View Full Version : Bad Angry Day!

06-13-2013, 07:23 AM
Ugh sick of feeling so shitty. I'm starting to taper off my meds and making me feel so bad. I'm so cranky today with having anxiety symptoms too i nearly took my head off my boss! My heads all over the place and can't concentrate in work. Just going to head to gym after work and see if that clears my head a bit.

That's all I just wanted a rant with people who know what anxiety is like and how annoying this is!!


06-13-2013, 07:25 AM
Ugh sick of feeling so shitty. I'm starting to taper off my meds and making me feel so bad. I'm so cranky today with having anxiety symptoms too i nearly took my head off my boss! My heads all over the place and can't concentrate in work. Just going to head to gym after work and see if that clears my head a bit.

That's all I just wanted a rant with people who know what anxiety is like and how annoying this is!!


What Meds you coming off? And how long have you been on them?

06-13-2013, 07:30 AM
Lexapro and Xanax. Been on them about 1.5 years now. No Xanax for ages now and now coming off lexapro. Withdrawals are terrible!! I feel like I have flu and am getting bit of anxiety symptoms aswell.

I'm glad I'm well enough or can deal with anxiety now to come off them but withdrawal not good. I'm still in CBT though so not doing it alone.

06-13-2013, 07:36 AM
Lexapro and Xanax. Been on them about 1.5 years now. No Xanax for ages now and now coming off lexapro. Withdrawals are terrible!! I feel like I have flu and am getting bit of anxiety symptoms aswell.

I'm glad I'm well enough or can deal with anxiety now to come off them but withdrawal not good. I'm still in CBT though so not doing it alone.

Well I think your doing really well so don't be to hard on yourself :) take each day at a time and it will get better believe me I know,I've been Able to cope with my Anxiety attacks the years on and off and with small amount of Meds but the last two weeks have been so bad that I've had to go on something else tho I'm sure it will get better again within time again

06-13-2013, 07:52 AM
Thanks em1 and for listening. You know sometimes just knowing that someone else has had the same experience just makes me feel better.

I hope you start to feel better very soon and well done👍I know how much strength it takes to go back on the meds and how bad you must have felt to do it. Keep fighting and be kind to yourself.

06-13-2013, 08:01 AM
Thanks em1 and for listening. You know sometimes just knowing that someone else has had the same experience just makes me feel better.

I hope you start to feel better very soon and well doneddc4dI know how much strength it takes to go back on the meds and how bad you must have felt to do it. Keep fighting and be kind to yourself.

I think we all know how Anxiety can make your life hard at times and it's so not easy to so off again lol

06-13-2013, 08:41 AM
Yes its a big shit.. my day went good but juz nw the sun set and i dont know whether its my anxiety or travel sickness coz i was constantly travelling in car for nearly 15 hrs.. mood is not good, angry a lot wanted peace of mind..