View Full Version : Celexa

06-13-2013, 06:15 PM
Hi all, I was just prescribed 10 mg Celexa for my general anxiety disorder. I have not started taking them yet. Has anyone else tried this drug?

06-13-2013, 07:26 PM
I did about 11 years ago, but don't didn't take it long. No particular reason that I can remember. Hell I probably didn't take it long enough to feel any benefits from it. I was prescribed it again but am nervous to take it. Im interested in hearing other peoples experiences as well.

06-13-2013, 07:40 PM
I have been taking Celexa now for a year and a half.....prescribed for my panic disorder. It has truly been a lifesaver! You have to make it thru the first 3 weeks before you can really see a difference. For me the anxiety was heightened before it got better! I find I am just a much nicer person who lets situations just roll off my back now...my reaction time is greater before snapping at other people, especially my children. Just give it a chance to work its magic.....it really does help!

06-13-2013, 08:54 PM
I was prescribed celexa almost two years ago right after my panic attacks started. I know everyone is different and reacts differently to medications. My experience with Celexa was horrible. I had only taken it for a day and ended up in the ER vomiting with tremors because I was allergic to it. It made me not myself for almost two weeks after that night. I wouldn't get out of bed. I felt like I wasn't in control of my own thoughts. I never had a thought of hurting myself. It just felt like someone else was in control of my brain. It wa horrible. I finally felt normal enough to return to work after being out for two weeks. But I know friends that have taken it and loved it. So like I said, everyone reacts differently. You won't ever know util you try. It's a miracle for some.