View Full Version : excuse to commit suicide

08-28-2007, 04:01 AM
they say suicide is a selfish act .. well, no one wants to be around overly anxious, gloomy, miserable person right?

i think ill be doing everyone a favor

08-28-2007, 10:50 AM
you need support, that is all. do you have support? tell us specifically what is going on.
we have all been there, where you are. i myself struggle. suicide is not an option for me--or you--please.
i do not have much--i barely know people, i basically stop dealing with them when they hurt me--consequently, i am alone. i tend to move where i have no family--some issues there.
when you are feeling strong enough, please reach out, risk a little. i do it when i am up to it--sometimes it works or not, but one has to do things that scare one.do you remember doing something that made you anxious but you did it anyway, and it turned out ok, or you just felt better afterwards getting it over with?
my ways of dealing with anxiety and depression--organize environment and thoughts, make a list, write in a journal how i really feel--this is all hard because just doing it feels crazily anxious, just doing bills makes me depressed. but after, its a relief. during, i feel inept, self-hating--nothing feels efficient, like its taking too long, i am making errors--all this drives me to stop/procrastinate--procrastinating worsens the anxiety.
i find placing a reward at the end of such tasks are good because usually i feel guilty treating myself well unless i have earned something.
anyway, i hope you feel better --sometimes one needs sleep, food, a good word and its not so hard.
be well.

08-28-2007, 01:59 PM
Listen, you posted like 8-9 months ago so whatever we say right now may or may not be helpful...

First of all I am so sorry that no one responded to you before today.

Second, you can't just give up. I agree with the above message. You have to push yourself and do things that scare you. Seeing that a situation turned out alright despite your fears is the best medicine. You certainly do need support, there's no question. If you don't have anyone in your life who can do that, turn to us. We can help you. If you make a post in the future I will answer you.

You may think you're alone, but it's just the opposite. You're not the only one who feels this way. You're not the only one in pain. Let's help each other. Let's not allow anxiety to rule our lives and destroy our futures.

To your peace, health and happiness my friend!

08-29-2007, 11:50 AM
I agree with Dorothy. Plus you're part of everyone else's recovery too. I know I wouldn't have been able to overcome my fears and anxieties without the support from others that could relate to how I was feeling. You're a valuable person to lots of people.


08-29-2007, 02:53 PM
Nothing is worth killing yourself over man. You need to get some help. What freaks me out is thinking about what happens when you die. Maybe try thinking about that and then see if you really want to kill yourself. Chances are you'll be too freaked out to do it. I know that's what would stop me...