View Full Version : What kind of anxiety do i have?
06-13-2013, 11:48 PM
I started out with a panic attack. That was the first thing to happen to me. Before that I had never had any of these feelings. I never had impending doom or anything like that. 24 yrs of living a pretty happy, normal life I guess you could say. Then the panic attack happened. Then another one about a month later. I've only had 2 big panic attacks my whole time with this anxiety disorder, which is about 6 months now. I had about 2 or 3 other instances where I almost went into panic mode but I was able to stop them before they progressed to that point. The other night I had an anxiety attack and I was shaking a bit and twitching but that only last for 5 minutes or so. The past 2 months or so i haven't felt like the first 3 I had with anxiety but I'm still not myself at all. I can go to work and stuff but almost everyday I have these feelings with me. My legs feel weird, like all day. My head feels weird and I get sharp pains here and there. I just feel uncomfortable all the time basically. So I guess what I'm asking is, what kind of anxiety disorder is this? Is this even an anxiety disorder anymore? I mean I'm sure it is. But I don't have panic anymore, and I don't really worry about anything like those with GAD. I go throughout my day just kind of wishing Ill feel normal again. So is this Hope Anxiety Disorder? Lol I mean, man, c'mon. What do you guys think?
06-14-2013, 01:01 AM
Sounds like GAD to me. Are you on meds?
06-14-2013, 01:13 AM
Sounds like GAD to me. Are you on meds?
Really? No I don't take any meds. I thought GAD would mean I'm in constant worry of something
06-14-2013, 02:32 AM
Feelings with you everyday..definately GAD. It's with you all the time and this is how it begins to take control. You are in constant worry of something each day, another panic attack. Get to the Dr. before it becomes your only focus in life friend..
06-14-2013, 02:43 AM
Feelings with you everyday..definately GAD. It's with you all the time and this is how it begins to take control. You are in constant worry of something each day, another panic attack. Get to the Dr. before it becomes your only focus in life friend..
Well I've been to the doctor plenty of times man, I don't want to need to anymore lol. My anxiety was a lot worse a couple of months ago. It's not as bad as it was. I can actually go to work now and drive and go to the store. I just feel these discomforts almost all the time. As if its the last thing I need to get rid of. I don't want meds that's for sure.
06-14-2013, 02:49 AM
Do you drink alot of caffeinated beverages, energy drinks, eat alot of sugary type stuff daily? Is your diet clean or dirty?? Do you use tobacco, alcohol, or other things?
06-14-2013, 03:05 AM
Do you drink alot of caffeinated beverages, energy drinks, eat alot of sugary type stuff daily? Is your diet clean or dirty?? Do you use tobacco, alcohol, or other things?
No. I try not to eat bad. I don't drink caffeine. No alcohol or tobacco.
06-14-2013, 03:16 AM
Ok. Here's an idea that may get you some quick results then but you may not like it. It isn't medications though. Pick (1) day and eat NOTHING that comes from an animal. NO meat, NO milk, nothing. (except eggs). Then post up here again and let us know if that helped to "calm" things down abit. You'll know it really quickly too.
I'm guessing that it's something in your diet. High amounts of sodium (salt) can also cause these exact same issues and feelings that you've noted here. The human body only needs 250mg of sodium a day to survive. Some people will eat 10,000mgs of sodium in a day from processed foods (cuz they taste good) and wonder why they feel anxious all the time...
So before we go anywhere, let's rule out animal foods/sodium.
06-14-2013, 03:19 AM
Ok. Here's an idea that may get you some quick results then but you may not like it. It isn't medications though. Pick (1) day and eat NOTHING that comes from an animal. NO meat, NO milk, nothing. (except eggs). Then post up here again and let us know if that helped to "calm" things down abit. You'll know it really quickly too.
I'm guessing that it's something in your diet. High amounts of sodium (salt) can also cause these exact same issues and feelings that you've noted here. The human body only needs 250mg of sodium a day to survive. Some people will eat 10,000mgs of sodium in a day from processed foods (cuz they taste good) and wonder why they feel anxious all the time...
