View Full Version : Need your advice !!!

06-13-2013, 01:00 PM
Hey guys

umm i just came back from my doctor and that was first time we talked about my anxiety... she seemed to understand everything except one part i told her that i dont wanna take "anti-depressants" because what i've been reading on the internet about anti depressants is horrible!!! I dont wanna rely on them, so i've asked her if diet can reduce anxiety like magnesium, amino acids, omega 3, vitamin b and all those other vitamins. I really was looking forward for a "positive" answer since i read somewhere on the forum about "how magnesium and amino acids cured my anxiety". But she just said that it wont help much taking vitamins instead she kept on asking why i dont wanna take the anti-depressants, i simply told her because they dont cure it, they just stop the symptoms for the moment but when u stop taking them, everything will come back. Maybe i'm wrong but i read so many posts about how bad anti-depressants are and that u become addicted and all those stuff. So guys i dont really know what to do, she told me to take "75 mg Effexor (venlafaxine)" im so scared seriously, i dont wanna ruin my life even though its ruined haha but still. It's so frustrating i thought natural supplements are good for anxiety instead of this crap anti depressants.

I really would love to hear your oppinion and your experience with those medicaments...

Thanks for taking your time :)

Wish you all a wonderful day even when its hard when you're dealing with this bullshit anxiety :D

06-13-2013, 01:39 PM
Hello I was like you and I did not want to go on anything,I've had Anxiety for over 20 years now but in the last two weeks I've had it so bad I've had to get something for it,I've only been on it for 9 days so I can't see much of a change as yet but what I do know is sometimes we need a little hand now and then I don't want to be in something forever tho I want to at least give it a go x

06-13-2013, 04:52 PM
That whole nutritional supplement intake cures anxiety is complete and total bullshit.

Sorry to be so blunt, but it is...

The patient has to have the desire to adjust these f**ked up thoughts in their minds, get on some medications designed to target these nerve centers and neurotransmitters in the brain, begin to see things in this world differently, then realize that everything around them isn't going to explode..

Jus sayin.


06-14-2013, 06:34 AM
Antidepressants(ADs) are not addictive, Benzodiazespines are addictive(but also highly effective). You just have to take ADs regularly for them to have effect. You should ask your doctor for another antidepressant. Effexor and paxil have bad reputation . People report bad withdrawals from these meds. There are other ADs which are less risky (Prozac,Zoloft,Celexa,Lexapro etc). Don't be afraid to take your meds. Think of meds as extending a helping hand rather than messing with your brain.