm.. I guess u don't have any lorazepam? That would be very helpful. But outside of that .. I find it helpful when I am away from familiar and anxious- to remind myself that 911/ emergency is never too far away and that you can always get in touch w emergency if you actually needed it. Next I would find the funniest comedy on TV., get my favorite snacks.. And try and lose myself in a "fun" time w comedy and good snacks..
Hopefully this is helpful..