So before we go anywhere, let's rule out animal foods/sodium.
Hmm. Alright, I'm willing to try that. Just one day right?
06-14-2013, 03:27 AM
Yes. (1) single day. All day. Then self-analyze the situation and how you feel and felt that (1) day. It's not real difficult but you gotta be ready to only eat things that grow from the dirt of this earth. Get some veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, or anything made from soybeans and see how this works for you. I suspect, that your issue is in your diet and can be easily corrected without medications or trips to the Dr. anymore may just have to make some really quick dietary adjustments BUT it'll be way better then any other alternatives bruh..
06-14-2013, 03:28 AM
Yes. (1) single day. All day. Then self-analyze the situation and how you feel and felt that (1) day. It's not real difficult but you gotta be ready to only eat things that grow from the dirt of this earth. Get some veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, or anything made from soybeans and see how this works for you. I suspect, that your issue is in your diet and can be easily corrected without medications or trips to the Dr. anymore may just have to make some really quick dietary adjustments BUT it'll be way better then any other alternatives bruh..
Alright I'll try it and see how it goes. Thanks man
06-14-2013, 03:31 AM
You're welcome friend!
Post up with your results too so other here can see what making these changes can actually do. (I did the same, it takes abit to get used too BUT wow..I'm way more relaxed so it WAS worth it)...
Make today a good one bruh!
06-14-2013, 10:47 PM
Okay so I ate nothing but vegetables and drank water today. I had no meat, just wheat bread and vegetables and water. Surprisingly I felt a bit better during my day at work. My legs didnt feel so uneasy and I didn't have any head pains really. I was doing well all day and then I had this feeling in my head, I don't know if it's what people call a "brain shake" or if its something else. I walked away from a customer and turned my head quickly and felt a strange spasm or something in my head. This happens sometimes but today it was a bit different. I don't know what it is but it scared me pretty bad today and the rest of my day at work and even now I feel pretty crappy :( kinda of worried
06-14-2013, 11:16 PM
Was it a tingle? Or like a cloud? I get this sometimes it is scary! Mostly if I'm with clients and they are talking fast I feel like it passes through my head and I'm gonna pass out. Did you have that feeling? I never actually have though and that's what you have to focus on the fact nothing actually happened and your ok, you made it another day :)
06-14-2013, 11:19 PM
Was it a tingle? Or like a cloud? I get this sometimes it is scary! Mostly if I'm with clients and they are talking fast I feel like it passes through my head and I'm gonna pass out. Did you have that feeling? I never actually have though and that's what you have to focus on the fact nothing actually happened and your ok, you made it another day :)
Not a tingle. It's very difficult to explain. But when it happens it really scares because its my head. It feels like a strong throb. It's not painful it just feels like a throb and I feel a sort of tightness in between my eyes for a split second. And it's gone. It just happens and goes away. I don't know what to thin of it
06-15-2013, 01:39 AM
I thought my anxiety was nothing at all, just another day to pass until it gets worse. Now it's unbearable. And believe this friend it will if u don't have the power, the friends, and the support to do so..
06-15-2013, 01:41 AM
I also get a feeling like my head jumps off my shoulders for a split second then I refocus and continue. Freaking scary
06-15-2013, 06:21 AM
Ok..It sounds like you did have some positive success until it was ruined by whatever this brain freeze thing is. This, I have not heard of but I'm sure it's related to anxiety, being on your feet for long periods of time possibly, perceived stresses, and I'm pretty much just theorizing but it seems like the beginnings of a headache? I suspected that you would feel way better for hundreds of different reasons that I won't mention here. So, here's the next challenge and I'll explain why (briefly, I hope!)
Try to continue with the vegetarian diet. No meat. No dairy.
