View Full Version : What do i do help????

06-13-2013, 09:07 AM
I due to go away for a girls weekend Tomorow,I live in London and its up north,it's been planned for a whole year,we did it last year and it was so much fun,tho I did have one attack but that was that,tho this year I don't know what to do,do I go? My attacks have been non stop the last
Two weeks and the worst they have ever been,I've felt really bad today,do I go and try to have fun or do I stay and wished I should have gone?

06-13-2013, 09:40 AM
Go and have fun, tell your panic attacks to fuck off! You have to keep living your life.

06-13-2013, 09:48 AM
Go and have fun, tell your panic attacks to fuck off! You have to keep living your life.

Oh how I wished I could say that lol

06-13-2013, 09:55 AM
Why can't you say it, you want panic to control your life? I know its overwhelming but it passes, keep your mind busy by having fun with your friends. If your friends don't understand explain it to them. Tha would give you a lot of relief in my opinion. And if you feel your getting a panic attack then you could say FUCK OFF PANIC, it's a bumpy ride but it will pass.

06-13-2013, 11:04 AM
Why can't you say it, you want panic to control your life? I know its overwhelming but it passes, keep your mind busy by having fun with your friends. If your friends don't understand explain it to them. Tha would give you a lot of relief in my opinion. And if you feel your getting a panic attack then you could say FUCK OFF PANIC, it's a bumpy ride but it will pass.

All my friends know about it so that's ok,I've had them for 20 years so I know what they can do and spoil things,how long you had them?