View Full Version : SSRI(zoloft) discontinuation syndrome

06-14-2013, 06:17 AM
I was on zoloft(100 mg) along with zyprexa(15 mg) for a year for anxiety issues which are now resolved and I want to discontinue it. I tried to quit cold turkey and experienced brain zaps. Afterwards I tried splitting 100 mg pill into two 50 mg pills and then taking them. When I tried to quit this time I ran into very bad insomnia. I am awake for the whole night and can barely sleep for 2 hrs during the day. My eyes are tired, my brain is tired but I still can't sleep.

06-14-2013, 08:47 AM
Have u consulted ur doc before tampering with ur meds? There are various ingredients in the meds which making half of 100 wont help u cutting it off, the meds needs to be cut as per ur anxiety and depression levels.. pls check with ur doc before tampering them..

06-14-2013, 08:54 AM
My doctor is expensive. I don't want to visit him.

06-14-2013, 10:53 AM
You're going to have to taper off MUCH much slower than that or you may do some really serious damage to yourself, and probably will rebound right back into anxiety worse than you had before. Any change to dosage, either up or down, has to be done very gradually. I just raised my Prozac from 20 to 30 and I had side affects for several weeks just from a tiny increase. Going off, I believe, is even worse. I would go from 100 to 75 and stay at that level for a few weeks before attempting 50.

Good luck.

06-14-2013, 10:56 AM
Those zaps will fade. Alankay