Try to eat some eggs. (you'll need the fat and cholesterol from the yolk). Fats force our bodies to make cholesterol and also we can digest some of the cholesterol from foods too. Our bodies use cholesterol as the MAIN BUILDING BLOCK MATERIAL to manufacture all necessary and required hormones, prohormones, DHEA, Testosterone, Steroids, and to be honest with you an egg yolk is a Steroid. Our adrenal glands are responsible for producing all of these chemicals, from Cholesterol.
Also, if we have no fats in our diet, the balance of nutrients gets thrown off and if you choose to remain vegetarian then you'll need fats. (nuts, vegetable oils, margarine)
I also use extra virgin olive oil to help keep this chemical balance in order because it is a good fat (essential fatty acids, 3, 6) and these efa's are "brain balancers" and help with mental clarity and cognition. They also act as lubricants like what oil does for a car, seriously. We're just like machines, with blood.
Lastly, take a multi vitamin with your breakfast. This vitamin will not dissolve and or absorb into where it is needed without the presence of a water based beverage and also fats. Certain vitamins are water soluable, certain vitamins are fat soluable.
I tried to keep this post short, and simple, although I could cover this entire page with information about what foods are actually capable of doing for our bodies other then just taste good. Whenever you're pushing the body to far (weightlifting) then you have to know exactly what to put into it to correct the damage that was purposefully done.
06-15-2013, 08:12 AM
I found this link, interesting although I would still avoid the fish that is processed and packed for our consumption here in the States. I still believe that much of the anxieties that people feel are simply created by what they eat, or what they don't eat the same...
Also, you're in a very select group of people with anxiety where irrational thoughts don't seem to be fueling this condition. You're pretty fortunate friend, and also rare too.
06-15-2013, 10:01 AM
I know anxiety can cause all kinds of strange twitches in the arm, leg, head, heart I think it is even a doctors mystery. You just have to tell yourself it didn't kill me last time I'm ok and continue on. Tell your Dr about it see what they say.
06-15-2013, 10:20 AM
Ok..It sounds like you did have some positive success until it was ruined by whatever this brain freeze thing is. This, I have not heard of but I'm sure it's related to anxiety, being on your feet for long periods of time possibly, perceived stresses, and I'm pretty much just theorizing but it seems like the beginnings of a headache? I suspected that you would feel way better for hundreds of different reasons that I won't mention here. So, here's the next challenge and I'll explain why (briefly, I hope!)
Try to continue with the vegetarian diet. No meat. No dairy.
Try to eat some eggs. (you'll need the fat and cholesterol from the yolk). Fats force our bodies to make cholesterol and also we can digest some of the cholesterol from foods too. Our bodies use cholesterol as the MAIN BUILDING BLOCK MATERIAL to manufacture all necessary and required hormones, prohormones, DHEA, Testosterone, Steroids, and to be honest with you an egg yolk is a Steroid. Our adrenal glands are responsible for producing all of these chemicals, from Cholesterol.
Also, if we have no fats in our diet, the balance of nutrients gets thrown off and if you choose to remain vegetarian then you'll need fats. (nuts, vegetable oils, margarine)
I also use extra virgin olive oil to help keep this chemical balance in order because it is a good fat (essential fatty acids, 3, 6) and these efa's are "brain balancers" and help with mental clarity and cognition. They also act as lubricants like what oil does for a car, seriously. We're just like machines, with blood.
Lastly, take a multi vitamin with your breakfast. This vitamin will not dissolve and or absorb into where it is needed without the presence of a water based beverage and also fats. Certain vitamins are water soluable, certain vitamins are fat soluable.
I tried to keep this post short, and simple, although I could cover this entire page with information about what foods are actually capable of doing for our bodies other then just taste good. Whenever you're pushing the body to far (weightlifting) then you have to know exactly what to put into it to correct the damage that was purposefully done.
