View Full Version : Tension headaches

06-14-2013, 03:02 PM

Does anyone know if tension headaches can caused by antidepressants? I have had my Lexapro upped to 20MG for the past 4 weeks and I'm still getting horrible headaches, neck and shoulder pain, and body aches.

Not sure if its the med, or its not working, because I know tension headaches can also be depression symptom.

Thanks for any thoughts,

06-14-2013, 05:10 PM
Yes. Certain AD's can actually cause headaches because of how they prevent the reuptake of certain brain chemicals. Take a couple acetaminophen with a full glass of water if it gets to much to handle. I also wouldv'e thought that after 4 weeks, these would have subsided but it also may just be because you're abit dehydrated and don't realize it too.
