View Full Version : Please help!

06-14-2013, 11:38 AM

Just found this forum whilst searching the net for help with my fears, anxieties and hypochondria.

I feel so frightened and my head is full of scary thoughts mostly relating to mine or my loved ones health. Although I do worry about other things too but my main anxieties are health related. I am absolutely terrified of hospitals and doctors so I only ever go when things get too bad and if ever I needed surgery I think I would die of fright waiting to go into theatre!

If I'm happy I always think something is going to happen to spoil my happiness and inevitably my happiness is always marred by the black thoughts that take over my mind. Why do I torture myself like this I ask but I have no control over these terrifying thoughts of imminent doom!

The last 2 weeks I have had several panic attacks resulting in me crying, having hot and cold sweats, shaking and feeling physically sick and I told my husband it felt like I must be having a nervous breakdown! My husband is a huge support but nothing he says or does to help reassure me can alleviate my fears and of course he hates to stand by and see me in such a state. He begs me to go to my doctors but my fear of doctors and hospitals always causes his pleas to make me feel even worse!

Besides all my many fears and phobias I've now convinced myself, after a bout of sore throats that I have throat cancer and after reading about throat cancer on the Internet I am actually getting physical symptoms in my throat along with an intermittent croaky voice. My fear and panic got so that bad that 2 days ago I made an appointment to see my doctor as I just couldn't cope with the black hole I was in any more and my GP was very understanding. I sat sobbing as I poured all my fears out to him and after listening to me he felt the throat pains and croaky voice were more than likely due to muscle tension etc brought on by my anxiety and worry etc. He has prescribed me Prozac and Oxprenolol and wants to see me again in 2 weeks time.

However, i am now doubting his explanation and his competence as a doctor and cannot believe that fear and hypochondria can bring on actual physical symptoms in the throat and give someone an actual croaky voice? My doctor wants to try and get my anxiety levels sorted before he proceeds any further and I think he realised what courage it had taken me to make and keep my appointment that day and how much effort it had taken me to actually walk through his door.

However, today's been a really bad day for me and I am getting myself all worked up thinking that I have cancer of the voice box and its taking over my every waking moment! I hate feeling this way but my mind is so powerful and it really is my biggest enemy!



06-14-2013, 03:38 PM
Ok, let me say that you are not suffering from throat cancer!
When I first started with anxiety it all began with me thinking I had throat cancer.
I remember it clearly and it was four years ago.
I was on holiday and kept checking my throat in the nearest mirror, convinced I could see a lump and absolutely certain I was going to die.
I was so sure of this that I went to the doctor (which I never do as I am petrified of the places!)
The doc told me on two separate occassions that there was nothing wrong with my throat, but I still kept feeling as though I couldn't swallow. Little did I know that this was the beginning of my battle with anxiety and the lump I was feeling when swallowing was what they call the hysterical lump and it us caused by tense muscles.
My advise to you is to really do your best to get the whole throat cancer thing out of your head and concentrate on learning more about anxiety and how to cope with it.
Pm me if you ever need to talk. Xxx