View Full Version : Pains in chest

06-14-2013, 11:12 AM
Last half a hour to an hour I've had this pain in my chest like comes and goes its a weird sharp pain just in the middle above my breasts it's weird and sore my heart isn't racing just have this pain has anyone else had it before? Just don't know if its anxiety because my hearts not racing!!!

06-14-2013, 01:40 PM
Last half a hour to an hour I've had this pain in my chest like comes and goes its a weird sharp pain just in the middle above my breasts it's weird and sore my heart isn't racing just have this pain has anyone else had it before? Just don't know if its anxiety because my hearts not racing!!!

Yes I've had this plenty of times without my heart racing.. I guess it's anxiety!

06-14-2013, 10:50 PM
I actually went to urgent care today because I had had it constantly for four days all came back clean, I felt better knowing it was not my heart though! I have deeper wounds though do you have heartburn? Just pain? It is scary whatever you do don't google it, you will work yourself in a panic for sure. Way too much scary info and you start having symptoms you really don't have! The bill after ER or Urgent care is what kills yah...

06-14-2013, 10:50 PM
I had this yesterday for 2 days. Not pleasant... It most likely is your chest muscles.. Relax and deep breaths