View Full Version : Strange eye/temple twitch for 2 weeks. Please help :(

06-13-2013, 04:55 AM
Hey guys,

Been having a strange twitch for the last 2 weeks, started out as a normal annoying eye twitch and now it's more of a temple twitch. It runs from my eyebrow down to the top of my cheek bone of the right side. I get bad headaches (migraine, tension, occipital neuralgia, had a CT scan 7months ago so know I don't have a tumour or anything) but this is more of a sensation that goes along with it, a pressure or liquid cold burning feeling almost.. Very mild and comes and goes through out the day. It's actually visible in the mirror. I have been really stressed out but I take Valium which normally helps chill me out but this twitch happens regardless! Anyone else experienced this? Really scared.

Thanks in advance.

06-13-2013, 06:13 AM
Yes, it is most likely due to anxiety. I used to get that all the time, the twitching would start around my eye and work it's way down my cheek into my chin area. It would eventually just go away on its own.