Well I will go ahead and try this again. I do seem to get tension headaches quite a bit. So maybe you're right about it being the start of the headache. That feeling I get in my head kind of reminds me of the feeling I had when I regretfully did the drug that caused this anxiety disorder. Yesterday I noticed I was fine until I went on lunch and laid my head down and took a small nap. When I awoke and stood up I felt as if my head was a bit tense and heavy. I could feel pressure. That's when the feelings started
06-15-2013, 06:19 PM
I found this link, interesting although I would still avoid the fish that is processed and packed for our consumption here in the States. I still believe that much of the anxieties that people feel are simply created by what they eat, or what they don't eat the same...
Also, you're in a very select group of people with anxiety where irrational thoughts don't seem to be fueling this condition. You're pretty fortunate friend, and also rare too.
Yes, exactly. Getting your fish fresh is the best bet over the flash frozen and processed type. I found a wholesale seafood place about 20 minutes away, I go once a week and stock up on my fish for the week. Its actually not too expensive. Similarly, I go to the vegetable market and stock up on my veggies for the week. I have been feeling SO much better since changing my eating habits. I still eat chicken but rarely now, typically only boneless breast shreded and sauteed with onion, green, yellow and red pepper.Season with garlic powder, parsley, black pepper, extra virgin olive oil. I don't like salt in my food, but a little bit wouldn't hurt.
Sorry, I could go on and on about how changing my diet and amt of exercise has helped reduce my anxiety. .......
06-15-2013, 09:55 PM
Well, day 2 went better. But there's bad news as well. I had to work all day today. I wasn't feeling fine, ate veggies again with water and I went and bought some nuts to go with it to snack on during the day. I was feeling pretty okay. Still had some tension in my head though and i felt a bit of pain on the back of my neck just under my head that wouldnt quite go away. but it only lasted a little while. Just before closing I went to charge a customer and I felt fear. i felt it in my chest and I felt it escalate very quickly. Then a rush ran through my legs. I had to stop and close my eyes. I gathered myself and it went away. It was a panic attack starting up but that lasted for just a second or two and it went away, such an ugly feeling. Huge sighs from me right now as I lay in bed. I'm going to keep eating this way for awhile if not the rest of my life and keep my sodium and sugars to a very low minimum. I want to rid myself of this disorder soon.
06-15-2013, 10:02 PM
I wish you the best of luck Alfred! I'm so happy to hear good stories, success stories! And great job shutting the devil down so quickly !!
06-15-2013, 10:13 PM
I wish you the best of luck Alfred! I'm so happy to hear good stories, success stories! And great job shutting the devil down so quickly !!
Thank you so much. It takes a lot out of you, I just want to lay down the rest of the night. I don't know why these feelings must exist. Its Such crap. I hope I really do get better. If other people have done it then surely anyone can right? I hope everyone figures their ways out of this mess.
06-15-2013, 10:15 PM
Theres a documentary called "food matters" that you might like. Keep up the clean eating and exercise. You handled your attack like a real pro today. Dont forget recovery is not linear. Its a series of ups and downs. Also dont forget that we are all in this together.
06-15-2013, 11:31 PM
Theres a documentary called "food matters" that you might like. Keep up the clean eating and exercise. You handled your attack like a real pro today. Dont forget recovery is not linear. Its a series of ups and downs. Also dont forget that we are all in this together.
Thank you. It really means a lot having support like this. Sometimes you need to be reminded that you need to keep pushing and that the ups will come with the downs before you get where you want to be. I appreciate it so much guys. Thank you
06-16-2013, 07:05 AM
Excellent progress Alfred!
It appears that this panic attack that you felt, (after working all day without much difficulty now yes!), was caused by the fact that you were worn out, tired, fatigued, and quite possibly something as simple as a drop in your glucose levels (sugars) in your blood after standing, talking, working, helping customers, etc, etc...
Quick fix. Take some fruits too friend! A banana or an apple can do wonders for these types of attacks if you're prepared for them. Eat some fruit an hour or so before the end of your shift so you don't "crash"...that's what it sounds like it was friend.
You're doing great bruh!!
Great support here from everyone too!!
