View Full Version : Sleep.

Anxious Abi
06-13-2013, 08:55 PM
Hey guys, I'm sure a lot of us are in the same boat when it comes to disrupted sleeping, but lately I feel strange all the time, like my mind is exhausted but my body isn't or visa versa, when I try to sleep, I can't, then i'm tired all day long, and sleeping when I shouldn't be.. Just wondered if anybody had any advice on correcting a disrupted sleeping pattern? I feel like maybe if I just keep trying, like when you see those parenting programs where they keep putting the kid back into bed over and over, maybe eventually it will work. I'm not sure, any advice would be appreciated.

06-14-2013, 01:33 AM
I can completely relate to this. I actually never feel 'sleepy' anymore like I used to, in like years...
I have become dependant on sleeping tablets and have been on them for so long now. Anxiety fills us with adrenaline and cortisol, two crazy hormones and they prevent us from winding down enough to sleep properly. I Also find that a busy, introspected mind causes more anxiety and depression- a huge viscous cycle!

06-14-2013, 01:44 AM
I fight this all the time. Sometimes I can make it work for a while, but it's impossible when I'm unemployed. I'm sorry I can't give advice, but I can relate. It's not a mystery to me that I've loved being awake at night for so long, probably, because it's less stressful. Usually, you can really be alone and there's no expectation for you to go anywhere. Nobody will be calling, and if you do happen to go out it's as if you and the other person (if you're not alone) have the whole world to yourselves. It feels like the night time is the only time to catch up on all the things you didn't do during the day, or else it's the only time to enjoy being awake. The daytime seems more exhausting because there's more pressure on you for a variety of things- even just the expectation that you should do the dishes or change out of your pajamas. At night, you're always supposed to be "going to bed" at any minute, and any stolen time is somehow pressure-free, except for the need to sleep eventually.

06-14-2013, 01:46 AM
Well, and lately I've tried to come to terms with the fact that I just don't like to go to sleep- most likely because of awful dreams. This aspect has improved lately, though, for me.

Anxious Abi
06-14-2013, 06:47 AM
Hey Egglish, I often have 'uncomfortable' dreams, they're not nightmares, and sometimes I don't really remember most of them, but they feel strange, I always wake up feeling uneasy and anxious.
I can totally identify with waking at night being less stressful. I think sometimes I too prefer to be awake when no one else is, for precisely the reasons you described.
Glad things have improved a little for yourself.

06-14-2013, 08:24 AM
How often do you take the risperdone, and when?? I know you had mentioned 1.5mg, is that correct Abi?


Anxious Abi
06-14-2013, 11:05 AM
Hey E-Man, yeah that's right, I have to take half a 1mg tablet and half a 0.5mg tablet in the morning, and then the same again at night. So it adds up to 1.5mg daily in total.

06-14-2013, 11:25 AM
Ok. I was just wondering if maybe the medication dosages, and timing, may be interupting your real sleep patterns. Without proper rest, we tend to get even more screwed up then we already were. My oldest daughter would have to take that at 9pm every night, then it would knock her out until 7 the next am. Once it finally got into her blood and it leveled out (body adapted) then it seemed to work quite well. Does it even make you tired as it did her?? Just curious..

Have a good day Abi!

Anxious Abi
06-14-2013, 01:16 PM
It does seem to make me feel really lethargic like I have no energy, and I get tired really easy, but it doesn't tend to be sleepy tired, more like a lazy tired, if that makes sense.

You too.