06-16-2013, 10:04 AM
Well, day 2 went better. But there's bad news as well. I had to work all day today. I wasn't feeling fine, ate veggies again with water and I went and bought some nuts to go with it to snack on during the day. I was feeling pretty okay. Still had some tension in my head though and i felt a bit of pain on the back of my neck just under my head that wouldnt quite go away. but it only lasted a little while. Just before closing I went to charge a customer and I felt fear. i felt it in my chest and I felt it escalate very quickly. Then a rush ran through my legs. I had to stop and close my eyes. I gathered myself and it went away. It was a panic attack starting up but that lasted for just a second or two and it went away, such an ugly feeling. Huge sighs from me right now as I lay in bed. I'm going to keep eating this way for awhile if not the rest of my life and keep my sodium and sugars to a very low minimum. I want to rid myself of this disorder soon.
You are making baby steps. You didn't acquire this issue with anxiety overnight therefore it will take baby steps to resolve or learn how to control it. You will have your awesome days, or even a portion of the day, and thats ok. Be happy for the hours that went well. When you start to feel anxious, drink some water, concentrate on your breathing....deep breath in through your nose, exhale completely through your mouth. If you are by yourself, visualize someplace calming. When you get by the anxious period, let it go and try to think positive about the rest of your day and how it will go well.
Continue your good eating habits, make sure you get enough sleep, you will start to see results. Keep us posted and good luck to you!
06-16-2013, 11:49 AM
Excellent progress Alfred!
It appears that this panic attack that you felt, (after working all day without much difficulty now yes!), was caused by the fact that you were worn out, tired, fatigued, and quite possibly something as simple as a drop in your glucose levels (sugars) in your blood after standing, talking, working, helping customers, etc, etc...
Quick fix. Take some fruits too friend! A banana or an apple can do wonders for these types of attacks if you're prepared for them. Eat some fruit an hour or so before the end of your shift so you don't "crash"...that's what it sounds like it was friend.
You're doing great bruh!!
Great support here from everyone too!!
I will try that next time. Thanks a lot for the guidance. I really appreciate the help man.
06-16-2013, 05:10 PM
To answer your first question .
No label is going to fix you . No matter what they wish to call it on the bill , it is the problems that are causing it that needs to be dealt with .
The worst , worst thing you can do is label yourself
"I don't really worry about anything like those with GAD. I go throughout my day just kind of wishing Ill feel normal again."
You say you dont worry but yet you worry all day that you cant just feel normal .
Try Dr Weekes book , Hope and help for your nerves . It will explain this well
I have a lot about that book. I really do need to read it. Thank you
06-17-2013, 10:24 AM
How is it going Alfred?? Good, bad, whatever try to fill us all in.
06-17-2013, 11:58 AM
How is it going Alfred?? Good, bad, whatever try to fill us all in.
Well I woke up just awhile ago and right now I have that uncomfortable feeling in my body. Guess that's the anxiety, I always wonder why I feel this way most mornings. Anyway, Yesterday was a bit better. I didn't completely shut sodium and sugar out of my diet but I kept it quite low. I woke up feeling completely okay for about an hour or 2. I went to the store with my sister and that's when the feelings kind of returned. Not sure why, I will admit, going places away from home, although I can do it, it still kind of makes me worry slightly. Like what if I were to feel very strange somewhere in public, I remember when this was nothing to me, and now it makes my anxiety act up. Although I don't think any of this to myself, subconsciously I know it's there. For about the rest of the day I didn't really do much. I stayed home, watched a movie and that's about it. I started to feel anxious so I just stayed in bed and tried not to care. I went downstairs to eat at 9pm and was talking to some family like I used to before I felt any of this. There I was ignoring how I felt and chatting away, watching funny videos and laughing about dumb things. Those are the little moments where I can almost completely forget about the anxiety and kind of be myself. After about an hour of that I came back up to lay in bed and watch another movie. I didn't feel too bad anymore and eventually I fell asleep.
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